SKU: HL.390875
UPC: 196288028444. 6.75x10.5x0.036 inches.
Ryan Tedder, the lead vocalist for the pop rock band OneRepublic, has made a living out of being a musician, TV personality, songwriter, and record producer for some of the hottest names in popular music. This energetic, propulsive song directly mirrors Ryan's thirst for the hustle and the never-ending search for optimism and drive in unprecedented times.
SKU: FG.55011-420-3
ISBN 9790550114203.
Andante festivo is originally composed for string quartet by Jean Sibelius (1865-1957). The direct radio broadcast of its string orchestra version in 1939, honoring the World Fair in New York City, was Sibelius's last public appearance as a conductor. This solemn, hymn-like composition fits perfectly for the organ. Pianist, cantor-organist Esa Ylonen's transcription is based on Karl Ekman's piano transcription.
SKU: HL.390876
UPC: 196288028451. 6.75x10.5x0.036 inches.
SKU: BT.DHP-1115057-020
9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Pierius Magnus is een historisch figuur uit Friesland. Hij was boer én opstandeling tegen de Hollandse onderdrukkers, zo rond het jaar 1500. Was hij een held? Was hij een barbaar? Hoe we hem ook willen zien, Jan de Haan zag in GruttePier ieder geval een spannende bron van inspiratie in voor een compositie. Hij stelt de nationale held direct in het begin aan ons voor met een grillig capricciothema. Daarna volgt: ‘De Arumer Swarte Heap’, zijn bende mannen dieten strijde trok tegen de Hollanders. Een moment van rust valt in. Maar niet voor lang, want de strijd barst in alle hevigheid los! Het werk eindigt met het terugtrekken van een gedesillusioneerde Grutte Pier...Pierius Magnus ist eine historische Figur aus Friesland, ein Bauer und Aufständischer gegen die holländischen Unterdrücker um 1500. Ob Held oder Barbar lässt sich heute einfach nicht zweifelsfrei belegen, aber der Komponist fand die Geschichte einfach zu spannend, um sie nciht als Inspirationsquelle zu nutzen. In Pierius Magnus wird der Nationalheld gleich zu Beginn des Werkes mit einem kapriziösen Thema vorgestellt, gefolgt von seinem Haufen De Arumer Swarte Heap. Dann- bevor der Kampf beginnt- tritt ein Moment der Ruhe ein, bevor Pier und seine Truppe in den Kampf ziehen. Das Werk endet mit dem Rücken des desillusionierten Pierius.
SKU: BT.DHP-1064078-400
ISBN 9789043125697. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
Magical Colours is een kleurrijke, afwisselende verzameling van zestien stukken in verschillende stijlen, zoals klezmer, blues, house, Balkan, folk en rock. Het timbre van de cello komt steeds goed tot zijn recht. Enige ervaringis nodig om de stukken mooi te kunnen spelen. De bijgevoegde cd is live opgenomen. Aan de begeleidingen is bijzondere aandacht besteed - elk stuk heeft zijn eigen oorspronkelijke sfeer. Speelplezier is hiermee gegarandeerd!Magical Colours ist eine bunte, abwechslungsreiche Sammlung von sechzehn Stücken in unterschiedlichen Stilen, darunter Klezmer, Blues, House, Balkan, Folk und Rock. Sie passen perfekt zur Klangfarbe des Cellos. Man muss etwas Erfahrung mitbringen, um die Stücke gut spielen zu können. Die beiliegende CD wurde live eingespielt. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die Begleitungen gelegt - jedem Stück wurde eine eigene, einzigartige Atmosphäre verliehen - so ist der SpielspaÃ? garantiert!Magical Colours rassemble seize pièces colorées venant de styles et dâ??horizons musicaux différents.Ces pièces, parfaitement adaptées aux sonorités de votre instrument, permettent dâ??aborder la musique klezmer, le blues, la musique des Balkans, le folk, le rock et la house musique. Pour interpréter ces oeuvres, il faut avoir une certaine expérience du jeu. Laissez-vous inspirer par les atmosphères évocatrices des enregistrements en direct ! Magical Colours è una raccolta variegata e variopinta di sedici brani di genere musicale e livello di difficolt diversi. Si tratta di musica klezmer, blues, house, folk e rock. Il CD incluso propone incisioni live che evidenziano lâ??atmosfera unica di ogni brano; in questo modo sarete sicuri di cogliere il giusto modo per interpretare al meglio ogni brano.
SKU: LO.15-3376H
ISBN 9780787752415.
Words of comfort and assurance taken from the tombstone of the Venerable Bede are directly and elegantly set to music by American composer Carson Cooman. O morning star, when the night of this world is past, bring to us the promise of the new dawn’s light..
SKU: HL.254197
8.25x11.5 inches.
This pack includes two separate octavos. The composition A Wanderer's Song is directed to the youngest group of performers. It is a sort of a music illustration invoking a reflection of a title character on the surrounding world. The lack of a specific meaning of the literary layer enables a young performer to create an individual interpretation based on the musical course of the work. The work Rebounds has an ABA' form. Its title means reflections resulting from a phrase interchangeably repeated in the voices. The phrase is based on the word 'echo,' which functions as an ostinato. It constitutes a background for the phonetic text that the author has invented and which is comprised of syllables of various dynamic intensity scattered in the leading rhythmic and melodic motifs. The middle part is based on the B-A-C-H theme both in the literary and the harmonic layers.
SKU: BR.OB-32108-11
ISBN 9790004343050. 10 x 12.5 inches.
Kuhnau's Magnificat in C major is - apart from his Biblical Sonatas - considered to be his most ambitious and best known work. However, as recent research has revealed, there are indeed many other large-scale works among his oeuvre which are largely presumed lost today, apart from those that were published as first editions. Until now, only insufficient or erroneous editions of the Magnificat have been available, a piano reduction has not been available at all. Beyond that, editor David Erler has succeeded in tracking down new evidence on the authorship of four Laudes (insertion movements for performances over Christmas) and to carry out their altogether new placement in the main work. He was able to prove that Bach's Magnificat directly succeeded Kuhnaus's work and that the use of such Laudes was common in Leipzig's parish churches and beyond.
SKU: HL.49041606
ISBN 9783795794842. German.
The Richard Wagner Complete Edition presents the composer's entire output for the first time in a reliable form. The conductor Michael Balling, in the early years of the 20th century, attempted to make Wagner's work more accessible for research and performance, but the edition only reached 10 volumes - some with grave shortcomings - and was discontinued after Balling's death in 1925. A further attempt at a complete edition by Otto Strobel was abandoned at the preliminary stages.This third attempt at a complete edition will be the first scholarly, critical edition, based on an evaluation of all the accessible source materials and the latest findings of serious Wagner research. As the edition is also intended for practical performance, the musical text has been kept free of philological insertions; these are listed in the appendices of each volume in the Critical Commentary. Numerous, partly unpublished works - some relatively unknown - and variant versions are published here for the first time. The edition presents authentic texts for Wagner specialists and researchers and critically based performing materials. Contrary to widely held opinions, even the well-known works of Wagner are not necessarily available in reliable editions. The genesis, history and performances directed by Wagner himself are extensively documented so as to present as complete an image as possible of Wagner's compositional intentions.
SKU: PE.EP68578
ISBN 9790300759630. English.
Of Time and Passing (2016) is a cycle of three choral songs written specifically for the London-based ensemble, VOCES8, taking into consideration their versatilityand ability to beautifully intone a range of vocal colors with precision and grace.
The first song, I. Life, sets my translation of the poem A Vida by Brazilian poet Olavo Bilac (1865-1918), a poet I discovered while studying Brazilian Portuguese at the University of Michigan. I was drawn both to the simplicity of the text and to the possibilities of teasing out dual contrasting moods. In the beginning and end, this song explores a texture that is very much alive: wave-like contours, throbbing sounds, and plenty of flowing movement. Rising eighth-note motives in particular emphasize the fleetingness of life. But in the middle of the song, the listener is given a slowed-down atmosphere to savor life's beauty.
II. To Everything a Season capitalizes on VOCES8's ability to effectively interpret popular genres a cappella. This ancient text is taken from Ecclesiastes (dated around 300 B.C.) but I set it to a modern, rhythmically-regular and percussive pop-style idiom. Since popular music in whatever era is designedto appeal to a specific ?present time?, it is by its very nature ephemeral, and therefore seemed an apt metaphor to evoke the transitory nature of seasons.
III. Into Your Hands, confines the writing into no more than four parts, often with octave unisons.This creates a more direct and word-focused setting in which the Psalmist?s urgent words are placed at the forefront. Largely homophonic, this song is at times chorale-like, at times madrigal-like,finally relinquishing it?s tension into peaceful rest, proclaiming ?You have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God??
- Daniel Knaggs
SKU: BT.DHP-1135394-010
The inspiration for this three-part work goes back to the International European Youth Wind Music Festival, of which the patron has been Jacob de Haan several times. It begins in a festive march tempo, then sacred music, instrumental groups playing off_x001E_stage and a little march for brass and _x001D_flutes. The third movement is a parade in which the various sections of the ensemble head towards the stage from different directions. Even without the effective choreography of the musicians, Call of the Valley is an impressive concert band composition.Jacob de Haan haalde zijn inspiratie voor dit driedelige werk bij het Hessische kuuroord Bad Orb en het tweejaarlijkse Blaasmuziekfestival van de Europese Jeugd, waarvan hij meerdere keren beschermheer was. In het werk verwerkte de componist verschillende e_x001D_ecten die betrekking hebben op het festival. Zo hoort men in de vallei verschillende orkesten door elkaar spelen, een indrukwekkend e_x001D_ect dat ook in de compositie werd verwerkt. Ook kan men ervoor kiezen om tijdens het werk het orkest op te splitsen en het podium te laten verlaten en marcherend weer richting podium te stappen. Een spectaculair en vernieuwend werk!Die Inspiration für dieses dreiteilige Werk geht auf das Internationale Blasmusikfest der Jugend Europas zurück, dessen Schirmherr schon mehrfach Jacob de Haan war. Es beginnt in festlich marschierendem Tempo, gefolgt von sakraler Musik, abseits der Bühne spielenden Instrumentengruppen und einem kleinen Marsch für Blechbläser und Flöten. Der dritte Satz ist eine Parade, bei der sich das geteilte Orchester aus verschiedenen Richtungen auf die Bühne zu bewegt. Auch ohne die effektvolle Positionierung der Musiker ist Call of the Valley ein eindrucksvolles Blasorchesterwerk.Call of the Valley s’ouvre sur un tempo festif en forme de marche. Des sonorités majestueuses dessinent un concert de musique sacrée. Puis deux groupes instrumentaux quittent la scène et exécutent leurs parties distance. Un groupe de saxophones interprète une valse, un autre groupe réunissant cuivres et _x001D_fl tes joue une marche. la fin de l’oeuvre, l’orchestre reprend les thèmes des deux groupes tandis que ceux-ci reviennent vers la scène. Une fois arrivés, ils restent face au public alors que résonne l’accord _x001C_final.Un festival di musica per _x001E_ati per banda giovanile che si tiene a Hesse in Germania, e al quale Jacob de Haan ha più volte partecipato in veste di giurato, è servito da ispirazione per comporre questo brano. L’inizio vede un tempo festivo che simboleggia l’arrivo delle bande. Sonorit maestose disegnano un concerto di musica sacra, seguite da suoni che evocano le interpretazioni di varie orchestre. Un gruppo di sax interpreta un piccolo valzer, un altro gruppo che unisce ottoni, _x001D_auti e ottavino suona una piccola marcia. Nel _x001E_finale dell’opera, l’orchestra riprende i temi dei due gruppi.
SKU: HL.1117995
UPC: 847986000354. 3.5x7.5x3.25 inches.
Please note: although we don't keep stock on hand, this item will drop ship direct from the manufacturer at the time of your order. Rubber microphone mount. Provides firm grip and attenuates structure-borne noise. Compatible with 3/8â³ and 5/8â³ threads. Compatible with all LCT microphones and DTP340TT.
SKU: BT.DOW-05532-400
ISBN 9789043157056. English-German-French.
This edition presents a piece that belongs in the standard repertoire of every flutist: the Concerto for flute, strings and basso continuo Op. 10 No. 1, RV 439 “La tempesta di mare†in F Major by Antonio Vivaldi. The edition allows you to work through the piece systematically and at different tempi with the accompaniment. The enclosed CD begins with the concert version of each movement, following which you will hear the piano accompaniment at slow and medium tempo to help you practise. Having mastered these slower versions, you’ll now be ready to play with orchestral accompaniment at the original tempo. All of the versions were recorded live. The CD tracks are alsoavailable in downloadable MP3 format. Mit dieser Ausgabe präsentieren wir Ihnen ein Stück, das zum Standardrepertoire eines jeden Flötisten zählt: das Konzert für Flöte, Streicher und Basso continuo op. 10 Nr. 1, RV 439 La tempesta di mare“ in F-Dur von Antonio Vivaldi. Diese Ausgabe ermöglicht es Ihnen, das Werk systematisch und in verschiedenen Tempi mit Begleitung zu erarbeiten. Auf der beiliegenden CD hören Sie zuerst die Konzertversion eines jeden Satzes. Zum Üben folgt nun im langsamen und mittleren Tempo die Klavierbegleitung: anschließend können Sie sich im Originaltempo vom Orchester begleiten lassen. Alle eingespielten Versionen wurden live aufgenommen. Sämtliche CD-Tracks stehen auch online imMP3-Format zur Verfügung. Dans cette édition, nous vous présentons un morceau qui fait partie du répertoire standard de tous les fl tistes : le concerto pour fl te, cordes et basse continue op. 10 n° 1, RV 433 “La tempesta di mare†en Fa majeur d’Antonio Vivaldi. Vous pourrez travailler l’œuvre avec accompagnement, de manière systématique et différents tempos. En effet, le CD joint vous permettra tout d’abord d’entendre la version de concert de chacune des pièces. Mais vous y trouverez également un accompagnement de piano pour travailler un tempo lent puis un autre un tempo intermédiaire. Enfin, l’accompagnement au tempo original est exécuté par un orchestre. Ces différentes versions ont toutesété enregistrées en direct et sont aussi disponibles en ligne au format MP3.
SKU: BR.OB-32108-16
ISBN 9790004343081. 10 x 12.5 inches.
SKU: HL.48024838
ISBN 9780851627946. UPC: 840126908787. 9.0x12.0x0.256 inches.
Commissioned by the Orchestre de Paris, and first performed by them in 1999 with soloist Anssi Karttunen, conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen. The work is cast in a 25-minute span punctuated by an improvised cadenza. Performers not wishing to improvise may substitute Boria from Lindbergs solo cello suite Partia, which is included in the publication. Diapason commented, The writing is homogeneous, virtuosic, energetic, with the cello up near the bridge almost without interruption in a highly taut style which travels at a quickstep through all the possibilities of the instrument. Those possibilities include scordatura (for both soloist and orchestral cellos) and the so-called 'seagull' glissando.
Special Import titles are specialty titles that are not generally offered for sale by US based retailers. These items must be obtained from our overseas suppliers. When you order a special import title, it will be shipped from our overseas warehouse. The shipment time will be slower than items shipped directly from our US warehouse and may be subject to delays.
9x12 inches.
János Galli (1921-2006) was a conductor, composer, music teacher, a well-known and highly respected personality in Hungarian wind music life. As a music teacher he directed numerous string and wind ensembles and choirs, made hundreds of transcriptions for wind orchestras, and instrumented works for ensembles of all sizes and formations. The most important of his works are his series of volumes of marches, folksong arrangements and church music. He was excellent at instrumentation. For its fine sound and easy playability we recommend to youth wind bands and their conductors this work of his composed in memory of the king who founded the Hungarian state.János Galli (1921-2006) Chorleiter, Komponist und Musiklehrer, war in den ungarischen Bläserkreisen eine bekannte und anerkannte Persönlichkeit. Als Musiklehrer leitete er zahlreiche Streich- und Bläserensembles und Chöre, fertigte mehrere hundert Transkriptionen für Bläserorchester an und instrumentierte Werke für verschieden große Orchester unterschiedlicher Besetzung. Von seinen eigenen Kompositionen sind die Märsche, Volksliedbearbeitungen und die kirchenmusikalische Heftreihe am bedeutendsten. Er war eine exzellente Arrangeur. Sein Gedenkstück an den Staatsgründerkönig, Hl. Stephan empfehlen wir den Jugendblasorchestern und ihren Leitern wegen seines guten Klangs undwegen seiner einfacher Spielbarkeit.
SKU: BR.PB-32108
ISBN 9790004215814. 10 x 12.5 inches.
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