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Suites op. 2 pour flute trav. (flute a bec, hautb

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Flute and Piano


Pour flute trav. (flute à bec, hautbois, violon) e basse continue. By Istvan Mariassy. By Jacques-Martin Hotteterre. EMB Urtext. Book Only. Composed 1993. 100 pages. Editio Musica Budapest #EMBZ13901. Published by Editio Musica Budapest (BT.EMBZ13901).


The French flutenist, composer and instrument maker born in 1684 is the originator of the long and impressive French flute playing tradition. The present volume is the first modern, critical edition of 'Pieces' published in 1708 and revised seven years later.

Instrumentation :

Flute and Piano

Publisher :

EMB (Editio Musica Budapest)

Seller information:Sheetmusicplus
Place :USA
Shipping :World wide shipping (except EU countries!, As of July 1, 2021 Sheet Music Plus does not ship physical goods to EU countries)