| Beatles für Gitarre 1 Guitar [Sheet music + CD] - Easy Bosworth
Guitar - easy SKU: BT.BWH4493 Revised edition. Arranged by Peter B...(+)
Guitar - easy SKU: BT.BWH4493 Revised edition. Arranged by Peter Bursch. Pop & Rock. Book with CD. Composed 2021. 112 pages. Bosworth & Co. #BWH4493. Published by Bosworth & Co. (BT.BWH4493). ISBN 9783920127163. German. Jetzt wieder erhältlich: Beatles für Gitarre“ von Erfolgsautor Peter Bursch! Das Beatles-Gitarrenbuch, mit dem wirklich jeder etwas anfangen kann: Beatles-Songs locker und leicht spielen und zwar von Anfang an. Alle Griff- und Spieltechniken erklärt Peter Bursch so einfach wie möglich und mit vielen zusätzlichen Hinweisen. Auf der beiliegenden CD sind alle in dem Buch behandelten Beatles-Songs mit allen Spieltechniken zu hören und laden direkt zum Mitspielen ein. Die speziellen Gitarren-Riffs, Melodieläufe, Anschlag- und Zupftechniken der Beatles werden ausführlich erklärt, damit jeder die charakteristischen Spieltechniken lernen kann. Dazu gibt es jede Menge Infos und Stories über die Beatles, ihre Musik sowie die Entstehungsgeschichten der Songs. Peter Bursch gilt als Deutschlands Gitarrenlehrer der Nation und hat im Laufe seine Karriere insgesamt neunzehn Lehrbücher für verschiedene Spielniveaus und Stile veröffentlicht. Sein erstes Gitarrenbuch wird seit seiner Erstveröffentlichung 1975 weiterhin als wichtigstes Lehrwerk für den Einstieg ins Gitarrenspiel betrachtet. Die Gitarrenbaufirma Martin stellte für Peter Bursch ein Sigma-Signaturemodell her. Er ist der erste Deutsche, dem diese Ehre zuteilwurde. https://www.peter-bursch.de/ $36.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Suite No. 1 Guitar Classical guitar [Score] - Advanced Productions OZ
Guitar solo - Advanced SKU: DZ.DZ-4308 Composed by Giorgio Mirto. Score. ...(+)
Guitar solo - Advanced SKU: DZ.DZ-4308 Composed by Giorgio Mirto. Score. Les Productions d'OZ #DZ 4308. Published by Les Productions d'OZ (DZ.DZ-4308). ISBN 9782898522253. Following a recent experience on the jury of a guitar competition, I noted with great pleasure that Giorgio Mirto, with whom I had shared the role of juror, wanted to celebrate the experience of the competition - during from which we discovered that we had had a great affinity of thought - with something which could endure over time and not evaporate as often happens in short and occasional meetings between musicians. He did it as a true composer, which he is, and dedicated to me a very beautifully crafted Suite to which I allowed myself to collaborate at least formally, by suggesting titles for the four movements. This is how Suite n.1 was born, a piece that does not strictly respect the formal rules of the Baroque era, but reinterprets and reuses them in a new key. The work's obvious late Baroque inspiration led me to find titles that invited the performer to delve deeper into the work's aesthetic inspiration. So I suggested to Giorgio that he title the four movements with something that linked their content to four greats of the 18th century. German masters. The prelude has thus become from Eisenach because of its sometimes improvised Bach-like atmosphere, the second movement, vaguely toccata, speaks an organ language in the manner of Buxtehude (who lived in Lübeck), the slow movement has a Handelian quality - and Handel was born in Halle - and the last movement, far from being a true Chaconne, undoubtedly has the latter's taste for variation and ostinato, typical traits of Telemann who lived in Magdeburg. The cities that appear in the titles are therefore indelible to the authors cited. Furthermore, one should not think that the style of the work is in any way German, given that Giorgio Mirto expresses himself in a very joyful language that synthesizes modality with minimalism, all seasoned with a a nod to Pink's progressive rock Floyd. or a Mike Oldfield... The result of this mixture of ideas, inspirations and styles is a work that personally I never tire of reading and rereading, for the freshness that emanates from it and for the climate expressive which rises, nourishing itself with full efficiency. We ultimately cannot ignore that the note B, the one which marks in a minor way some of the most expressive works of the guitar repertoire, from the study of Sor which made generations of students fall in love with the guitar, until to that of Frank Martin's Four Pieces via La Catedral di Barrios, is the modal fulcrum of the entire Suite: it is true that the Prelude begins with a clear chord in E minor and lingers on an open ending in A minor , but it almost seems that the initial E serves as a launching pad for a continuation of the work in which the dominant, that is to say the B, is the true musical North, the pole star which guides us in the other three movements until the end of the Chaconne de Magdebourg. I wish Giorgio and our Suite great longevity and a favorable destiny in the complex and complex world of contemporary guitar composition. And I thank him again, flattered by his very kind dedication.
Au lendemain d'une récente expérience au sein du jury d'un concours de guitare, j'ai constaté avec grand plaisir que Giorgio Mirto, avec qui j'avais partagé le rôle de juré, souhaitait célébrer l'expérience du concours - au cours de laquelle nous avons découvert que nous avions eu un grand affinité de pensée - avec quelque chose qui pourrait perdurer dans le temps et ne pas s'évaporer comme cela arrive souvent lors de rencontres courtes et occasionnelles entre musiciens. Il l'a fait en véritable compositeur, ce qu'il est, et m'a dédié une Suite d'une très belle facture àlaquelle je me suis permis de collaborer au moins formellement, en suggérant des titres pour les quatre mouvements. C'est ainsi qu'est née la Suite n.1, une pièce qui ne respecte pas strictement les règles formelles de l'époque baroque, mais les réinterprète et les réutilise dans une nouvelle tonalité. L'inspiration évidente du baroque tardif de l'Ã
Âuvre m'a amené àtrouver des titres qui invitaient l'interprète àapprofondir l'inspiration esthétique de l'Ã
Âuvre. J'ai donc suggéré àGiorgio de titrer les quatre mouvements avec quelque chose qui reliait leur contenu àquatre grands du XVIIIe siècle. Maîtres allemands. Le prélude est ainsi devenu d'Eisenach en raison de son atmosphère parfois improvisée àla Bach, le deuxième mouvement, vaguement toccata, parle un langage d'orgue àla manière de Buxtehude (qui vivait àLübeck), le mouvement lent a un Qualité haendélienne - et Haendel est né àHalle - et le dernier mouvement, loin d'être une véritable Chaconne, a sans doute le goût de cette dernière pour la variation et l'ostinato, traits typiques de Telemann qui vivait àMagdebourg. Les villes qui apparaissent dans les titres sont donc indélébiles aux auteurs cités. De plus, il ne faut pas penser que le style de l'Ã
Âuvre soit en aucune façon allemand, étant donné que Giorgio Mirto s'exprime dans un langage très joyeux qui synthétise la modalité avec le minimalisme, le tout assaisonné d'un clin d'Ã
Âil au rock progressif Floyd de Pink. ou un Mike Oldfield... Le résultat de ce mélange d'idées, d'inspirations et de styles est un ouvrage que personnellement je ne me lasse pas de lire et de relire, pour la fraîcheur qui s'en dégage et pour le climat expressif qui monte, se nourrissant de plein efficacité. On ne peut finalement pas ignorer que la note B, celle qui marque de manière mineure certaines des Ã
Âuvres les plus expressives du répertoire de guitare, depuis l'étude de Sor qui a fait tomber amoureux de la guitare des générations d'étudiants, jusqu'àcelle de Frank Martin Quatre Pièces via La Catedral di Barrios, est le point d'appui modal de toute la Suite : il est vrai que le Prélude commence par un accord clair en mi mineur et s'attarde sur une fin ouverte en la mineur, mais il semble presque que le mi initial sert de une rampe de lancement pour une suite de l'Ã
Âuvre dans laquelle la dominante, c'est-à-dire le B, est le véritable Nord musical, l'étoile polaire qui nous guide dans les trois autres mouvements jusqu'àla fin de la Chaconne de Magdebourg. Je souhaite àGiorgio et àë notre û Suite une grande longévité et un destin favorable dans le monde complexe et complexe de la composition contemporaine pour guitare. Et je le remercie encore, flatté de son très aimable dévouement.
FRANCESCO BIRAGHI. $12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Élégie Guitar Classical guitar [Score] - Intermediate Doberman
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: DY.DO-1522 Composed by Francis Bebey. Arranged...(+)
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: DY.DO-1522 Composed by Francis Bebey. Arranged by Ingrid Riollot. Score. Les Editions Doberman-Yppan #DO 1522. Published by Les Editions Doberman-Yppan (DY.DO-1522). ISBN 9782897963026. Francis Bebey est né à Douala en juillet 1929, dans une grande famille où son père, pasteur, luttait pour nourrir ses enfants. Mais Francis a eu l'opportunité d'aller à l'école. Admirant son frère aîné, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, il s'est éduqué, s'est distingué, et a finalement reçu une bourse pour passer son baccalauréat en France. Nous approchions de la fin des années 1950 lorsqu'il est arrivé à La Rochelle. Plus que jamais, dans cette France où les Africains étaient regardés avec curiosité, condescendance ou dédain, Francis s'appuyait sur ses ressources intellectuelles. Travailleur assidu, il a obtenu son baccalauréat, puis s'est installé à Paris où il a commencé des études d'anglais à la Sorbonne. Un jour, il a su ce qui l'attirait vraiment : il voulait faire de la radio. Francis a appris son métier en France et aux �tats-Unis. Après avoir travaillé quelques années comme reporter, il a été embauché en 1961 en tant que fonctionnaire international au Département de l'information de l'UNESCO. Parallèlement, Francis a toujours été attiré par la création musicale. Son activité diurne très sérieuse ne l'empêchait pas de fréquenter les clubs de jazz le soir. � Paris, le jazz, la musique à la mode à cette époque, mais aussi la rumba et la salsa l'attiraient. Il collectionnait les disques et assistait à de nombreux concerts. Avec son complice Manu Dibango, Francis montait sur scène et jouait de la musique. Francis aimait la musique classique depuis son enfance. Il avait grandi en écoutant les cantates et les oratorios de Bach ou Handel que son père chantait au temple. Il s'est passionné pour la guitare, impressionné par les maîtres espagnols et sud-américains, et a décidé d'apprendre à jouer de l'instrument lui-même. Il a commencé à composer des pièces pour guitare, mêlant les diverses influences qui le traversaient avec la musique traditionnelle africaine qu'il portait en lui depuis son enfance. Son approche a captivé le directeur du Centre culturel américain (alors situé dans le quartier de Saint-Germain à Paris), qui lui a offert l'opportunité de se produire devant un public. Francis y a donné son premier récital de guitare (1963) devant un public hypnotisé. Son premier album solo est sorti peu de temps après. Progressivement, Francis est devenu reconnu comme musicien et compositeur. Plusieurs albums de l'ambassadeur africain de la guitare, comme le décrivait la presse, sont sortis. Il a également écrit des livres, au point que sa carrière artistique est devenue difficile à concilier avec sa carrière de fonctionnaire. En 1974, même s'il était devenu le directeur général chargé de la musique à l'UNESCO, il a fait le saut audacieux et a démissionné de cette prestigieuse institution pour se consacrer aux trois activités qui l'intéressaient : la musique, la littérature et le journalisme. Il a exploré le patrimoine musical traditionnel du continent africain, notamment à travers le piano à pouce sanza et la musique polyphonique des pygmées d'Afrique centrale, ou en chantant dans sa langue maternelle et en composant des chansons humoristiques en français ! Le succès a suivi. Francis Bebey a parcouru le monde : de la France au Brésil, du Cameroun à la Suède, de l'Allemagne aux Caraïbes, ou du Maroc au Japon... la liste des pays où il a été invité à se produire, à donner des conférences ou à rencontrer des lecteurs est très longue. En plus de la reconnaissance publique, il bénéficiait de la reconnaissance de ses collègues musiciens, tels que le guitariste John Williams ou le Vénézuélien Antonio Lauro, qui l'ont invité à faire partie du jury d'un concours de guitare classique à Caracas. Sa vie était le voyage d'un pionnier africain, un homme enraciné dans son patrimoine culturel et portant un message de partage et d'espoir pour le monde. Son originalité continue de résonner dans le monde entier depuis son décès à la fin du mois de mai 2001.
Francis Bebey was born in Douala in July 1929, into a large family where his father, a pastor, struggled to feed his children. But Francis had the opportunity to go to school. Admiring his elder brother, Marcel Eyidi Bebey, he educated himself, distinguished himself, and eventually received a scholarship to go and take his baccalaureate in France. We approached the end of the 1950s when he arrived in La Rochelle. More than ever, in this France where Africans were looked at with curiosity, condescension, or disdain, Francis relied on his intellectual resources. A diligent worker, he obtained his Baccalaureate, then moved to Paris where he started English studies at the Sorbonne. One day, he knew what truly attracted him: he wanted to do radio. Francis learned his craft in France and in the USA. After working for a few years as a reporter, he was hired in 1961 as an international civil servant in the UNESCO Information Department. In parallel, Francis had always been drawn to musical creation. His very serious daytime activity didnâ??t prevent him from frequenting jazz clubs in the evenings. In Paris, the Jazz, the trendy music of that time, but also rumba and salsa attracted him. He collected records and attended numerous concerts. With his accomplice Manu Dibango, Francis took the stage and played music. Francis liked classical music since his childhood. He grew up listening to the cantatas and oratorios of Bach or Handel that his father had sung in the temple. He became passionate about the guitar, impressed by the Spanish and South American masters, and decided to learn to strum the instrument himself. He started composing guitar pieces, blending the various influences that flow through him with the traditional African music he had carried within since childhood. His approach captivated the director of the American Cultural Center (then located in the Saint-Germain neighborhood of Paris), who offered him the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. Francis gave his first guitar recital there (1963) in front of a mesmerized audience. His first solo album was released shortly thereafter. Gradually, Francis became recognized as a musician and composer. Several albums of the African guitar ambassador, as described by the press, were released. He also wrote books, to the point that his artistic career became challenging to reconcile with his career as a civil servant. In 1974, even though he had become the General Manager in charge of music at UNESCO, he took the bold leap and resigned from this prestigious institution to dedicated himself to the three activities that interested him: music, literature, and journalism. He explored the traditional musical heritage of the African continent, notably through the thumb piano sanza, and the polyphonic music of the Central African pygmies, or singing in his native language and composing humoristic songs in French! Success followed. Francis Bebey traveled the world: from France to Brazil, Cameroon to Sweden, Germany to the Carribean, or Morocco to Japan... the list of countries where he was invited to perform, gives lectures, or meets readers is very long. In addition to public recognition, he enjoyed the recognition of his fellow musicians, such as guitarist John Williams or Venezuelan Antonio Lauro, who invited him to be a part of the jury for a classical guitar competition in Caracas. His life was the journey of an African pioneer, a man rooted in his cultural heritage and carrying a message of sharing and hope for the world. His originality continues to vibrate around the world since his passing at the end of May 2001. $4.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| The Beatles – The Little Black Songbook Guitar Hal Leonard
Lyrics/Chords Guitar SKU: HL.242081 By The Beatles. The Little Black Song...(+)
Lyrics/Chords Guitar SKU: HL.242081 By The Beatles. The Little Black Songbook. Pop. 384 pages. Hal Leonard #HL00242081. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.242081). ISBN 9781785588617. UPC: 888680704407. 4.75x7.75x0.956 inches. A pocket-sized collection of 195 Beatles hits presented in chord songbook format. Includes complete lyrics, chord names & a handy chord box reference sheet. Including classic hits such as: All You Need Is Love • Can't Buy Me Love • Day Tripper • Do You Want to Know a Secret • Eleanor Rigby • From Me to You • Get Back • Help! • Hey Jude • I Want to Hold Your Hand • Let It Be • Magical Mystery Tour • Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da • Please Please Me • Ticket to Ride • Twist and Shout • and more. $19.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 18 Contrapuntal Pieces for Guitar Guitar Ut Orpheus
Composed by Paolo Ugoletti Andrea Vezzoli. Edited by Piero Bonaguri and Raffae...(+)
Composed by Paolo Ugoletti
Andrea Vezzoli. Edited by
Piero Bonaguri and Raffaello
Ravasio. Saddle stitching.
Piero Bonaguri Collection.
Classical. Ut Orpheus #CH 254.
Published by Ut Orpheus
$21.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| The Beatles Book Guitar - Easy Hal Leonard
Performed by The Beatles. Easy Guitar (Simplified arrangements for guitar). Size...(+)
Performed by The Beatles. Easy Guitar (Simplified arrangements for guitar). Size 9x12 inches. 176 pages. Published by Hal Leonard.
$29.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Selected Works, vol. 1 Guitar Classical guitar [Score] Productions OZ
Guitar - Advanced SKU: DZ.DZ-4314 Composed by Ramsés Calderón. Scor...(+)
Guitar - Advanced SKU: DZ.DZ-4314 Composed by Ramsés Calderón. Score. Les Productions d'OZ #DZ 4314. Published by Les Productions d'OZ (DZ.DZ-4314). ISBN 9782898522314. The present collection is around the idea of paying homage to the people that each piece is dedicated to. El Colibrà(Hummingbird): A meaningful bird within Central American indigenous mythology. Dedicated to my good friend and co-author Federico Sheppard, a very special human being with whom I have walked a long journey in a short time, to produce and publish the work of the great AgustÃÂn Barrios Mangoré. El Faro refers to the guidance of a lighthouse for the those navigating the sea, the light to point travellers in the right direction. This piece is dedicated to maestro Antonio RodrÃÂguez Delgado, for his unconditional friendship, light, and guidance with the complex journey of our beloved instrument, so that it be used as a tool for self realization. Gratitude is dedicated to maestro Elias Barreiro for his tireless work and contribution to the global guitar practices, additionally, for his genuine friendship. Canción de Cuna is a piece that pretends to reflect the awakening of a new consciousness for humanity, the title (Lullaby) refers to the little person we all have inside.
La présente collection est centrée sur l'idée de rendre hommage aux personnes auxquelles chaque pièce est dédiée. El Colibrà(Colibri) : Un oiseau significatif dans la mythologie indigène d'Amérique centrale. Dédicacé àmon bon ami et co-auteur Federico Sheppard, un être humain très spécial avec qui j'ai parcouru un long chemin en peu de temps, pour produire et publier l'Ã
Âuvre du grand AgustÃÂn Barrios Mangoré. El Faro fait référence àla guidance d'un phare pour ceux qui naviguent en mer, la lumière pour orienter les voyageurs dans la bonne direction. Cette pièce est dédiée au maestro Antonio RodrÃÂguez Delgado, pour son amitié inconditionnelle, sa lumière et son guidage dans le voyage complexe de notre instrument bien-aimé, afin qu'il soit utilisé comme un outil de réalisation de soi. Gratitude est dédiée au maestro Elias Barreiro pour son travail inlassable et sa contribution aux pratiques mondiales de la guitare, et en plus, pour son amitié sincère. Canción de Cuna est une pièce qui prétend refléter l'éveil d'une nouvelle conscience pour l'humanité, le titre (Berceuse) se réfère àla petite personne que nous avons tous àl'intérieur de nous. $10.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Exceptional Classics for Guitar Guitar Classical guitar [Sheet music] Santorella Publications
By Various. Arranged by Robert Tarchara. For guitar. This edition: Paperback. Co...(+)
By Various. Arranged by Robert Tarchara. For guitar. This edition: Paperback. Collection. Classical. Book. Text Language: English. 48 pages. Published by Santorella Publications
$12.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Rockschool Guitar Grade 3 (2018) Guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] - Easy Rock School Limited (RSL)
Guitar - easy SKU: BT.RSK200045 Exam Material. Book with Online Audio. Co...(+)
Guitar - easy SKU: BT.RSK200045 Exam Material. Book with Online Audio. Composed 2018. Rockschool #RSK200045. Published by Rockschool (BT.RSK200045). ISBN 9781912352548. English. Learn to play rock and pop with Rockschool. These specially written arrangements develop the skills and techniques you need to help you achieve your musical goals. For Rockschool's 2018-2024 Guitar series, Rockschool have commissioned arrangements of titles reflecting popular music's rich heritage in all its forms and have tailored each piece to make it exactly right for the grade. You can also use titles from Rockschool's Classics series as part of the syllabus. The arrangements have been written and performed by top session musicians who have worked with some of the biggest names in rock, metal and pop. The tracks were recorded at Real World's acclaimed recordingstudios and feature live instruments and first rate performances for an unrivalled level of feel, authenticity and musicianship. Featuring: - Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
- Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud
- Otis Redding - (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay
- Taylor Swift - I Knew You Were Trouble
- Bryan Adams - Summer Of 69
- Creedence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary
- 6 Rockschool Originals
Plus: - Band and artist fact files with recommended listening
- In-depth walkthroughs of every track
- Easy-access downloadable audio
- Example tests and exercises
- Amp settings and tone advice for each track
$25.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| J. S. Bach: Sacred Songs and Arias from Schmelli's Hymnal for Voice and Guitar BWV 439-507 Guitar - Intermediate Mel Bay
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: MB.30667M With Guitar Transcriptions of Bac...(+)
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: MB.30667M With Guitar Transcriptions of Bach's Figured Bass Accompaniment. Composed by Matthias Stegmann. Gospel/Sacred, Squareback saddle stitch, Christian. Gospel. Book and online PDF. 238 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #30667M. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.30667M). ISBN 9781513463971. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. Johann Sebastian Bachâ??s arrangements of the â??69 Sacred Songsâ? from the Musical Hymnal by Georg Christian Schemelli (Leipzig, 1736) have long been part of the German language vocal concert repertoire and a mainstay in vocal pedagogy. Originally, only these 69 of the 954 hymns in the collection were published with a single bass line as the accompaniment. Bachâ??s contribution was to specify harmonies to be played over those same bass lines by adding figured bass numbers and symbols beneath each note. A figured bass line can easily be turned into a relatively simple guitar accompaniment or a more elaborate setting, offering a range of possibilities that make working with this music both interesting and rewarding for the guitarist. While other period and modern editions of the â??69 Sacred Songsâ? offer accompaniments for keyboard instruments, this Mel Bay publication features intermediate to advanced transcriptions exclusively for the guitar. Best suited to college-level players or advanced aficionados, this special Mel Bay Publications edition includes the vocal line with German lyrics and the guitar accompaniment transcribed from Bachâ??s figured bass lines. Written in guitar-friendly keys, 29 of the transcriptions employ a capo to achieve the original key designed for high voices. Without the capo, these same arrangements would be suitable to be sung by lower voices. The remaining 40 hymns are in their original guitar-friendly keys and so do not require a capo. This volume contains accompaniment settings of all 69 of the sacred songs and arias for which Bach wrote figured bass annotation. For performance variety and convenience, this book includes â??Scores in their Original Keys,â? and stand-alone â??Guitar Accompaniment,â? and â??Bass Parts. $24.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Guitarra Liturgia Guitar [Score] - Intermediate OR-TAV Music Publications
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: OT.26114 Composed by Ariel Lazarus. A short su...(+)
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: OT.26114 Composed by Ariel Lazarus. A short suite for classical guitar based on themes from the Spanish and Portuguese tradition. Classical. Score. OR-TAV Music Publications #26114. Published by OR-TAV Music Publications (OT.26114). ISBN 9789655051049. 8.27 x 11.69 inches. Ariel Lazarus Guitarra Liturgia Two pieces based on music from the Spanish and Portuguese tradition. Contents: Jerusalem de Sefarad - Suite for Guitar Contrapunto Sefardi The composer writes: For many years I wanted to compose a piece for guitar which would inspire interested students to expand their repertoire in the direction of Jewish music. The most natural thing for me was to write a suite based on themes from the synagogue in which I grew up – the Spanish and Portuguese synagogue of Gibraltar. My beloved grandfather served all his life as hazzan (cantor) of this synagogue, and I always felt as a composer and educator that I had a special obligation to continue his tradition and pass it on to a new generation. In this composition, I let the guitar echo the piyyutim (semi-liturgical poems) that were part of my childhood: Adon Olam, Sh'charchoret, Achot K'tana, Yigdal, Borei ad Ana, all of which are sung in the Spanish and Portuguese tradition from Gibraltar to London, and from New York to Jerusalem. I let myself dream the piyyutim, take them apart and reconstruct them as a short suite for guitar, the results of which you are invited to hear here. As a conceptual idea for the suite, I choose to suggest about the cultural continuation between the Diaspora and the land of Israel by way of referencing the well-known melody of Naomi Shemer, which is also popular among the hazzanim. Dr. Ariel Lazarus is a unique voice among Israeli composer-performers today. Brought up in a family with Jewish musical roots both in Gibraltar and Westphalia, he began composing and playing the guitar in his teens, and has been committed to developing his own compositional language ever since, always maintaining an open dialogue with his traditions. Lazarus received his BMus and MMus degrees from Oklahoma City University in classical guitar performance and composition where he studied with American composer Dr. Edward Knight. He earned his PhD from Bar Ilan University, studying composition with Prof. Betty Olivero and Prof. Gideon Lewensohn and conducting research under the supervision of Prof. Edwin Seroussi from the Hebrew University. His symphonic works have been premiered by the Raanana Symphonette Orchestra, and his chamber works have been performed by various ensembles in the United States, Central Europe, Portugal, Gibraltar, Scandinavia and Israel. Lazarus performs regularly as Art Ambassador on behalf of the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora affairs Amiel BaKehila program. His solo album A Hebrew Capriccio was released by the German boutique label SmoothFactor and was awarded critical acclaim, among others, in Haaretz, and Neue Westfalishe. Dr. Lazarus is the musical director and co-founder of the Israeli Ladino Orchestra. His work with the orchestra has been recognized by the official Carta de España. He teaches at the Academic College for Education Givat Washington, and the Rimon School of Music. Lazarus’s work has been awarded by the Israeli Pais Art council and ACUM. $12.44 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| The Real Bluegrass Book
Guitar [Fake Book] Hal Leonard
(C Instruments). By Various. Fake Book. Softcover. 432 pages. Published by Hal L...(+)
(C Instruments). By Various. Fake Book. Softcover. 432 pages. Published by Hal Leonard
(1)$44.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Couch Potato Guitar Workout Guitar Alfred Publishing
(Technique Building Exercises You Can Do While Watching TV!). By Greg Horne. For...(+)
(Technique Building Exercises You Can Do While Watching TV!). By Greg Horne. For Guitar. Book; Guitar Method or Supplement; Method/Instruction; Technique Musicianship. 48 pages. Published by Alfred Music Publishing
$10.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Tarrega -- Recuerdos de la Alhambra Guitar Classical guitar Alfred Publishing
(An Alfred Classical Guitar Masterworks Edition). Composed by Francisco Tá...(+)
(An Alfred Classical Guitar
Masterworks Edition).
Composed by Francisco
Tárrega. For Guitar. Book;
Classical Guitar Folio;
Masterworks. Classical
Guitar Masterworks.
Masterwork Arrangement;
Romantic. 24 pages.
Published by Alfred Music
$8.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Cake Walks and Classic Rags for Fingerstyle Guitar Guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] - Intermediate Mel Bay
Saddle-stitched. Folk. Book and online audio. 172 pages. Mel Bay Publications,...(+)
Saddle-stitched. Folk. Book
and online audio. 172 pages.
Mel Bay Publications, Inc
#31061M. Published by Mel Bay
Publications, Inc
$24.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Do-It-Yourself Guitar Guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] Hal Leonard
Book with Online Audio & Video Guitar SKU: HL.346730 The Best Step-by-...(+)
Book with Online Audio & Video Guitar SKU: HL.346730 The Best Step-by-Step Guide to Start Playing. Do It Yourself. Method. Softcover Media Online. 136 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.346730). ISBN 9781540094797. UPC: 840126925111. 9.0x12.0x0.329 inches. Do-It-Yourself Guitar is a fun way to get started playing on your own. Using over 90 well-known pop and rock tunes, you will be given step-by-step instructions on what you need to know to get started and sounding like a pro in no time. Includes over 150 audio tracks for demonstration and play-along, plus video instruction that covers all concepts within! Covers: Guitar fundamentals; reading guitar tablature; fret-hand and pick-hand techniques; chords & chord progressions; scales; techniques for acoustic and electric guitar; lead guitar; fingerstyle guitar; playing styles of famous guitarists; demonstraton and play-along audio tracks; video instruction and demonstration; and more! The price of this book includes access to audio and video online, for download or streaming, using the unique code found inside. Includes PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right–available exclusively from Hal Leonard. $24.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Grand Recueil pour la Guitare Op. 114 - Vol. 2: Third and Fourth Part Guitar Classical guitar [Score] Ut Orpheus
Guitar SKU: UT.CH-387 Composed by Ferdinando Carulli. Edited by Romolo Ca...(+)
Guitar SKU: UT.CH-387 Composed by Ferdinando Carulli. Edited by Romolo Calandruccio. Classical. Score. Ut Orpheus #CH 387. Published by Ut Orpheus (UT.CH-387). ISBN 9790215328235. 9 x 12 inches. Opus 114 is certainly one of Carulliâ??s most important didactic works, so much so that the author himself made a point of writing in the second edition of his famous Method op. 27 (1819): The student, when moving on to the second part, must continue to practise on the easy pieces which are to be found in opus nos. 50, 15, 35, 36, 93, 7 and above all in opus 114. He maintained this indication also in later editions of the Method itself, unlike what he did with other collections of studies which were no longer recommended. The purpose of op. 114, in particular of the preludes, is clearly explained by the author himself in the preface of op. 265: I have already offered preludes in my opus nos. 71 and 114 to people, but they serve to study and learn to play all sorts of difficult passages, to practise modulating, and learn to improvise on the guitar. Carulli seems to want to provide his students with a large handbook of formulas typical of his musical writing and he does so by making use of the keys which, in his opinion, are most congenial to the guitar. In his Method he points out: Each instrument has its favourite keys: the guitar can be played in all keys, but the best ones are: A major and minor, D major and minor, E major and minor, C, G, F. The others are difficult; [â?¦]. However, some of the difficult ones are included but only in the fourth part. Of course, the easiness of a key essentially depends on the possibility of extensive use of the open strings, especially in the low notes, ensuring the accompaniment on the main degrees. This edition has some unique features. First of all, it is the first complete modern edition of Carulliâ??s op. 114; it presents an important critical apparatus in which the Carullian technique is presented and analysed; finally, Carulli's original fingering is indicated in the score (including that of the thumb of the left hand) and the missing one was obtained from the comparison of his other fingerings present in other works. All this allows an easy and complete reading both for those who perform the pieces following the nineteenth-century performance practice with a historical instrument, and for those who play a modern instrument. $43.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| Preludio (130 Easy Concert Pieces from 6 Centuries for Guitar) Guitar Classical guitar - Easy Schott
130 Easy Concert Pieces from 6 Centuries for Guitar. Composed by Various. Ed...(+)
130 Easy Concert Pieces from
6 Centuries for Guitar.
Composed by Various. Edited
by Martin Hegel. Guitar.
Softcover. 124 pages. Schott
Music #ED22626. Published by
Schott Music
$27.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Triptych Sonata Guitar Classical guitar Sikorski
Guitar SKU: HL.50600660 For Guitar Solo. Composed by Krzysztof Mey...(+)
Guitar SKU: HL.50600660 For Guitar Solo. Composed by Krzysztof Meyer. Guitar. Classical. Softcover. 16 pages. Duration 900 seconds. Sikorski #SIK1457. Published by Sikorski (HL.50600660). 8.25x12.0x0.05 inches. â??I already wrote the Concerto for Guitar, Tympani and Strings for the outstanding Polish guitarist Lukasz Kuropaczewski. The 'Triptych' for guitar solo is my second work for this interpreter. The individual titles of the 'Triptych' movements â?? Fantasia, Aria and Impromptu furioso â?? refer to the characters of the individual movements. I completed 'Triptych' for guitar solo in December 2014. The piece is permeated by double contrasts: in terms of harmony, the guitar's own mood and sound world are contrasted with my harmonic thinking. In terms of technique, on the other hand, performance gestures of the Flamenco tradition are contrasted with those of the practice of classical guitar playing. The dialogue between different harmonic and historical levels can thus be discovered through a complex, clearly demarcated discourse. The performance duration of the work is about 15 minutes.â? (Krzysztof Meyer). Special Import titles are specialty titles that are not generally offered for sale by US based retailers. These items must be obtained from our overseas suppliers. When you order a special import title, it will be shipped from our overseas warehouse. The shipment time will be slower than items shipped directly from our US warehouse and may be subject to delays. $12.99 - See more - Buy online | | |
| The Folksongs Book Guitar [Sheet music] - Easy Hal Leonard
133 Songs from Around the World. Easy Guitar (Simplified arrangements for guitar...(+)
133 Songs from Around the World. Easy Guitar (Simplified arrangements for guitar). Size 9x12 inches. 128 pages
$17.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method Guitar Hal Leonard
Guitar SKU: HL.146362 Book Only. Guitar Tab Method. Instruction. S...(+)
Guitar SKU: HL.146362 Book Only. Guitar Tab Method. Instruction. Softcover. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.146362). ISBN 9781495023354. UPC: 888680070212. 9.0x12.0x0.11 inches. “The ultimate learning tool to go from zero to guitar hero in no time!†–Guitar World magazine Designed for electric or acoustic guitar. Get started quickly and easily – with songs you want to play! This method introduces notes with riffs like “Crazy Train†and “Smoke on the Water,†power chords with classics by AC/DC and the Who, chord-strumming with songs from Neil Young and Nirvana, and much more. The method's unique, well-paced, and logical teaching sequence will get students playing more easily than ever before, and music from popular artists like the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, and Led Zeppelin will keep them playing and having fun. Book 1 includes: parts of the guitar, easy-to-follow guitar tablature, notes & riffs starting on the low E string, tempo & time signatures, understanding notes and rests, palm muting, vibrato, power chords, open chords, strumming, slides and slurs, hammer-ons and pull-offs, many music styles, nearly 100 riffs and songs, and more! $7.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| JustinGuitar Beginner's Songbook Guitar [Sheet music] - Easy Music Sales
100 Classic Songs Specially Arranged for Beginner Guitarists with Performance...(+)
100 Classic Songs Specially Arranged for Beginner Guitarists with Performance Tips. Music Sales America. Softcover. 224 pages. Music Sales #AM1011538. Published by Music Sales (HL.14043892).
$21.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Jazz Guitar Etudes by Greg Fishman Guitar [Sheet music + CD] Greg Fishman Jazz Studios
By Greg Fishman. For Guitar. Play-Along (Book CD). Published by Greg Fishman Jaz...(+)
By Greg Fishman. For Guitar. Play-Along (Book CD). Published by Greg Fishman Jazz Studios
$24.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Classical Music For Children: 58 Easy Pieces For Guitar Edition With Cd Guitar [Sheet music + CD] - Easy Schott
Guitar - easy SKU: HL.49019327 58 Easy Pieces for Guitar. Arranged...(+)
Guitar - easy SKU: HL.49019327 58 Easy Pieces for Guitar. Arranged by Martin Hegel. This edition: Saddle stitching. Sheet music with CD. Guitar. Dieses Heft enthalt alles, was man fur den Gitarrenunterricht braucht: 58 leichte originale Gitarrenstucke von Aguado, Mertz, Diabelli, Carulli, Sor oder Carcassi, aber auch leicht spielbare Bearbeitungen der klassischen Musik aus den Bereichen Orchesterm. Softcover with CD. 46 pages. Schott Music #ED21305. Published by Schott Music (HL.49019327). ISBN 9783795747558. UPC: 841886018204. 9.0x12.0x0.2 inches. This volume contains everything needed for guitar lessons: 58 easy original guitar pieces by Aguado, Mertz, Diabelli, Carulli, Sor or Carcassi, but also easy-to-play arrangements of classical music from the fields of orchestral music, chamber music or opera. Among them are themes from Vivaldi's Four Seasons, from Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks, Mozart's Magic Flute, Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 or Verdi's Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves. It is this volume's concern to make classical masterpieces of concert literature accessible to children by means of such rather easy arrangements and make them enjoy classical music. All pieces are recorded on the accompanying CD to make it easier for the pupils to study and master the works. $22.99 - See more - Buy online | | |
| Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method - Spanish Edition Guitar [Sheet music + CD] Hal Leonard
Spanish Edition Guitar SKU: HL.114930 Metodo De Tab Para Guitarra....(+)
Spanish Edition Guitar SKU: HL.114930 Metodo De Tab Para Guitarra. Guitar Tab Method. Instruction, Method, Spanish Edition. Softcover with CD. With guitar tablature. 32 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.114930). ISBN 9781480312579. UPC: 884088876326. 9.0x12.0x0.17 inches. The revolutionary Hal Leonard Guitar Tab Method (HL00697411) is now available in a Spanish edition. $14.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs - 7th Edition Guitar Hal Leonard
Piano/Vocal/Guitar SKU: HL.256650 Composed by Various. Piano/Vocal/Guitar...(+)
Piano/Vocal/Guitar SKU: HL.256650 Composed by Various. Piano/Vocal/Guitar Songbook. Children, Disney, Movies. Softcover. 288 pages. Published by Hal Leonard (HL.256650). ISBN 9781540015303. UPC: 888680723699. 9.0x12.0x0.78 inches. This updated 7th edition coffee table collection is a Disney lover's dream come true! It is a guided tour through the many legendary years of Disney music. The book begins with an extensive musical history of Disney, followed by beautiful piano/vocal arrangements of 70 Disney classics. Printed on deluxe stock with more than 100 stunning full-color illustrations accompanying the text and music, this book is a keepsake to treasure for years to come! Songs include: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (from Cinderella) * Circle of Life (from The Lion King) * Evermore (from Beauty and the Beast) * How Far I'll Go (from Moana) * I See the Light (from Tangled) * Let It Go (from Frozen) * Under the Sea (from The Little Mermaid) * When You Wish Upon a Star (from Pinocchio) * You've Got a Friend in Me (from Toy Story) * and more. $34.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Homenaje a Alirio Díaz. An Anthology of Contemporary Music (Rodríguez, Silva, Zapata Bello) for Guitar Guitar Ut Orpheus
Guitar SKU: UT.CH-363 An Anthology of Contemporary Music (Rodriguez, S...(+)
Guitar SKU: UT.CH-363 An Anthology of Contemporary Music (Rodriguez, Silva, Zapata Bello) for Guitar. Edited by Piero Bonaguri. Piero Bonaguri Collection. Classical. Ut Orpheus #CH 363. Published by Ut Orpheus (UT.CH-363). ISBN 9790215327375. 9 x 12 inches. Jhibaro RodrÃguez: Los diamantes EfraÃn Silva: Alirio DÃaz (Danza Zuliana) Francisco Zapata Bello: Cancioncilla. Serenata caracteristica (Homenaje a Alirio DÃaz)
I welcome with great enthusiasm the publication of this collection of music by Venezuelan guitarist-composers. I am certain that my father would also have been happy, in that it shows the productiveness and continuity of the Venezuelan school of composition, ever careful as to its own individuality while adhering to the canons of so-called cultured music. My thanks go to Maestro Piero Bonaguri who, with devotion and gratitude towards one of his teachers (whose birth centenary occurs in 2023), has completed this important work aimed at spreading the new Venezuelan musical heritage, and I also thank all the composers who, with great commitment, have wished to honour their fellow citizen: Alirio. (Senio Diaz)
I am very happy with the release of this anthology of pieces written in homage to the great guitarist Alirio DÃaz in the contemporary music series that I manage. For many years I attended his summer courses, in Italy and abroad, and meeting Maestro DÃaz, who over time also honoured me with his friendship, was fundamental for my education. I was also particularly pleased and honoured when he invited me to play with him in Venezuela, and then to have played, in the church of the Artists in Rome, on the sad occasion of his funeral. The pieces in this volume, which by happy coincidence comes out near the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great guitarist, were written by composers who are also guitarists and demonstrate that impressive integration in the repertoire of the cultivated guitar of themes and colours of Venezuelan folk music, which is one of the fundamental artistic contributions of Alirio DÃaz, who wrote that folk music is as important and cultivated as cultivated music itself. (Piero Bonaguri). $14.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 3 to 4 weeks | | |
| The Country Favorites Book Guitar [Sheet music] - Easy Hal Leonard | | |
| Guitar of Blind Lemon Jefferson Guitar [Sheet music + Audio access] - Intermediate Mel Bay
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: MB.31008M Perfect binding. Blues. Book and onl...(+)
Guitar - Intermediate SKU: MB.31008M Perfect binding. Blues. Book and online audio. 160 pages. Mel Bay Publications, Inc #31008M. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc (MB.31008M). ISBN 9781513467016. 8.75x11.75 inches. Blind Lemon Jefferson was a trail blazer, both as a singer and guitarist, but also as a commercial phenomenon, for he was the first blues musician to establish the tremendous appeal that blues, as played and sung by rural African American folk, had for the record-buying public. It is no exaggeration to say that the sales of Lemon’s records paved the way for a host of other solo rural blues musicians to record in his wake and made the record companies more willing to give other musicians a chance, in the hopes of achieving similar success.Â
Lemon’s record sales weren’t what made him a great musician, though - that could only be attributed to his startlingly virtuosic guitar - playing and soulful singing, developed over years of busking, building on his natural gifts with a great deal of practice and work. In the Guitar of Blind Lemon Jefferson author John Miller presents transcriptions, in standard notation and tablature, of 22 of Lemon’s greatest performances, with an additional essay examining Lemon’s senses of time and phrasing and his picking techniques. Also included is a download link to all the original recordings.Â
To present a picture of Lemon the man, noted blues researchers Alan Governar and Kip Lornell have contributed an essay focusing on Lemon’s early life, the origins of his music, and his time spent in a musical partnership with Lead Belly. Links are provided to downloadable performances of the songs in the book from which the transcriptions were made, so that you can have Lemon’s sound in your head as you learn to play his songs.
Blind Lemon Jefferson was remarkable, even in a style that abounded in great musicians, and some measure of his influence can be seen in the fact that musicians recorded in the 1960s, more than thirty years after his death, were still covering his songs and stealing guitar licks from him. The Guitar of Blind Lemon Jefferson gives you the resources needed to learn what was so special about Lemon’s music, and to experience his musical excellence from inside the music itself.
Titles include: One Dime Blues, Got The Blues, Dry Southern Blues, Big Night Blues, Rabbit Foot Blues, Shuckin' Sugar Blues, Where Shall I Be, Wartime Blues, Black Horse Blues, Prison Cell Blues, Piney Woods Money Mama, See That My Grave Is Kept Clean, He Arose From The Dead, Beggin' Back, Broke And Hungry, Bad Luck Blues, Matchbox Blues, Lemon's Worried Blues, That Crawlin' Baby Blues, Easy Rider Blues, Stocking Feet Blues and Right of Way Blues
Level 2/3 • 160 pages • Direct download link to audio files.Â
$29.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
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