| Joy Revisited Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Manhattan Beach Music
By Frank Ticheli. Concert band. Suitable for advanced middle school, high school...(+)
By Frank Ticheli. Concert band. Suitable for advanced middle school, high school, community and college bands. Grade 3. Conductor Full Score. Duration 3:30
(1)$18.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Telemark Fantasy Concert band Molenaar Edition
Composed by Kees Vlak (1938-). Original Compositions/Countries. Molenaar Origina...(+)
Composed by Kees Vlak (1938-). Original Compositions/Countries. Molenaar Original Compositions. Recorded on Above and Beyond (ML.311050720). Full set. Duration 6 minutes, 20 seconds. Published by Molenaar Edition (ML.012405070).
$172.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Cleopatra Concert band [Score] - Easy De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1216342-140 The Last Queen...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1216342-140 The Last Queen of Egypt. Composed by Thierry Deleruyelle. Concert and Contest Collection CBHA. Concert Piece. Score Only. Composed 2021. 39 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1216342-140. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1216342-140). English-German-French-Dutch. Queen Cleopatra ruled Egypt for over 20 years. She is one of antiquity’s best-known women, in particular because of her relationships with Julius Caesar and, above all, Mark-Anthony, but also because the cause of her death remainsa mystery. The work is split into three parts and performed without breaks. The first section begins with a bright introduction representing Mark-Anthony. Dynamic in nature and reminiscent of military music, this characterises theRoman general. But soon after, another theme emerges, softer and more melodic, symbolising Cleopatra’s femininity. The two characters then combine on a faster tempo. The middle section of the work depicts the love thatMark-Anthony and Cleopatra feel for each other. This passionate relationship lasted ten years and produced three children. This is expressed by a warm and intense theme, just like the beauty of the Egyptian queen. The third andlast section opens in a determined and military mood. Mark-Anthony and Cleopatra were often apart, the Roman general was often away on a campaign. They met up in Alexandria to celebrate their triumph. But, as the targets of thejealousy and ambition of Octavius, Julius Caesar’s son, the lovers are trapped and await the inevitable conquest of Egypt by the Romans. When Mark-Anthony heard the false news that Cleopatra had committed suicide, he ended his ownlife. The Queen of Egypt, for her part, was imprisoned shortly afterwards. The two lovers remain one of History’s most famous couples. This piece was commissioned by the Wind Orchestra of the town of Antony, near Paris, directedby Philippe Rossignol, to mark its 90th anniversary.
Koningin Cleopatra heerste meer dan twintig jaar lang over Egypte. Ze is een van de bekendste vrouwen uit de oudheid, vanwege haar relatie met Julius Caesar en vooral die met Marcus Antonius, maar ook omdat de oorzaak van haardood altijd een mysterie is gebleven. Dit werk bestaat uit drie in elkaar overlopende delen. Het eerste deel begint met de levendige introductie van Marcus Antonius. Met het dynamische en enigszins militaire karakter van de muziekwordt de Romeinse generaal krachtig neergezet. Snel daarna doemt een zachter en melodieuzer thema op een weerspiegeling van Cleopatra’s vrouwelijkheid. De twee persoonlijkheden gaan vervolgens samen verder in een vlotter tempo.Het middelste deel beschrijft de liefde die Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra voor elkaar voelden. Hun hartstochtelijke relatie duurde tien jaar en bracht drie kinderen voort. Dit wordt uitgedrukt in een warm en intens thema waarintevens de schoonheid van de Egyptische koningin doorschemert. Het derde en laatste deel opent vastberaden en in militaire sfeer. Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra waren vaak bij elkaar vandaan: de generaal was geregeld weg om strijd tevoeren. In Alexandrië vierden ze samen hun triomf, maar de jaloezie en ambitie van Octavius, de zoon van Julius Caesar, gooide roet in het eten. De geliefden werden in de val gelokt en de onvermijdelijke verovering van Egypte doorde Romeinen volgde al snel. Toen Marcus Antonius het onjuiste bericht kreeg dat Cleopatra zelfmoord had gepleegd, maakte hij een eind aan zijn eigen leven: de koningin van Egypte werd op haar beurt kort daarna gevangengezet. Detwee geliefden behoren tot de beroemdste stellen uit de wereldgeschiedenis. Cleopatra werd in opdracht geschreven om het negentigjarig bestaan van het blaasorkest uit de gemeente Antony dicht bij Parijs te markeren. Dat orkestbracht het onder leiding van Philippe Rossignol in première.
Königin Kleopatra regierte über 20 Jahre lang Ägypten. Sie ist eine der bekanntesten Frauen der Antike, insbesondere aufgrund ihrer Beziehungen zu Julius Cäsar und vor allem zu Marcus Antonius aber auch aufgrund ihrerrätselhaften Todesursache. Das Werk besteht aus drei Abschnitten, die ohne Unterbrechung gespielt werden. Der erste Abschnitt beginnt mit einer strahlenden Einleitung, die Marcus Antonius darstellt. Die martialische und dynamischeMusik beschreibt den römischen Feldherrn. Doch bald darauf erklingt ein neues Thema, das sanfter und melodischer ist und Kleopatras Weiblichkeit symbolisiert. Die beiden Charaktere verschmelzen schließlich in einem schnellerenTempo. Der Mittelteil des Werkes beschreibt die Liebe, die Marcus Antonius und Kleopatra füreinander empfinden. Die leidenschaftliche Beziehung der beiden dauerte zehn Jahre lang und aus ihr gingen drei Kinder hervor. Dafür stehtein warmes und intensives Thema, das auch die Schönheit der ägyptischen Königin beschreibt. Der dritte und letzte Abschnitt beginnt mit einer entschlossenen und kriegerischen Stimmung. Marcus Antonius und Kleopatra waren oftmalsgetrennt, wenn sich der römische Feldherr auf Feldzügen befand. In Alexandria trafen sie sich, um ihren Sieg zu feiern. Doch sie waren Opfer der Eifersucht und der ehrgeizigen Ambitionen von Octavius, Julius Cäsars Sohn, wurden ineine Falle gelockt und mussten auf die bevorstehende Eroberung Ägyptens durch die Römer warten. Als Marcus Antonius die Nachricht vom vermeintlichen Selbstmord Kleopatras erhielt, nahm er sich selbst das Leben. Die Königin vonÄgypten wurde ihrerseits kurz darauf inhaftiert. Die beiden zählen zu den berühmtesten Liebespaaren der Geschichte. Dieses Stück wurde vom Orchestre d’Harmonie de la Ville d’Antony aus der Nähe von Paris, das von PhilippeRossignol geleitet wird, anlässlich seines 90-jährigen Jubiläums in Auftrag gegeben.
La Reine Cléop tre règne sur l’Égypte pendant plus de 20 ans. Elle est l’une des femmes les plus connues de l’Antiquité, notamment gr ce ses relations avec Jules César et surtout avec Marc-Antoine (Antony), mais aussi par lemystère qu’entoure sa disparition. L’œuvre est écrite en trois parties enchaînées. La première commence par une brillante introduction qui représente Marc-Antoine. A la fois martiale et dynamique, cette musique caractérise legénéral romain. Mais très vite, un nouveau thème apparaît, plus mélodique et plus doux, il symbolise la féminité que représente Cléop tre. Les deux caractères vont ensuite s’assembler dans un tempo plus rapide. La partie centralede l’œuvre dépeint l’amour que Marc-Antoine et Cléop tre ressentent l’un pour l’autre. Cette relation passionnée durera 10 ans et donnera naissance 3 enfants. Il en résulte un thème chaleureux et intense, l’image de la beautéde la reine d’Égypte. Enfin, c’est sur un caractère décidé et guerrier que la troisième partie débute. Marc-Antoine et Cléop tre sont souvent séparés, le général romain est souvent en campagne. Ils se retrouvent Alexandrie pourfêter leur triomphe. Mais, victimes de la jalousie et de l’ambition terrifiante d’Octave, fils de Jules César, les amants sont piégés et attendent inexorablement que l’Égypte soit conquise par les Romains. A la fausse annonce dusuicide de Cléop tre, Marc-Antoine met fin ses jours. La Reine d’Egypte sera quant elle emprisonnée peu de temps après. Les deux amants resteront l’un des couples les plus célèbres de l’Histoire. L’œuvre a été commandée parl’Orchestre d’Harmonie de la ville d’Antony l’occasion de ses 90 ans : l’orchestre est placé sous la direction de Philippe Rossignol. $31.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Cleopatra Concert band [Score and Parts] - Easy De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1216342-010 The Last Queen...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - Grade 3 SKU: BT.DHP-1216342-010 The Last Queen of Egypt. Composed by Thierry Deleruyelle. Concert and Contest Collection CBHA. Concert Piece. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2021. De Haske Publications #DHP 1216342-010. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1216342-010). English-German-French-Dutch. Queen Cleopatra ruled Egypt for over 20 years. She is one of antiquity’s best-known women, in particular because of her relationships with Julius Caesar and, above all, Mark-Anthony, but also because the cause of her death remainsa mystery. The work is split into three parts and performed without breaks. The first section begins with a bright introduction representing Mark-Anthony. Dynamic in nature and reminiscent of military music, this characterises theRoman general. But soon after, another theme emerges, softer and more melodic, symbolising Cleopatra’s femininity. The two characters then combine on a faster tempo. The middle section of the work depicts the love thatMark-Anthony and Cleopatra feel for each other. This passionate relationship lasted ten years and produced three children. This is expressed by a warm and intense theme, just like the beauty of the Egyptian queen. The third andlast section opens in a determined and military mood. Mark-Anthony and Cleopatra were often apart, the Roman general was often away on a campaign. They met up in Alexandria to celebrate their triumph. But, as the targets of thejealousy and ambition of Octavius, Julius Caesar’s son, the lovers are trapped and await the inevitable conquest of Egypt by the Romans. When Mark-Anthony heard the false news that Cleopatra had committed suicide, he ended his ownlife. The Queen of Egypt, for her part, was imprisoned shortly afterwards. The two lovers remain one of History’s most famous couples. This piece was commissioned by the Wind Orchestra of the town of Antony, near Paris, directedby Philippe Rossignol, to mark its 90th anniversary.
Koningin Cleopatra heerste meer dan twintig jaar lang over Egypte. Ze is een van de bekendste vrouwen uit de oudheid, vanwege haar relatie met Julius Caesar en vooral die met Marcus Antonius, maar ook omdat de oorzaak van haardood altijd een mysterie is gebleven. Dit werk bestaat uit drie in elkaar overlopende delen. Het eerste deel begint met de levendige introductie van Marcus Antonius. Met het dynamische en enigszins militaire karakter van de muziekwordt de Romeinse generaal krachtig neergezet. Snel daarna doemt een zachter en melodieuzer thema op een weerspiegeling van Cleopatra’s vrouwelijkheid. De twee persoonlijkheden gaan vervolgens samen verder in een vlotter tempo.Het middelste deel beschrijft de liefde die Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra voor elkaar voelden. Hun hartstochtelijke relatie duurde tien jaar en bracht drie kinderen voort. Dit wordt uitgedrukt in een warm en intens thema waarintevens de schoonheid van de Egyptische koningin doorschemert. Het derde en laatste deel opent vastberaden en in militaire sfeer. Marcus Antonius en Cleopatra waren vaak bij elkaar vandaan: de generaal was geregeld weg om strijd tevoeren. In Alexandrië vierden ze samen hun triomf, maar de jaloezie en ambitie van Octavius, de zoon van Julius Caesar, gooide roet in het eten. De geliefden werden in de val gelokt en de onvermijdelijke verovering van Egypte doorde Romeinen volgde al snel. Toen Marcus Antonius het onjuiste bericht kreeg dat Cleopatra zelfmoord had gepleegd, maakte hij een eind aan zijn eigen leven: de koningin van Egypte werd op haar beurt kort daarna gevangengezet. Detwee geliefden behoren tot de beroemdste stellen uit de wereldgeschiedenis. Cleopatra werd in opdracht geschreven om het negentigjarig bestaan van het blaasorkest uit de gemeente Antony dicht bij Parijs te markeren. Dat orkestbracht het onder leiding van Philippe Rossignol in première.
Königin Kleopatra regierte über 20 Jahre lang Ägypten. Sie ist eine der bekanntesten Frauen der Antike, insbesondere aufgrund ihrer Beziehungen zu Julius Cäsar und vor allem zu Marcus Antonius aber auch aufgrund ihrerrätselhaften Todesursache. Das Werk besteht aus drei Abschnitten, die ohne Unterbrechung gespielt werden. Der erste Abschnitt beginnt mit einer strahlenden Einleitung, die Marcus Antonius darstellt. Die martialische und dynamischeMusik beschreibt den römischen Feldherrn. Doch bald darauf erklingt ein neues Thema, das sanfter und melodischer ist und Kleopatras Weiblichkeit symbolisiert. Die beiden Charaktere verschmelzen schließlich in einem schnellerenTempo. Der Mittelteil des Werkes beschreibt die Liebe, die Marcus Antonius und Kleopatra füreinander empfinden. Die leidenschaftliche Beziehung der beiden dauerte zehn Jahre lang und aus ihr gingen drei Kinder hervor. Dafür stehtein warmes und intensives Thema, das auch die Schönheit der ägyptischen Königin beschreibt. Der dritte und letzte Abschnitt beginnt mit einer entschlossenen und kriegerischen Stimmung. Marcus Antonius und Kleopatra waren oftmalsgetrennt, wenn sich der römische Feldherr auf Feldzügen befand. In Alexandria trafen sie sich, um ihren Sieg zu feiern. Doch sie waren Opfer der Eifersucht und der ehrgeizigen Ambitionen von Octavius, Julius Cäsars Sohn, wurden ineine Falle gelockt und mussten auf die bevorstehende Eroberung Ägyptens durch die Römer warten. Als Marcus Antonius die Nachricht vom vermeintlichen Selbstmord Kleopatras erhielt, nahm er sich selbst das Leben. Die Königin vonÄgypten wurde ihrerseits kurz darauf inhaftiert. Die beiden zählen zu den berühmtesten Liebespaaren der Geschichte. Dieses Stück wurde vom Orchestre d’Harmonie de la Ville d’Antony aus der Nähe von Paris, das von PhilippeRossignol geleitet wird, anlässlich seines 90-jährigen Jubiläums in Auftrag gegeben.
La Reine Cléop tre règne sur l’Égypte pendant plus de 20 ans. Elle est l’une des femmes les plus connues de l’Antiquité, notamment gr ce ses relations avec Jules César et surtout avec Marc-Antoine (Antony), mais aussi par lemystère qu’entoure sa disparition. L’œuvre est écrite en trois parties enchaînées. La première commence par une brillante introduction qui représente Marc-Antoine. A la fois martiale et dynamique, cette musique caractérise legénéral romain. Mais très vite, un nouveau thème apparaît, plus mélodique et plus doux, il symbolise la féminité que représente Cléop tre. Les deux caractères vont ensuite s’assembler dans un tempo plus rapide. La partie centralede l’œuvre dépeint l’amour que Marc-Antoine et Cléop tre ressentent l’un pour l’autre. Cette relation passionnée durera 10 ans et donnera naissance 3 enfants. Il en résulte un thème chaleureux et intense, l’image de la beautéde la reine d’Égypte. Enfin, c’est sur un caractère décidé et guerrier que la troisième partie débute. Marc-Antoine et Cléop tre sont souvent séparés, le général romain est souvent en campagne. Ils se retrouvent Alexandrie pourfêter leur triomphe. Mais, victimes de la jalousie et de l’ambition terrifiante d’Octave, fils de Jules César, les amants sont piégés et attendent inexorablement que l’Égypte soit conquise par les Romains. A la fausse annonce dusuicide de Cléop tre, Marc-Antoine met fin ses jours. La Reine d’Egypte sera quant elle emprisonnée peu de temps après. Les deux amants resteront l’un des couples les plus célèbres de l’Histoire. L’œuvre a été commandée parl’Orchestre d’Harmonie de la ville d’Antony l’occasion de ses 90 ans : l’orchestre est placé sous la direction de Philippe Rossignol. $176.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Symphony No. 2 Concert band [Score] - Intermediate/advanced Manhattan Beach Music
By Frank Ticheli. Concert band. Suitable for the most advanced high school bands...(+)
By Frank Ticheli. Concert band. Suitable for the most advanced high school bands, community, college, university, and professional bands. Level: Grade 6. Conductor Full Score. Duration 21:00. Published by Manhattan Beach Music.
$95.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Refining The March Style Concert band - Easy Carl Fischer
Band Concert Band - Grade 2 SKU: CF.YPS105 Warm-Ups and Fundamentals(+)
Band Concert Band - Grade 2 SKU: CF.YPS105 Warm-Ups and Fundamentals. Composed by Larry Clark. Collate - FS SWS - spine: 3/4 or .75. Young Performance Series. Set of Score and Parts. With Standard notation. 16+4+8+8+4+10+4+4+8+8+8+12+4+6+2+2+4+2+20 pages. Duration 2 minutes, 53 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #YPS105. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.YPS105). ISBN 9780825884870. UPC: 798408084875. 9 x 12 inches. Key: Bb major. Based on our popular New Bennett Band Book series, we have compiled march-style warm-ups in a separate publication so they may be used by all bands wishing to learn from them. These innovative warm-ups and fundamental drills are the ultimate method of teaching and reinforcing the March style. How To Use the March Warm-upsPlaying in a march style can present difficulties for young students. The most prevalent problem is that students have a tendency to play every note too short. Conversely, accented notes are usually played incorrectly with too much tongue. Do marches contain short notes? Absolutely, but these shortest of notes should be reserved for notes that precede an accent or notes that are specifically marked with a staccato. Think of unmarked notes as being separated, but not short and certainly not clipped or stopped with the tongue. Accented notes should be played with more weight using air and more length, and not just a harder tongue. Accents are given to show emphasis to a note and should be thought of in this manner.The warm-up exercises provided in this collection should give you many opportunities to stress the above-mentioned comments on march performance style. The following gives an explanation on the purpose and use of each of these exercises.No. 1 – Basic Chords and ModulationsOne of the challenges of playing marches with young students is successfully performing the key change at the Trio. This exercise presents the three basic chords (tonic, subdominant and dominant) in each of the three keys in this collection of marches. You can also use this exercise to teach and reinforce the style of accented notes. You may want to have your band play major scales in succession by fourths to reinforce the concept of modulation to the subdominant that occurs at the Trio (i.e. the B≤-major scale, then the E≤-major scale, then the A≤-major scale). I might suggest getting the students to try continuing the pattern all the way around the circle of fourths.No. 2 – March Style in B≤ MajorThis exercise contains many opportunities to teach and reinforce the difference between staccato and accented notes. The melody voices move up and down the B≤-major scale, while other instruments play chords commonly found in the marches in this collection. These include diminished chords, secondary dominant chords (i.e. the V of the V) and other common chromatic chords that Fillmore often used.No. 3 – Cakewalk Rhythm in B≤ MajorThe simple syncopated rhythm in this exercise is common to many marches. This drill gives you the opportunity to teach/ reinforce the standard ar-ticulation and natural accent of this rhythmic pattern. Again, this exercise uses an ascending and descending major-scale pattern as the melodic basis, accompanied by chords commonly found in American- style marches.No. 4 – The March Scale in B≤ MajorI call this exercise “The March Scale,†because often in marches (and especially in these marches) the descending half-step is part of the melodic material. These chromatic figures give the melodies of many marches their charm and flow. Thus, I devised this exercise and others like it in E≤ major and A≤ major to familiarize students with these patterns. I would suggest playing the pattern in a variety of ways different from what is written. Here are some other possibilities:• Tongue one, slur three• Slur two, tongue two• Tongue two, slur two• Tongue one, slur two, tongue oneGradually increase the tempo to the march tempo and the articulation style will fall right into place.Another important consideration is the performance of the bass line and the bass-drum part. Too often, the bass drum and bass instruments play their parts with equal emphasis on both beats in the measure. This is incorrect, and frequently makes the marchNo. 5 – March Style in E≤ MajorThis is a similar to exercise No. 2, but with a different rhythmic pattern. Emphasize the difference between accented and unaccented notes. Also, play the exercise with line direction moving the musical line forward. Experiment and play the exercise with different dynamic choices and with hairpins up and down in different ways.No. 6 – More March Style in E≤ MajorExercise No. 6 comprises more rhythmic patterns and harmonic materials in E≤ major to teach and reinforce the march style. This exercise em-phasizes the sixteenth-note rhythm, as notated in the third measure of the exercise. Young stu- dents have a tendency to “crush†the sixteenths; consequently, they lack clarity. It would be a good idea to work this rhythmic figure on a scale pattern with all of the instruments in the band as an additional warm-up exercise.No. 7 – The March Scale in E≤ MajorSee the information for No. 4 and apply it to this exercise. Use all of the various articulations described above as well.No. 8 – March Style in A≤ MajorSee the information for No. 2 and apply it to this exercise.No. 9 – Cakewalk Rhythm in A≤ MajorSee the information for No. 3 and apply it to this exercise.No. 10 – The March Scale in A≤ MajorSee the information for No. 4 and apply it to this exercise.Other Ideas for March PerformanceA rehearsal practice that has worked very well for me is to start out by having the band play the march very slowly at about Œ = 60 in a chorale/legato style. The slow tempo is a fine opportunity to work on clarity of harmonic move- ment and to work on the balance and blend of the tutti band sound. This will pay great dividends toward improving the sound of your band. Gradually increase the tempo to the march tempo and the articulation style will fall right into place.Another important consideration is the performance of the bass line and the bass-drum part. Too often, the bass drum and bass instruments play their parts with equal emphasis on both beats in the measure. This is incorrect, and frequently makes the march. $70.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Traffic Jam Concert band [Score] - Beginner FJH
Concert Band Concert Band - Grade 1 SKU: FJ.B1380S Score Only. Com...(+)
Concert Band Concert Band - Grade 1 SKU: FJ.B1380S Score Only. Composed by Timothy Loest. Concert Band. FJH Beginning Band. Light Concert; Novelty; Rock. Score. Duration 1:10. The FJH Music Company Inc #98-B1380S. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.B1380S). English. Experience 'rush-hour rock' like you've never experienced before! This easy-grooving, well-crafted original derives its automotive charm from the various car horn effects played throughout. Various novelty percussion instruments such as the police whistle and bulb horn will car pool your audience from the concert hall to the expressway. A charming piece that will put a smile on everyone's face, even if they get stuck in traffic on the way home from the concert!
Traffic Jam represents my idea of rush hour rock. This work derives its automotive charm from the various car horn effects played throughout. The most important articulation in the work is the marcato accent. Whenever this articulation appears, a car horn is being honked. Each honk should be percussive and short. Although the honks are dissonant, their composite notes should be balanced. It is recommended that the various honks be isolated during rehearsal, so that just the right sound and feel is achieved. Other important sounds include the police whistle and bulb horn. These novelty instruments should be held high for the audience to see and hear. With over 4 million miles of roads in the United States, one is destined to experience automotive gridlock. So before giving into road rage, roll down the windows, turn on the radio, and enjoy a traffic jam! Score only. Full set (score and parts) also available: B1380. About FJH Beginning Band Appropriate within the first year of instruction and beginning of the second year. Clarinets do not go above the break, and there is limited use of accidentals. Plenty of doublings in the lower voices. Grade 1. $5.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Star Above, Shine Brightly Concert band [Score] - Intermediate FJH
Concert Band Symphonic Band - Grade 4 SKU: FJ.B1053S Score Only. C...(+)
Concert Band Symphonic Band - Grade 4 SKU: FJ.B1053S Score Only. Composed by Brian Balmages. Arranged by Brian Balmages. Concert Band. FJH Symphonic Band. Form: Chorale. Score. Duration 4:10. The FJH Music Company Inc #98-B1053S. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.B1053S). English. This beautiful ballad for concert band is based on a melody written by the composer's father. Skillfully scored to expose students to more complex harmonies reminiscent of Percy Grainger, this wonderful piece explores chorales, chamber music, and full ensemble writing. An excellent choice for your contest warm-up or change-of-pace concert selection. (4:10). About FJH Symphonic Band Appropriate for accomplished high school, college, and professional groups. Includes expanded instrumentation and ranges. Grades 4 - 5 $7.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 60 Warm-Up Chorales for Concert Band (Harmonie) Concert band Hal Leonard
Concert Band (Score & Parts) SKU: HL.4008643 Score and Parts. Comp...(+)
Concert Band (Score & Parts) SKU: HL.4008643 Score and Parts. Composed by Franco Cesarini. Arranged by Franco Cesarini. Editions Franco Cesarini. Concert Band, Tuning, Warm-Up. Softcover. Hal Leonard #EFC003-CBHA. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.4008643). ISBN 9798350114997. UPC: 196288189664. During his experience as a band conductor and teacher of wind orchestra conducting at university, Franco Cesarini has dealt with the topic of warm-ups very frequently. Throughout these long years of conducting he has had the opportunity to try many existing methods, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages. After a long time, he has decided to compile a collection of chorales for warm-ups, which are organized according to the criteria that he considers most effective. While working on his60 Warm-up Chorales for Concert Band, Franco Cesarini has always borne in mind that amateur musicians play for pleasure. He feels that it is extremely important that they have satisfaction at every moment of the rehearsal and not to start the rehearsal with needless “punishing†exercises. Nobody is really motivated to start playing with scales, long notes, or tricky rhythmical exercises. There is often a distinguished absentee in band rehearsals, namely music itself! Although this publication does not foresee a specific tempo for the chorales, they should often be performed rather slowly but without dragging. Dynamics are not indicated, so that the conductor has the opportunity to draw the attention of the musicians to his gestures and to make them react according to his indications. Timpani and bell parts have been added with the aim of not leaving the percussionists completely inactive during the warm-up phase, but can also be omitted. The chorales are written in four parts (SATB) and are also playable in smaller groups. The four voices can be played in different combinations of woodwinds or brass quartets or in mixed combinations. The collection includes ten chorales for the following keys: D flat major, A flat major, E flat major, B flat major, F major and C major. With his 60 Warm-up Chorales Franco Cesarini would like to convey the message to play the chorales in a musical way, thus raising the musicians’awareness of phrasing, the right interpretation of cadences, rubato and agogic. Above all, never do anything withoutputting the musical aspect in the foreground. $206.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| 60 Warm-Up Chorales for Concert Band (Harmonie) Concert band Hal Leonard
Concert Band (Full Score) SKU: HL.4007483 Score. Composed by Franc...(+)
Concert Band (Full Score) SKU: HL.4007483 Score. Composed by Franco Cesarini. Arranged by Franco Cesarini. Editions Franco Cesarini. Concert Band, Tuning, Warm-Up. Softcover. Hal Leonard #EFC003-SC. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.4007483). UPC: 196288058175. During his experience as a band conductor and teacher of wind orchestra conducting at university, Franco Cesarini has dealt with the topic of warm-ups very frequently. Throughout these long years of conducting he has had the opportunity to try many existing methods, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages. After a long time, he has decided to compile a collection of chorales for warm-ups, which are organized according to the criteria that he considers most effective. While working on his60 Warm-up Chorales for Concert Band, Franco Cesarini has always borne in mind that amateur musicians play for pleasure. He feels that it is extremely important that they have satisfaction at every moment of the rehearsal and not to start the rehearsal with needless “punishing†exercises. Nobody is really motivated to start playing with scales, long notes, or tricky rhythmical exercises. There is often a distinguished absentee in band rehearsals, namely music itself! Although this publication does not foresee a specific tempo for the chorales, they should often be performed rather slowly but without dragging. Dynamics are not indicated, so that the conductor has the opportunity to draw the attention of the musicians to his gestures and to make them react according to his indications. Timpani and bell parts have been added with the aim of not leaving the percussionists completely inactive during the warm-up phase, but can also be omitted. The chorales are written in four parts (SATB) and are also playable in smaller groups. The four voices can be played in different combinations of woodwinds or brass quartets or in mixed combinations. The collection includes ten chorales for the following keys: D flat major, A flat major, E flat major, B flat major, F major and C major. With his 60 Warm-up Chorales Franco Cesarini would like to convey the message to play the chorales in a musical way, thus raising the musicians’awareness of phrasing, the right interpretation of cadences, rubato and agogic. Above all, never do anything withoutputting the musical aspect in the foreground. $62.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Courtly Dance and Procession Concert band [Score] - Beginner FJH
Concert Band Concert Band - Grade 1 SKU: FJ.B1234S Score Only. Com...(+)
Concert Band Concert Band - Grade 1 SKU: FJ.B1234S Score Only. Composed by Brian Balmages. Arranged by Brian Balmages. Concert Band. FJH Beginning Band. Score. Duration 2:18. The FJH Music Company Inc #98-B1234S. Published by The FJH Music Company Inc (FJ.B1234S). English. You'll be surprised to know that this great sounding work uses only six notes in all instruments, with the exception of the clarinets, which also use a low written B to involve the right hand. The piece has a Renaissance quality to it and includes a middle processional theme (at the same tempo) to work on legato playing. Optional parts are included for clarinet 2 and trumpet 2. There is something for everyone in this dynamic addition to the repertoire! About FJH Beginning Band Appropriate within the first year of instruction and beginning of the second year. Clarinets do not go above the break, and there is limited use of accidentals. Plenty of doublings in the lower voices. Grade 1. $5.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Santa's Magical Midnight Ride Concert band [Score and Parts] - Easy C.L. Barnhouse
Grade 2 SKU: CL.024-5055-00 Composed by Shaffer. Young Concert Band. Scor...(+)
Grade 2 SKU: CL.024-5055-00 Composed by Shaffer. Young Concert Band. Score and set of parts. C.L. Barnhouse #024-5055-00. Published by C.L. Barnhouse (CL.024-5055-00). The story tells it all: Santa Claus is on his way! His sleigh is filled with gifts! The weather is clear, perfect for the reindeer to guide him on his Christmas Eve trek. Away we go! Santa knows how to put on a show. He’s getting closer, above the roofs, and as he descends, you’ll hear the reindeer hoofs. Toward the chimney Santa goes, hoping he fits…oh no… it’s a tight squeeze! As he lands with a thump, but Santa’s all right; he never fails! After all, he’s tough as nails. Recovered from his fall he leaves presents for one and all. Then back to the sleigh, so much to do. Don’t worry, he won’t forget about you. The stars will always be his guide on Santa’s Magical Midnight Ride! Scored for maximum sound effects within the percussion section, this will be the hit of any holiday concert! $60.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Santa's Magical Midnight Ride Concert band - Easy C.L. Barnhouse
Grade 2 SKU: CL.024-5055-01 Composed by Shaffer. Young Concert Band. Extr...(+)
Grade 2 SKU: CL.024-5055-01 Composed by Shaffer. Young Concert Band. Extra score. C.L. Barnhouse #024-5055-01. Published by C.L. Barnhouse (CL.024-5055-01). The story tells it all: Santa Claus is on his way! His sleigh is filled with gifts! The weather is clear, perfect for the reindeer to guide him on his Christmas Eve trek. Away we go! Santa knows how to put on a show. He’s getting closer, above the roofs, and as he descends, you’ll hear the reindeer hoofs. Toward the chimney Santa goes, hoping he fits…oh no… it’s a tight squeeze! As he lands with a thump, but Santa’s all right; he never fails! After all, he’s tough as nails. Recovered from his fall he leaves presents for one and all. Then back to the sleigh, so much to do. Don’t worry, he won’t forget about you. The stars will always be his guide on Santa’s Magical Midnight Ride! Scored for maximum sound effects within the percussion section, this will be the hit of any holiday concert! $7.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Piano Concerto No.1 Concert band [Score] - Intermediate Baton Music
Concert band Piano And concert band - Grade 5 SKU: BF.BM397-SCORE Opus...(+)
Concert band Piano And concert band - Grade 5 SKU: BF.BM397-SCORE Opus 10. Composed by Sergei Prokofiev. Arranged by Douglas McLain. Baton Music instrumental series. Opus 10. Full score. Duration 16:00. Baton Music #BM397-SCORE. Published by Baton Music (BF.BM397-SCORE). Prokofiev composed his first piano concerto while at the Conservatory, in 1911 and 1912, and premiered it himself on August 7, 1912. The concerto is a single movement divided into clearly marked sections. Prokofiev could in this way keep the typical fast-slow-fast structure of the usual three-movement concerto, yet use some of the same thematic elements throughout all of his sections. Throughout the work, Prokofiev demonstrates his penchant for bright, percussive textures. The glockenspiel takes on a uniquely soloistic role, often teaming up with the piano to sparkle above the orchestral fray. With its bravura solos and daring harmonies, Prokofiev's first 'mature' composition announces him as a musical force to be reckoned with. $62.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Stand Alone Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Yamaha
Wind Band - Grade 4 SKU: YM.GTW01085149 Arranged by Atsushi Nagao. Concer...(+)
Wind Band - Grade 4 SKU: YM.GTW01085149 Arranged by Atsushi Nagao. Concert Band. New Sounds in Brass (NSB). TV & Cinema. Score & Parts. Yamaha Music Media #GTW01085149. Published by Yamaha Music Media (YM.GTW01085149). ISBN 9784636851496. New Sounds in Concert Band Series (NSB). Stand Alone was from TV drama Saka no Ue no Kumo, which was based on Ryotaro Shiba's Clouds above the hill: A historical novel of the Russo-Japanese War. It has a beautiful melody sang by Sara Brightman Duration: approx4'45 Arranged by Atsushi Nagao
Stand Alone from TV drama Saka no Ue no Kumo The drama was based on Ryotaro Shiba's CLOUDS ABOVE THE HILL: A historical novel of the Russo-Japanese War. Joe Hisaishi composed the theme music of this drama. $68.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
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