| Ludwig van Beethoven : Romance, Op. 40 Concert band [Score and Parts] - Beginner Alfred Publishing
By Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Arranged by Todd Stalter. Concert Band. Con...(+)
By Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Arranged by Todd Stalter. Concert Band. Concert Band; Masterworks; Part(s); Score. Challenger Band Series. Form: Transcription. Masterwork Arrangement. Grade 1.5. 116 pages. Published by Alfred Music
$48.00 $45.6 (5% off) See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Concerto In C For Piano And Symphonic Wind Orch. Concert band [Score] Beriato Music
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8095417 Composed by Leroy Ande...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8095417 Composed by Leroy Anderson. Arranged by Jörg Murschinski. Score Only. Composed 2008. Beriato Music #BMP8095417. Published by Beriato Music (BT.BMP8095417). A lot is known about the American composer Leroy Anderson. This son of Swedish immigrants played the piano, organ, accordion, trombone, tuba and double bass. He spoke several languages fluently and graduated from Harvard with first-class honours.While on military service, the army also commissioned him to write a manual on Icelandic grammar.He already started writing musical arrangements as a student, and from his 30th year arranged and composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Such melodiesas Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride and Bugler�s Holiday made him world famous. His best-known work, Blue Tango, reached number one in the US charts in 1952, and it sold more than a million copies. In 1975, a year after hisdeath, he was given a star at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Most of his works last no longer than three minutes, about the maximum length of a single at that time. One work that lasts longer is his 1953 Piano Concerto in C for piano and orchestra.The first performance was in Chicago, conducted by the composer and with Eugene List at the piano. However, after three performances he was no longer happy with the work and withdrew it. He always intended to revise it, but never got round to it. Itwas only in 1989 that the Anderson family decided to republish the work.This three-part composition is on the one hand characterised by a careless elegance, but on the other one can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, and evenBeethoven and Mozart, as well as the Viennese classics.Anderson used the sonata form for the first movement. It ends with a cadenza that carries us on into the second part (in e minor). The third part is a typically cheerful American folk dance in2/4 time, a so-called Hoe Down, with a lilting, lyrical passage as its middle section. At the end comes a solo passage followed by a rapid close.In this piano concerto, Anderson combines a rigidly classical form of composition with simple andappealing themes and elements from light music. So this work is a perfect synthesis of light music and what is called serious music, in the same way as Gershwin�s Rhapsody in Blue. A work that can be played equally well in a concerthall, at an open-air concert or even a pop concert.
Over de Amerikaanse componist Leroy Anderson is veel bekend. Deze zoon van Zweedse immigranten speelde piano, orgel, accordeon, trombone, tuba en contrabas. Hij sprak vloeiend verschillende talen en studeerde met grote onderscheidingaf aan Harvard en schreef tijdens zijn legerdienst in opdracht van het leger een handboek grammatica Ijslands.Al in zijn studententijd begon hij met het maken van arrangementen, en vanaf zijn 30ste arrangeerde en componeerde hijvoor het Boston Pops Orchestra. Melodieën zoals Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride en Bugler's Holiday maakte hem wereldberoemd. Zijn bekendste werk Blue Tango stond in 1952 op nummer één in de VS Charts, ener werden meer dan een miljoen exemplaren van verkocht. Een jaar na zijn dood in 1975 kreeg hij een ster op de Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Zijn meeste werken duren niet langer dan drie minuten, ongeveer de maximumduur van een singletoen. Een werk dat wel langer duurt, is het pianoconcerto in C voor piano en orkest uit 1953. Het werd in Chicago gecreëerd onder zijn leiding met Eugene List aan de piano. Na drie uitvoeringen echter, was hij niet meer tevredenover zijn werk en trok dit terug. Hij had zijn leven lang de intentie het te herwerken doch kwam er niet meer toe. Pas in 1989 besliste de Anderson Familie zijn pianoconcerto toch opnieuw uit te geven.Dit driedelige werk wordtenerzijds getypeerd door een zorgeloze elegantie, maar anderzijds zijn invloeden van Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gerschwin en zelfs Beethoven en Mozart alsook de Weense klassiekers te horen.Voor de eerste beweging, past Anderson de sonatevormtoe. Op het einde volgt een cadenza die ons in het tweede deel (in mi klein) voert. Het derde deel is een typische Amerikaanse, vrolijke volksdans in 2/4, een zogenaamde Hoe Down met als middengedeelte een zangerige, lyrische
Über den amerikanischen Komponisten Leroy Anderson lässt sich vieles berichten: Der Sohn schwedischer Immigranten spielte Klavier, Orgel, Akkordeon, Posaune, Tuba und Kontrabass, sprach neun Sprachen fließend, absolvierte mit einemMagna-cum-laude-Abschluss die Harvard Universität und verfasste während seiner Militärzeit im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die amerikanische Armee eine Grammatik des Isländischen. Schon während seiner Studentenzeit begann er zu arrangieren, ab Mitte der30er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts arrangierte und komponierte er für das Boston Pops Orchestra. Aus seiner Feder stammen so bekannte Werke der leichten Muse wie Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride oder Bugler�s Holiday. Sein wohlbekanntestes Stück, Blue Tango, wurde als erste Instrumentalkomposition über eine Million Mal verkauft und belegte im Jahr 1952 Platz 1 der US-Charts. Für seine Verdienste um die Schallplattenindustrie erhielt er ein Jahr nach seinem Tod einenStern auf dem Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Charakteristisch für seine Werke ist die Dauer: die meisten sind rund drei Minuten lang � mehr passte nicht auf den damals gebräuchlichen Tonträger, eine Singleschallplatte. Nur wenige seinerKompositionen sprengen diesen Zeitrahmen. Dazu gehört sein Konzert C-Dur für Klavier und Orchester. Er komponierte es 1953, die Uraufführung fand unter seiner Leitung und mit Eugene List am Klavier im selben Jahr in Chicago statt. Da Anderson mit demWerk aber nicht zufrieden war, zog er es im Sommer 1954, nach nur drei Aufführungen, wieder ein. Er hatte zeitlebens die Absicht, es zu überarbeiten, allein, es kam nicht mehr dazu. Erst 1989 entschied sich die Anderson-Familie dazu, dasKlavierkonzert wieder zu veröffentlichen.Das dreisätzige Werk zeigt die Unbeschwertheit und Eleganz, die Andersons sämtliche Kompositionen auszeichnen. Dennoch findet man darin auch Anklänge an Komponisten wie Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, undeben Beethoven und Mozart, sowie die Wiener Klassiker. Der erste Satz folgt der Sonatenhauptsatzform. An seinem Ende steht eine Klavierkadenz, die direkt in den langsamen zweiten Satz (in e-Moll) überleitet. Der dritte Satz schließlich ist einwaschechter Hoe Down, ein fröhlicher amerikanischer Volkstanz im 2/4-Takt, in dessen Zentrum aber eine lyrisch-gesangliche Passage steht. Eine weitere Solo-Kadenz führt das Werk in einen spritzigen Schlussabschnitt.In seinem Klavierkonzertvereinigt Anderson einen klassisch-traditionellen Form- und Kompositionsstil mit Elementen der Unterhaltungsmusik und eingängigen Melodien, die schon immer sein Markenzeichen waren. Daher bildet dieses Werk eine perfekte Synthese von ernster undleichter Musik. Es passt � wie beispielsweise auch George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue � gleichermaßen in einen vornehmen Konzertsaal, wie auch zur zwanglos-lockeren Atmosphäre einer sommerlichen Open-Air-Veranstaltung oder einesPops-Konzertes.
Nous savons beaucoup de choses sur le compositeur américain Leroy Anderson. Ce fils dimmigrants suédois jouait du piano, de lorgue, de laccordéon, du trombone, du tuba et de la contrebasse. Il parlait couramment plusieurs langues et était diplômé avec grande distinction de Harvard. Pendant son service militaire, il écrivit un manuel de grammaire islandaise commandé par larmée.Étudiant, il avait déj commencé faire des arrangements et dès l ge de 30 ans, il arrangeait et composait pour le Boston Pops Orchestra. Des mélodies telles que Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride et Buglers Holiday lui valurent une renommée mondiale. Son uvre phare, Blue Tango, fut numéro un descharts américains en 1952 et se vendit plus dun million dexemplaires. Un an après sa mort en 1975, il eut droit son étoile sur le Walk of Fame Hollywood.La plupart de ses uvres nexcèdent pas trois minutes, soit peu près la durée maximale dun single lépoque. Son concerto en ut pour piano et orchestre de 1953 est quant lui plus long. Il fut créé Chicago sous sa direction avec Eugene List au piano. Après trois exécutions, Anderson nétait toutefois plus satisfait de son travail et le retira. Toute sa vie, il eut lintention de le remanier mais ne le fit pas. Ce nest quen 1989 que la famille Anderson décida de tout de m?me rééditer son concerto pour piano.Cette uvre en trois parties se caractérise par son élégance nonchalante mais aussi par linfluence de Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin et m?me de Beethoven et Mozart, ainsi que des classiques viennois.Pour le premier mouvement, Anderson opte pour une sonate. la fin, une cadence nous conduit la deuxième partie (en mi mineur). La troisième partie est une danse populaire joyeuse et typiquement américaine en 2/4, une Hoe Down avec un passage lyrique et mélodieux en son milieu. la fin, un solo est suivi par une clôture rapide.Dans son concerto pour piano, Anderson unit une composition pure et classique des thèmes beaux et simples, sans oublier des éléments de la musique légère. Cette uvre. $38.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Concerto In C For Piano And Symphonic Wind Orch. Concert band [Score and Parts] Beriato Music
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8091417 Composed by Leroy Ande...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8091417 Composed by Leroy Anderson. Arranged by Jörg Murschinski. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2008. Beriato Music #BMP8091417. Published by Beriato Music (BT.BMP8091417). A lot is known about the American composer Leroy Anderson. This son of Swedish immigrants played the piano, organ, accordion, trombone, tuba and double bass. He spoke several languages fluently and graduated from Harvard with first-class honours.While on military service, the army also commissioned him to write a manual on Icelandic grammar.He already started writing musical arrangements as a student, and from his 30th year arranged and composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Such melodiesas Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride and Bugler�s Holiday made him world famous. His best-known work, Blue Tango, reached number one in the US charts in 1952, and it sold more than a million copies. In 1975, a year after hisdeath, he was given a star at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Most of his works last no longer than three minutes, about the maximum length of a single at that time. One work that lasts longer is his 1953 Piano Concerto in C for piano and orchestra.The first performance was in Chicago, conducted by the composer and with Eugene List at the piano. However, after three performances he was no longer happy with the work and withdrew it. He always intended to revise it, but never got round to it. Itwas only in 1989 that the Anderson family decided to republish the work.This three-part composition is on the one hand characterised by a careless elegance, but on the other one can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, and evenBeethoven and Mozart, as well as the Viennese classics.Anderson used the sonata form for the first movement. It ends with a cadenza that carries us on into the second part (in e minor). The third part is a typically cheerful American folk dance in2/4 time, a so-called Hoe Down, with a lilting, lyrical passage as its middle section. At the end comes a solo passage followed by a rapid close.In this piano concerto, Anderson combines a rigidly classical form of composition with simple andappealing themes and elements from light music. So this work is a perfect synthesis of light music and what is called serious music, in the same way as Gershwin�s Rhapsody in Blue. A work that can be played equally well in a concerthall, at an open-air concert or even a pop concert.
Over de Amerikaanse componist Leroy Anderson is veel bekend. Deze zoon van Zweedse immigranten speelde piano, orgel, accordeon, trombone, tuba en contrabas. Hij sprak vloeiend verschillende talen en studeerde met grote onderscheidingaf aan Harvard en schreef tijdens zijn legerdienst in opdracht van het leger een handboek grammatica Ijslands.Al in zijn studententijd begon hij met het maken van arrangementen, en vanaf zijn 30ste arrangeerde en componeerde hijvoor het Boston Pops Orchestra. Melodieën zoals Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride en Bugler's Holiday maakte hem wereldberoemd. Zijn bekendste werk Blue Tango stond in 1952 op nummer één in de VS Charts, ener werden meer dan een miljoen exemplaren van verkocht. Een jaar na zijn dood in 1975 kreeg hij een ster op de Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Zijn meeste werken duren niet langer dan drie minuten, ongeveer de maximumduur van een singletoen. Een werk dat wel langer duurt, is het pianoconcerto in C voor piano en orkest uit 1953. Het werd in Chicago gecreëerd onder zijn leiding met Eugene List aan de piano. Na drie uitvoeringen echter, was hij niet meer tevredenover zijn werk en trok dit terug. Hij had zijn leven lang de intentie het te herwerken doch kwam er niet meer toe. Pas in 1989 besliste de Anderson Familie zijn pianoconcerto toch opnieuw uit te geven.Dit driedelige werk wordtenerzijds getypeerd door een zorgeloze elegantie, maar anderzijds zijn invloeden van Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gerschwin en zelfs Beethoven en Mozart alsook de Weense klassiekers te horen.Voor de eerste beweging, past Anderson de sonatevormtoe. Op het einde volgt een cadenza die ons in het tweede deel (in mi klein) voert. Het derde deel is een typische Amerikaanse, vrolijke volksdans in 2/4, een zogenaamde Hoe Down met als middengedeelte een zangerige, lyrische
Über den amerikanischen Komponisten Leroy Anderson lässt sich vieles berichten: Der Sohn schwedischer Immigranten spielte Klavier, Orgel, Akkordeon, Posaune, Tuba und Kontrabass, sprach neun Sprachen fließend, absolvierte mit einemMagna-cum-laude-Abschluss die Harvard Universität und verfasste während seiner Militärzeit im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die amerikanische Armee eine Grammatik des Isländischen. Schon während seiner Studentenzeit begann er zu arrangieren, ab Mitte der30er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts arrangierte und komponierte er für das Boston Pops Orchestra. Aus seiner Feder stammen so bekannte Werke der leichten Muse wie Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride oder Bugler�s Holiday. Sein wohlbekanntestes Stück, Blue Tango, wurde als erste Instrumentalkomposition über eine Million Mal verkauft und belegte im Jahr 1952 Platz 1 der US-Charts. Für seine Verdienste um die Schallplattenindustrie erhielt er ein Jahr nach seinem Tod einenStern auf dem Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Charakteristisch für seine Werke ist die Dauer: die meisten sind rund drei Minuten lang � mehr passte nicht auf den damals gebräuchlichen Tonträger, eine Singleschallplatte. Nur wenige seinerKompositionen sprengen diesen Zeitrahmen. Dazu gehört sein Konzert C-Dur für Klavier und Orchester. Er komponierte es 1953, die Uraufführung fand unter seiner Leitung und mit Eugene List am Klavier im selben Jahr in Chicago statt. Da Anderson mit demWerk aber nicht zufrieden war, zog er es im Sommer 1954, nach nur drei Aufführungen, wieder ein. Er hatte zeitlebens die Absicht, es zu überarbeiten, allein, es kam nicht mehr dazu. Erst 1989 entschied sich die Anderson-Familie dazu, dasKlavierkonzert wieder zu veröffentlichen.Das dreisätzige Werk zeigt die Unbeschwertheit und Eleganz, die Andersons sämtliche Kompositionen auszeichnen. Dennoch findet man darin auch Anklänge an Komponisten wie Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, undeben Beethoven und Mozart, sowie die Wiener Klassiker. Der erste Satz folgt der Sonatenhauptsatzform. An seinem Ende steht eine Klavierkadenz, die direkt in den langsamen zweiten Satz (in e-Moll) überleitet. Der dritte Satz schließlich ist einwaschechter Hoe Down, ein fröhlicher amerikanischer Volkstanz im 2/4-Takt, in dessen Zentrum aber eine lyrisch-gesangliche Passage steht. Eine weitere Solo-Kadenz führt das Werk in einen spritzigen Schlussabschnitt.In seinem Klavierkonzertvereinigt Anderson einen klassisch-traditionellen Form- und Kompositionsstil mit Elementen der Unterhaltungsmusik und eingängigen Melodien, die schon immer sein Markenzeichen waren. Daher bildet dieses Werk eine perfekte Synthese von ernster undleichter Musik. Es passt � wie beispielsweise auch George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue � gleichermaßen in einen vornehmen Konzertsaal, wie auch zur zwanglos-lockeren Atmosphäre einer sommerlichen Open-Air-Veranstaltung oder einesPops-Konzertes.
Nous savons beaucoup de choses sur le compositeur américain Leroy Anderson. Ce fils dimmigrants suédois jouait du piano, de lorgue, de laccordéon, du trombone, du tuba et de la contrebasse. Il parlait couramment plusieurs langues et était diplômé avec grande distinction de Harvard. Pendant son service militaire, il écrivit un manuel de grammaire islandaise commandé par larmée.Étudiant, il avait déj commencé faire des arrangements et dès l ge de 30 ans, il arrangeait et composait pour le Boston Pops Orchestra. Des mélodies telles que Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride et Buglers Holiday lui valurent une renommée mondiale. Son uvre phare, Blue Tango, fut numéro un descharts américains en 1952 et se vendit plus dun million dexemplaires. Un an après sa mort en 1975, il eut droit son étoile sur le Walk of Fame Hollywood.La plupart de ses uvres nexcèdent pas trois minutes, soit peu près la durée maximale dun single lépoque. Son concerto en ut pour piano et orchestre de 1953 est quant lui plus long. Il fut créé Chicago sous sa direction avec Eugene List au piano. Après trois exécutions, Anderson nétait toutefois plus satisfait de son travail et le retira. Toute sa vie, il eut lintention de le remanier mais ne le fit pas. Ce nest quen 1989 que la famille Anderson décida de tout de m?me rééditer son concerto pour piano.Cette uvre en trois parties se caractérise par son élégance nonchalante mais aussi par linfluence de Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin et m?me de Beethoven et Mozart, ainsi que des classiques viennois.Pour le premier mouvement, Anderson opte pour une sonate. la fin, une cadence nous conduit la deuxième partie (en mi mineur). La troisième partie est une danse populaire joyeuse et typiquement américaine en 2/4, une Hoe Down avec un passage lyrique et mélodieux en son milieu. la fin, un solo est suivi par une clôture rapide.Dans son concerto pour piano, Anderson unit une composition pure et classique des thèmes beaux et simples, sans oublier des éléments de la musique légère. Cette uvre. $361.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Best of Beethoven Concert band [Score and Parts] - Beginner Alfred Publishing
By Ludwig van Beethoven. Arranged by John O'reilly. Music by Ludwig van Beethove...(+)
By Ludwig van Beethoven. Arranged by John O'reilly. Music by Ludwig van Beethoven / arr. John O'Reilly. For Concert Band. Concert Band. Yamaha Band Series. Level: Grade 1. Conductor Score & Parts. 1 pages. Published by Alfred Publishing.
(1)$45.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Ode to Europe Concert band [Score and Parts] De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - easy SKU: BT.DHP-1104954-013 Composed by Ludwig v...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - easy SKU: BT.DHP-1104954-013 Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven and Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements European Band Series. Set (Score & Parts) with CD. Composed 2010. De Haske Publications #DHP 1104954-013. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1104954-013). 9x12 inches. English. De serie Essential Elements European Band Series bevat muziekstukken voor blaasmuziekleerlingen en jeugdorkesten. Ze kunnen deze serie parallel naast (maar ook los van) de lesmethode voor blaasorkest Essential Elementsspelen. Het bijzondere en nieuwe aan deze serie is dat het om oorspronkelijk Europese muziekstukken gaat. Uw jonge muzikanten kennen deze stukken en medleys van liederen en songs zeer zeker. Wat dat betekent? Betere motivatie enmeer speelplezier! Alle sets voor blaasorkest bevatten een cd waarop een blaasorkest de titels een voor een voorspeelt.Ode to Europe• arr. Jan de HaanOde to Europa. Dat is de titel die Jan de Haan gaf aan dit werk.Een treffende titel, want hij verwerkte er zowel de melodie van de Eurovisie in (het Te Deum von Marc-Antoine Charpentier) als ook de Ode an die Freude van Ludwig van Beethoven.
Ode an Europa betitelte Jan de Haan trefflich diese Bearbeitung, in der er das als Eurovisionsmelodie“ bekannte Te Deum von Marc-Antoine Charpentier und die Ode an die Freude von Ludwig van Beethoven verarbeitete.
La nouvelle collection Essential Elements European Band Series offre des pièces de concert idéales pour les Classes d’Orchestre, les Orchestres Juniors ou les Orchestres l’école. Ces pièces ont été conçues parallèlement et en complément de la méthode Essential Elements, mais peuvent également être utilisées de manière indépendante. Chaque set est livré avec un CD sur lequel est enregistrée la version intégrale du morceau. Essential Elements European Band Series est une collection efficace pour progresser avec plaisir et satisfaction.ODE TO EUROPE : Le 9 mai 2010 marquait le 60e anniversaire de la naissance de l’idée européenne lancée par RobertSchuman et Jean Monnet. Pour célébrer cet événement, Jan de Haan a réalisé cet arrangement, intitulé, juste titre, Ode l’Europe. Le compositeur y a combiné le Prélude du Te Deum de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (utilisé comme indicatif de l’Eurovision) et l’Ode la Joie, dernier mouvement de la Neuvième Symphonie de Ludwig van Beethoven, devenu l’hymne officiel de l’Union Européenne, en 1985. Célébrons l’Europe des Nations ! / Œuvre accessible partir de la page 25, Essential Elements 1 / CD inclus dans le set $78.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Ode to Europe Concert band De Haske Publications
Concert Band - easy SKU: BT.DHP-1104954-143 Composed by Ludwig van Beetho...(+)
Concert Band - easy SKU: BT.DHP-1104954-143 Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven and Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements European Band Series. Score with CD. Composed 2010. 8 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1104954-143. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1104954-143). 9x12 inches. English. De serie Essential Elements European Band Series bevat muziekstukken voor blaasmuziekleerlingen en jeugdorkesten. Ze kunnen deze serie parallel naast (maar ook los van) de lesmethode voor blaasorkest Essential Elementsspelen. Het bijzondere en nieuwe aan deze serie is dat het om oorspronkelijk Europese muziekstukken gaat. Uw jonge muzikanten kennen deze stukken en medleys van liederen en songs zeer zeker. Wat dat betekent? Betere motivatie enmeer speelplezier! Alle sets voor blaasorkest bevatten een cd waarop een blaasorkest de titels een voor een voorspeelt.Ode to Europe• arr. Jan de HaanOde to Europa. Dat is de titel die Jan de Haan gaf aan dit werk.Een treffende titel, want hij verwerkte er zowel de melodie van de Eurovisie in (het Te Deum von Marc-Antoine Charpentier) als ook de Ode an die Freude van Ludwig van Beethoven.
Ode an Europa betitelte Jan de Haan trefflich diese Bearbeitung, in der er das als Eurovisionsmelodie“ bekannte Te Deum von Marc-Antoine Charpentier und die Ode an die Freude von Ludwig van Beethoven verarbeitete.
La nouvelle collection Essential Elements European Band Series offre des pièces de concert idéales pour les Classes d’Orchestre, les Orchestres Juniors ou les Orchestres l’école. Ces pièces ont été conçues parallèlement et en complément de la méthode Essential Elements, mais peuvent également être utilisées de manière indépendante. Chaque set est livré avec un CD sur lequel est enregistrée la version intégrale du morceau. Essential Elements European Band Series est une collection efficace pour progresser avec plaisir et satisfaction./ Œuvre accessible partir de la page 25, Essential Elements 1 / CD inclus dans le setODE TO EUROPE :Le 9 mai 2010 marquait le 60e anniversaire de la naissance de l’idée européenne lancée par Robert Schuman et Jean Monnet. Pour célébrer cet événement, Jan de Haan a réalisé cet arrangement, intitulé, juste titre, Ode l’Europe. Le compositeur y a combiné le Prélude du Te Deum de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (utilisé comme indicatif de l’Eurovision) et l’Ode la Joie, dernier mouvement de la Neuvième Symphonie de Ludwig van Beethoven, devenu l’hymne officiel de l’Union Européenne, en 1985. Célébrons l’Europe des Nations ! $17.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Europahymne Wind Band Set Concert band Schott
Concert band (ST KPL) SKU: HL.49006363 Music from the last movement of...(+)
Concert band (ST KPL) SKU: HL.49006363 Music from the last movement of the Ninth Symphony. Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Arranged by Herbert von Karajan. Sheet music. Edition Schott. Classical. Set of Parts. 73 pages. Duration 2' 15''. Schott Music #ED6489-10. Published by Schott Music (HL.49006363). ISBN 9790001068949. 8.25x12.0x0.213 inches. The European Hymn is the hymn not only of the European Union but of Europe in a broader sense. The melody has been taken from the Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven from 1823.In the last movement of this symphony Beethoven set music to the 'Ode to Joy' by Friedrich von Schiller from 1785. This poem sprang from Schiller's idealistic vision of men who become brothers - a vision Beethoven shared with him.In 1972 the Council of Europe adopted Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' as its anthem. The well-known conductor Herbert von Karajan was commissioned to arrange three instrumental versions - for solo piano, wind orchestra and symphony orchestra. Without words, in the universal language of music, the anthem is an expression of the idealistic values of freedom, peace and solidarity which Europe stands for.In 1985 the heads of state and government adopted the hymn as the EU's official anthem. It does not replace the national anthems of the member states, but rather celebrates common values as well as unity in diversity.The score of this offical anthem is exclusively available from the Schott publishing house.
(1 Piccolo-Flote, 2 Floten, 2 Oboen, 2 Fagotte, 1 Kontrafagott, 1 Klarinette in Es, 3 Klarinetten in B, 1 Bass-Klarinette in B, 2 Alt-Saxophone in Es, 1 Tenor-Saxophon in B, 1 Bariton-Saxophon in Es, 3 Trompeten in B, 2 Kornette in B, 2 Horner in F, 3 Posaunen, 2 Flugelhorner in B, 3 Tenorhorner in B, 1 Bariton, 2 Tuben, Pauken, Kontrabass). $68.00 - See more - Buy online | | |
| Norwegian Dance Opus 35 No. 2 (Concert Band) Concert band [Score and Parts] - Beginner Curnow Music
Grade 1.5 - Score and Parts. By Edvard Grieg. Arranged by James Curnow. Curnow C...(+)
Grade 1.5 - Score and Parts. By Edvard Grieg. Arranged by James Curnow. Curnow Concert Band Full Set. Size 9x12 inches. Published by Curnow Music.
$42.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Salute to Europe Concert band [Score and Parts] - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie/Fanfare Band - Grade 1.5 SKU: BT.DHP-1094698-015 Co...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie/Fanfare Band - Grade 1.5 SKU: BT.DHP-1094698-015 Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven and Marc-Antoine Charpentier. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Flexible 4 Series. Concert Piece. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2009. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094698-015. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094698-015). 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch. Voor dit feestelijke werk liet de componist Jan de Haan zich inspireren door het beroemde Te Deum van Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1634-1704). In dit arrangement laat de componist de registers van het orkest op unieke wijze metelkaar communiceren. Zijn “groet aan Europa†is direct en krachtig, maar met zachte, elegante en melodische passages. Een schitterend werk voor een vierstemmig variabele bezetting.
Zu diesem festlichen Werk ließ sich Jan de Haan vom berühmten Te Deum von Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1634 - 1704) inspirieren. In brillanten Passagen lässt er die Register des Blasorchesters in Dialoge treten. Sein Gruß an Europa“ ist direkt und kraftvoll mit zarten, eleganten melodischen Abschnitten. Ein spritziges Werk für eine vierstimmig variable Bläserbesetzung!
Pour composer cette œuvre festive, Jan de Haan s’est inspiré du Te Deum de Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1634-1704) et de l'Ode la Joie extraite de la Symphonie n° 9 de Beethoven (1770-1827). Les différents pupitres de l’orchestre conversent dans des passages brillants. Le style est direct et vigoureux, les passages mélodiques sont délicats et élégants. Une œuvre pétillante quatre voix pour ensemble instrumentation variable. $91.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Fantasy on Beethoven's Ruins of Athens, S. 122 Concert band [Score] LudwigMasters Publications
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2.2.2: Timp.Perc(2-3) Str (9-8-7-6-5 in ...(+)
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2.2.2: Timp.Perc(2-3) Str (9-8-7-6-5 in set): Solo Pno in Score SKU: AP.36-A816701 Composed by Franz Liszt. Full Orchestra, Solo Keyboard with Ensemble, Conductor Score. Kalmus Orchestra Library. Score. LudwigMasters Publications #36-A816701. Published by LudwigMasters Publications (AP.36-A816701). ISBN 9798892703253. UPC: 659359825590. English. As an inexhaustible proponent of Beethoven's life and work, Franz Liszt (1811-1886) produced a number of arrangements and transcriptions in homage to the great composer. His FANTASIE ÜBER MOTIVEN AUS BEETHOVENS RUINEN VON ATHEN, S. 122 (FANTASY ON BEETHOVEN'S RUINS OF ATHENS) for piano and orchestra is one of three existing versions, all of which he dedicated to Nikolay Rubinstein. The work on which the piece is based, incidental music for a play by August von Kotzebue, was written in 1811 in Pest, Hungary for the dedication of a new theater. The first performance of the FANTASY took place, also in Pest, on June 1, 1853. Instrumentation: 2+Picc.2.2.2: Timp.Perc(2-3) Str (9-8-7-6-5 in set): Solo Pno in Score. Reprint edition. These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months. $35.00 - See more - Buy online | | |
| Fantasy on Beethoven's Ruins of Athens, S. 122 Concert band [Score and Parts] LudwigMasters Publications
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2.2.2: Timp.Perc(2-3) Str (9-8-7-6-5 in ...(+)
Concert Band; Orchestra 2+Picc.2.2.2: Timp.Perc(2-3) Str (9-8-7-6-5 in set): Solo Pno in Score SKU: AP.36-A816702 Composed by Franz Liszt. Full Orchestra, Solo Keyboard with Ensemble, Conductor Score & Parts. Kalmus Orchestra Library. Score and Part(s). LudwigMasters Publications #36-A816702. Published by LudwigMasters Publications (AP.36-A816702). UPC: 659359502255. English. As an inexhaustible proponent of Beethoven's life and work, Franz Liszt (1811-1886) produced a number of arrangements and transcriptions in homage to the great composer. His FANTASIE ÜBER MOTIVEN AUS BEETHOVENS RUINEN VON ATHEN, S. 122 (FANTASY ON BEETHOVEN'S RUINS OF ATHENS) for piano and orchestra is one of three existing versions, all of which he dedicated to Nikolay Rubinstein. The work on which the piece is based, incidental music for a play by August von Kotzebue, was written in 1811 in Pest, Hungary for the dedication of a new theater. The first performance of the FANTASY took place, also in Pest, on June 1, 1853. Instrumentation: 2+Picc.2.2.2: Timp.Perc(2-3) Str (9-8-7-6-5 in set): Solo Pno in Score. Reprint edition. These products are currently being prepared by a new publisher. While many items are ready and will ship on time, some others may see delays of several months. $65.00 - See more - Buy online | | |
| Romance, Opus 40 Concert band [Score] - Beginner Alfred Publishing
Concert Band - Grade 1.5 SKU: AP.37798S Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven....(+)
Concert Band - Grade 1.5 SKU: AP.37798S Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven. Arranged by Todd Stalter. Concert Band; Performance Music Ensemble; Single Titles. Challenger Band Series. Form: Transcription. Classical; Masterwork Arrangement; Romantic. Score. 8 pages. Alfred Music #00-37798S. Published by Alfred Music (AP.37798S). UPC: 038081436265. English. Beethoven wrote two Romances for violin and orchestra; his second one, the Op. 40 in G Major, was actually published in 1802, two years before the Op. 50 in F Major, even though the F Major Romance was composed four years earlier. The double stops of the violin solo are faithfully preserved in this arrangement, and careful attention to articulation and emphasis on melodic playing by every section of the band will make this piece an ideal choice to introduce the music of this master composer to young musicians. $6.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Royal Coronation Dances Concert band [Score and Parts] - Easy Manhattan Beach Music
Concert band - Grade 3 SKU: MH.1-59913-054-8 Composed by Bob Margolis. Su...(+)
Concert band - Grade 3 SKU: MH.1-59913-054-8 Composed by Bob Margolis. Suitable for advanced middle school, high school, community and college bands. Conductor score and set of parts. Duration 4:45. Published by Manhattan Beach Music (MH.1-59913-054-8). ISBN 9781599130545. Royal Coronation Dances is the first sequel to the Fanfare Ode & Festival, both being settings of dance music originally arranged by Gervaise in the mid 16th-century (the next sequel is The Renaissance Fair, which uses music of Susato and Praetorius). Fanfare Ode & Festival has been performed by many tens of thousands of students, both in high school and junior high school. I have heard that some of them are amazed that the music they are playing was first played and danced to over 400 years ago. Some students tend to think that music started with Handel and his Messiah to be followed by Beethoven and his Fifth Symphony, with naught in between or before of consequence. Although Royal Coronation Dances is derived from the same source as Fanfare Ode & Festival, they are treated in different ways. I envisioned this new suite programmatically -- hence the descriptive movement titles, which I imagined to be various dances actually used at some long-ago coronation. The first movement depicts the guests, both noble and common, flanked by flag and banner bearers, arriving at the palace to view the majestic event. They are festive, their flags swirling the air, their cloaks brightly colored. In the second movement, the queen in stately measure moves to take her place on the throne as leader and protector of the realm. In the third movement, the jesters of the court entertain the guests with wild games of sport. Musically, there are interesting sonorities to recreate. Very special attention should be given to the tambourine/tenor drum part in the first movement. Their lively rhythms give the movement its power. Therefore they should be played as distinctly and brilliantly as possible. The xylophone and glockenspiel add clarity, but must not be allowed to dominate. Observe especially the differing dynamics; the intent is to allow much buzzing bass to penetrate. The small drum (starting at meas. 29) should be played expressively, with attention to the notated articulations, with the brass light and detached, especially in a lively auditorium. It is of some further interest that the first dance is extremely modal. The original is clearly in G mixolydian mode (scale: G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G). However, other editors might put in F-sharps in many places (changing the piece almost to G major), in the belief that such ficta would have been automatically put in by the 16th-century performers as they played. I doubt it. I have not only eschewed these within the work, but even at the cadences. So this arrangement is most distinctly modal (listen to the F-naturals in meas. 22 and 23, for instance), with all the part-writing as Gervaise wrote it. In the second movement, be careful that things do not become too glued together. In the 16th century this music might have been played by a consort of recorders, instruments very light of touch and sensitive to articulation. Concert band can easily sound heavy, and although this movement has been scored for tutti band, it must not sound it. It is essential, therefore, that you hear all the instruments, with none predominating. Only when each timbre can be heard separately and simultaneously will the best blend occur, and consequently the greatest transparency. So aim for a transparent, spacious tutti sound in this movement. Especially have the flutes, who do this so well, articulate rather sharply, so as to produce a chiffing sound, and do not allow the quarter-notes to become too tied together in the entire band. The entrance of the drums (first tenor, then bass) are events and as such should be audible. Incidentally, this movement begins in F Major and ends in D Minor: They really didn't care so much about those things then. The third movement (one friend has remarked that it is the most Margolisian of the bunch, but actually I am just getting subtler, I hope) again relies upon the percussion (and the scoring) to make its points. Xylophone in this movement is meant to be distinctly audible. Therefore, be especially sure that the xylophone player is secure in the part, and also that the tambourine and toms sound good. This movement must fly or it will sink, so rev up the band and conduct it in 1 for this mixolydian jesting. I suppose the wildly unrelated keys (clarinets and then brass at the end) would be a good 16th-century joke, but to us, our put-up-the-chorus-a-half-step ears readily accept such shenanigans. Ensemble instrumentation: 1 Full Score, 1 Piccolo, 4 Flute 1, 4 Flute 2 & 3, 2 Oboe 1 & 2, 2 Bassoon 1 & 2, 1 Eb Clarinet, 4 Bb Clarinet 1, 4 Bb Clarinet 2, 4 Bb Clarinet 3, 2 Eb Alto Clarinet, 1 Eb Contra Alto Clarinet, 3 Bb Bass & Bb Contrabass Clarinet, 2 Eb Alto Saxophone 1, 2 Eb Alto Saxophone 2, 2 Bb Tenor Saxophone, 2 Eb Baritone Saxophone, 3 Bb Trumpet 1, 3 Bb Trumpet 2, 3 Bb Trumpet 3, 4 Horn in F 1 & 2, 2 Trombone 1, 4 Trombone 2 & 3, 3 Euphonium (B.C.), 2 Euphonium (T.C.), 4 Tuba, 1 String Bass, 1 Timpani (optional), 2 Xylophone & Glockenspiel, 5 Percussion. $95.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Ecossaise for Military Band, WoO 22 Concert band [Score] - Beginner Alfred Publishing
Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Arranged by Todd Stalter. Concert ...(+)
Composed by Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Arranged by Todd Stalter. Concert Band. Concert Band; Masterworks; Score. Challenger Band Series. Form: Transcription. Classical; Masterwork Arrangement; Romantic. Grade 1.5. 8 pages. Published by Alfred Music
$7.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band [Score] - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094806-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094806-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Score Only. Composed 2009. 80 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094806-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094806-401). ISBN 9789043132657. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
Essential Classics est le matériel idéal pour familiariser votre Classe d’Orchestre ou votre Orchestre Junior avec le répertoire classique. Les arrangements de difficulté progressive sont taillés sur mesure pour développer les premiers acquis et renforcer la capacité d’application des connaissances dans un contexte pédagogiquement structuré et motivants pour vos jeunes musiciens. De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façonindépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement du Quintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $34.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Accent on Performance Classical Collection Concert band Alfred Publishing
(22 Full Band Arrangements Correlated to Accent on Achievement (Tenor Saxophone)...(+)
(22 Full Band Arrangements Correlated to Accent on Achievement (Tenor Saxophone)). Arranged by John O'Reilly and Mark Williams. Concert Band. For Tenor Saxophone. Band Supplement; Book; Masterworks. Accent on Performance. Masterwork Arrangement. 24 pages.
$6.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Accent on Performance Classical Collection Concert band Alfred Publishing
(22 Full Band Arrangements Correlated to Accent on Achievement (Baritone Saxopho...(+)
(22 Full Band Arrangements Correlated to Accent on Achievement (Baritone Saxophone)). Arranged by John O'Reilly and Mark Williams. Concert Band. For Baritone Saxophone. Band Supplement; Book; Masterworks. Accent on Performance. Masterwork Arrangement. 24
$6.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Military Music of Beethoven Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate C. Alan Publications
By Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Arranged by J. Boyd. Concert Band. For Conc...(+)
By Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827). Arranged by J. Boyd. Concert Band. For Concert Band (Piccolo, Flute, Oboe 1/2, Eb Clarinet, Clarinet 1-4, Bassoon 1/2, Contrabassoon, Horn 1/2, Horn 3/4, Bb Trumpet 1-6, Opt. C Trumpet 1-6, Trombone 1/2, Euphonium 1/2, Opt. T.C. Baritone 1/2, Tuba, Piano, Percussion 1 (snare drum, bass drum), Percussion 2 (). Grade 4. Score and parts. Duration 10:00. Published by C. Alan Publications
$140.00 $133 (5% off) See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094811-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094811-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094811-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094811-401). ISBN 9789043132701. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente.separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094814-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094814-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094814-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094814-401). ISBN 9789043132732. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094816-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094816-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094816-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094816-401). ISBN 9789043132756. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094820-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094820-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094820-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094820-401). ISBN 9789043132794. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094810-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094810-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094810-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094810-401). ISBN 9789043132695. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094821-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094821-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094821-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094821-401). ISBN 9789043132800. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094812-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094812-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094812-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094812-401). ISBN 9789043132718. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094808-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094808-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094808-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094808-401). ISBN 9789043132671. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094807-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094807-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094807-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094807-401). ISBN 9789043132664. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094819-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094819-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094819-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094819-401). ISBN 9789043132787. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094818-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094818-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094818-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094818-401). ISBN 9789043132770. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $16.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Essential Classics Concert band - Beginner De Haske Publications
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094815-401 Small ...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie - very easy, easy SKU: BT.DHP-1094815-401 Small Masterpieces for Great Performances. Arranged by Jan de Haan. Essential Elements. Book Only. Composed 2009. 24 pages. De Haske Publications #DHP 1094815-401. Published by De Haske Publications (BT.DHP-1094815-401). ISBN 9789043132749. 9x12 inches. English. ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is a collection of pieces ideally suited to introduce beginning bands, whether in or outside of school, to the classical repertoire. The easy arrangements make the most popular melodies of all time accessible to young musicians, without the frustration of playing music that is too difficult for them. Now they can enjoy music from instrumental works and operas to oratorios and lieder, from Tylman Susato to George Gershwin. The pieces are arranged in ascending order of difficulty, coinciding with the progress students are making in Volumes 1 and 2 of ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS the complete method for music education in schools and bands. But even without ESSENTIALELEMENTS, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS is an excellent source of repertoire by itself. In addition to the music the individual parts contain short snippets of information about the music, composer and genre, written in a style younger players will understand. The full score contains more in-depth information on the music. No matter how you use ESSENTIAL CLASSICS with your band, your players will love all the fun and engaging arrangements it as to offer.
Die deutschsprachige Ausgabe dieser Reihe ist unter dem Titel Bläserklasse Klassik erhältlich.
De Susato Gershwin, de l’oratorio au lied en passant par l’opéra et autres genres, Essential Classics propose une plongée dans l’univers classique. Les arrangements suivent la progression des recueils Essential Elements (Vol. 1 & 2), mais peuvent également être utilisés de façon indépendante. La version intégrale de chaque arrangement est disponible sur le compact disc d’accompagnement vendu séparément. Sommaire : La Mourisque (Susato) • Le Printemps (Vivaldi) • Musette (J.-S. Bach) • Le gai laboureur (Schumann) • L’Innamorata (Gastoldi) • 2e mouvement du Quatuor « L’Empereur » (Haydn) • 4e mouvement duQuintette « La Truite » (Schubert) • Ouverture de Guillaume Tell (Rossini) • Le beau Danube bleu (J. Strauss II) • Trumpet Voluntary (Clarke) • Alléluia du Messie (Haendel) • La lettre Élise (Beethoven) • Capriccio italien (Tcha kovski) • 4e mouvement de la Symphonie du » Nouveau Monde » (Dvoøák) • Une petite musique de nuit - 1er mouvement (Mozart) • Danse hongroise n° 5 (Brahms) • Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar) • La donna è mobile (Verdi) • Marche Nuptiale (Wagner) • Cancan (Offenbach) • Symphonie n° 1 - 3e mouvement (Mahler) • Summertime (Gershwin).
ESSENTIAL CLASSICS è il materiale ideale per far familiarizzare le bande principianti o junior con il repertorio della musica classica. Gli arrangiamenti, ideati in ordine progressivo di difficolt , sono ideali per sviluppare le prime conoscenze gi acquisite e rinforzare la capacit di applicazione in un contesto strutturato in maniera pedagogica e motivante. Da Susato a Gershwin, dall’oratorio al lied, passando per l’opera e altri generi musicali, ESSENTIAL CLASSICS propone un’immersione nell’universo classico. La versione integrale di ogni arrangiamento è disponibile sul CD di accompagnamento venduto separatamente. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
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