Furulyázzunk együtt! [Let's Play the Recorder] is for both teachers and learners of the instrument, for young people who encounter the instrument during their advanced studies, as well as anyone interested in learning the recorder as an adult, or who wants to refresh their former skill on the instrument.The volume provides supplementary material for volumes I and II of János Béres's Recorder Method (Z. 5406, Z. 7062): it contains recordings of the thirty-seven exercises, folk songs, and performance pieces found in the Method. In addition there is the music of many other exercises, groups of folk songs, and pieces, with their recordings. All the material is accompanied by abrief description which gives useful tips on how to overcome technical and musical challenges. This volume does not contain the musical scores of the exercises, songs, and pieces in volumes I and II of the Recorder Method, so the benefits of Furulyázzunk együtt! can only be fully enjoyed in conjunction with the Recorder Method.This volume is distributed in both print and digital formats. The audio recordings can only be found in the digital edition, but the printed edition contains a unique code giving free access to the digital edition.
SKU: HL.49045121
ISBN 9783795709266. 7.5x11.0x0.134 inches.
Die beliebte Floten-Reihe fur coole Kids geht in die 14. Runde und bietet wieder leichte Arrangements fur 1-2 Sopran-Blockfloten, inkl. CD zum Mitspielen. Starke Songs motivieren Kinder zum Uben und Vorspielen und stellen somit eine ideale Erganzung zum modernen Anfanger-Unterricht dar.
SKU: HL.44007128
ISBN 9789043110051. UPC: 884088167950. International (more than one language).
This book contains easy arrangements of 16 popular Christmas carols for instrumentalits with play-along CD backing. Dit boek bevat 16 sfeervolle internationale kerstliederen. Sechzehn internationale Weihnachtslieder mit einer fantasievollen Begleitung auf CD. 16 melodies du temps de Noel et de l'Avent sont rassemblees dans ce recueil. Questa pubblicazione contiene arrangiamenti facilitati di 16 brani natalizi per flauto dolce con CD play-along.
SKU: HL.44005957
UPC: 884088044275. 9.0x12.0x0.155 inches. English.
This collection not only includes the full score, recorder and piano parts but also a CD. The CD allows you to play by yourself if you do not have any other musicians available; or it can be used in an ensemble situation to provide added depth to the sound. Jeder Band dieser Serie fur Blockflotentrio und Klavier umfasst vier reizvolle Arrangements, die fast allen Spielern zuganglich sind. Die eingespielte Klavierbegleitung auf der beiliegenden CD unterstutzt das Spiel zu Hause und kann als Begleitung des Trios oder auch zur Vertiefung des Klangs eingesetzt werden. Ogni raccolta de The Trii & Piano Collection racchiude 4 brani per trii di flauti e pianoforte. Gli accompagnamenti al piano sono presentati in due versioni: una versione cartacea e una versione incisa sul CD incluso per coloro che non hanno a disposizione un pianista accompagnatore.
SKU: BT.DHP-1001892-400
ISBN 9789043108188. 9x12 inches. English-German-French-Dutch.
This exciting book contains a collection of pieces in various styles of popular music, including pop, reggae, blues, rock, RandB, rock and roll and ballad. They are easy to play and easy to listen to, and the accompanying CD enables you to feel you are playing with a real pop group. Mit zehn eigenständigen Kompositionen gelingt es Michiel Merkies, verschiedene Stile (Pop, Rock und Blues) â??rüberzubringenâ??. Auf der CD werden alle Nummern von einer fetzigen Live-Band begleitet. The Sound of Pop, Rock and Blues contiene 10 composizioni interpretate da un gruppo con solide basi. Se a questo si aggiunge che lâ??autore riesce a trasmettere in modo chiaro ed accessibile le techniche particolari di ognuno dei tre generi musicali trattati, si dispone di un metodo ideale per tutti gli amanti della musica pop desiderosi di migliorare il proprio suono. Anche i flautisti principianti si potranno così avvicinare a questi generi musicali.