| ARKA - 3 Rituale (Full Score) Low voice, Piano [Score] Peters
Orchestra solo oboe, solo pipa, timpani 4 Pauken, 1 Spieler, percussion, (Crotal...(+)
Orchestra solo oboe, solo pipa, timpani 4 Pauken, 1 Spieler, percussion, (Crotali, Glockenspiel, gr, Trommel, vibraphonerafon - 1 Spieler), strings (7, 1) SKU: PE.EP14445 Composed by Bernd Franke. Full Scores. Edition Peters. Score. 52 pages. Duration 00:20:00. Edition Peters #98-EP14445. Published by Edition Peters (PE.EP14445). ISBN 9790014135041. 297 x 420 mm inches. German. ARKA stammt aus dem Sanskrit und bedeutet so viel wie Strahl, Blitz, Sonne, Licht, aber auch Lied, Feuer und Hymnus, und entwickelt in meiner Vorstellung sehr viele unterschiedliche Assoziationsfelder. In ARKA stecken auch die Worter arc (beten) und ka (Wasser), und es kann auch ubersetzt werden mit: ,,Das Wasser stromt aus dem heraus, der mehr weiss. Mein neues Werk fur Pipa, Oboe, Pauke, Schlagzeug und Orchester entstand im Auftrag der Kammerakademie Neuss und auf Anregung des Oboisten Christian Wetzel. Es entstanden drei Rituale mit zum Teil szenischen Elementen fur die Solisten und das Orchester. Inspirationsquelle in der Vorbeschaftigung waren zwei Quellen und Bucher. Das Daodejing von Laozi in der hervorragenden Neuubersetzung von Viktor Kalinke, eine der wichtigsten Quellen chinesischen Denkens und der Philosophie dieser grossen Kulturtradition und die chinesische Tradition der 5-Elementelehre und der Wandlungsphasen. Als zweites Buch hat mich ,,Die Glut von Roberto Calasso inspiriert, ein Buch uber die indischen Veden in Verbindung mit den Ursprungen des Buddhismus und den damit verbunden Ritualen. In den letzten 20 Jahren habe ich mich intensiv mit ostasiatischer Musik, Kunst und Philosophie beschaftigt und habe das auch durch langere Studienreisen und kompositorische Projekte vertiefen konnen. U.a. wurde 2012 mein Chorwerk PRAN in Kolkata in Indien uraufgefuhrt (Goethe-Institut), ebenfalls 2012 ,,in between VI fur Sho und Sheng in Tokyo und 2013 ,,Mirror and Circle fur Pipa, Cello und chinesisches Orchester in Taipeh/Taiwan (Auftragswerk der taiwanesischen Regierung). Mit der chinesischen Pipa-Virtuosin Ya Dong arbeite ich seit 2000 zusammen und habe fur sie mehrfach komponiert (Urauffuhrungen u.a. in Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Taipeh 2013, Magdeburg 2016). Auch mit Christian Wetzel arbeite ich seit uber 20 Jahren zusammen und habe ebenfalls haufig fur ihn komponiert (UA u.a. in Bonn 1999, Hannover/EXPO 2000, Rottweil 2001, Darmstadt 2004 und etliche weitere Projekte). Jedes dieser drei Rituale hat eine Lange von ca. 6-7 Minuten und stellt unterschiedliche Qualitaten und Besonderheiten der beiden Soloinstrumente heraus, immer in Verbindung mit der Interaktion zwischen Soli und Orchester. Die Besetzung war fur mich ausserst reizvoll, da beide Instrumente in dieser Kombination noch nie so erklungen sind. Die Pipa ist ein ungemein modernes und ungewohnliches Instrument, reich an Farben und vor allem an perkussiven Effekten. Das Tonmaterial wurde zum grossten Teil aus den Namen der beiden Solisten gewonnen und ergibt interessanter zwei gespiegelte Viertonmotive. In der asiatischen Kultur spielen der Spiegel und der Kreis eine wichtige Rolle, und so werden die Tone, Rhythmen und Formen eingewoben in diese drei Rituale, welche am Ende des dritten Satzes wieder kreisformig an den Anfang des ersten Rituals anknupfen. Ein von den Streichern und der Pauke erzeugtes Gerausch, verbunden mit dem Rhythmus der grossen Trommel, welcher einen Herzschlag symbolisieren soll. Die drei Untertitel der Rituale Himmel, Erde und (atmospharischer) Raum spielen im vedischen und chinesischen Denken eine grosse Rolle und war fur mich beim Komponieren ebenfalls eine sehr starke Inspirationsquelle. In vielen meiner Kompositionen gibt es Raumeffekte, Annaherungen an das Publikum, das Verschieben von Perspektiven, die Dekonstruktion und das Hinterfragen der ublichen Konzertsituation, so u.a in meinem Beuys-Zyklus oder in den Zyklen ,,CUT und ,,in between. In ARKA geht es mir besonders um die Interaktion zwischen westlichem und ostlichem Denken, um das gegenseitige Durchdringen dieser auf den ersten Blick so unterschiedlichen Denk- und Lebensweisen, um eine Verschmelzung scheinbarer Gegensatze - um Annaherung! Bernd Franke. Leipzig, 11.10.2019 W01476|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ 9780193556799 Y 23.50 X556799 357665 9780193556799 MISC C 1 432 8030 0.00 Oxford Solo Songs: Christmas 14 songs with piano PAPER 14 9780193556799 A-B CAROLS CHRISTMAS MISC MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD PIANO SOLO SONGS SONGS: VOICE WITH AB 00:00:0 Low voice & piano Low voice book + downloadable backing tracks 311x232 72 NEW NONE 29/07/2021 P 355580 9780193556799 - Young: A babe is born
- Rutter: Angels' Carol
- McDowall: Before the paling of the stars
- Rutter: Candlelight Carol
- Rutter: I sing of a maiden
- Chilcott: Mid-winter
- Todd: My Lord has Come
- Bullard: Scots Nativity
- Quartel: Snow Angel
- Todd: Softly
- Chilcott: Sweet was the song
- Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol
- Quartel: This endris night
- McGlade: What child is this?
for low voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for low voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for high voice and piano. - 14 songs for solo voice
- Well-loved composers, including John Rutter and Bob Chilcott
- Wide selection of Christmas texts
- Accessible accompaniments
- Includes backing tracks downloadable from a Companion Website
- Available in volumes for high and low voice
MISC|AU|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ EP73308R Y 0.00 73308R P73308R 1 ORCHA 8000 0.00 Hover A (LARGE) BEAMISH EP73308R GP:ORCHESTRAL HOVER ONLY RENTAL SALLY WORKS NONE ORCHA P 303000 EP73308R 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP14437A Y 22.95 14437A P14437A FRANKE, BERND C 9790014137199 52A1 8000 0.00 AGNI A 9790014137199 AGNI BASS BERND CLARINET EP14437A FRANKE PHOTOPRINTS W01476 English / German 00:12:0 Instrumental Score 232 x 303 mm Bass clarinet 20 DETNT NEW PR43 23/04/2021 P 303006 AGNI is the Hindu god of fire; the elemental and transformative force inherent in everything: Every flame, every fire, every light, every warmth is AGNI. AGNI is omnipresent, establishing everything and ending everything. AGNI is often depicted with seven tongues which represent different aspects of his being. These include: creating, sustaining, cleansing, purifying, priestly, martial, devastating, destructive, and consuming. Derived from Franke's concerto of the same name, this solo work for bass clarinet compositionally traces the transformative processes initiated by the divine fire. The solo takes seven pieces from the concerto, presenting vivid character pieces exploring the creative possibilities and wide tonal range offered by the bass clarinet. This version of AGNI for bass clarinet solo was premiered on 4 December 2020 in Leipzig by Volker Hemken, the principal bass clarinetist of the Gewandhausorchester Leipzig. EP14437a convinces with its excellent and clear notation, making the piece a new standard for bass clarinet. W01476|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP68686 Y 165.00 68686 P68686 LEWIS C 9790300761299 97 8000 0.00 Ikons A 9790300761299 CONTEMPORARY ENSEMBLE EP68686 GEORGE IKONS LEWIS PHOTOPRINTS SMALL W06652 English 00:14:0 Conductor Score & Parts 303 x 232 mm Fl (A-fl in F).Cl.Bsn (Cbsn).Tbn.Perc.Vln.Vlc.Cb 132 NEW PR43 USTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Ikons, commissioned by the Vancouver Cultural Olympiad 2010, exists in two forms. This 14-minute acoustic version, premiered by the Turning Point Ensemble, calls for an octet of live musicians to execute complex rhythms and quarter-tone harmonies. The interactive, electronic version, created with visual artist Eric Metcalfe and designed to be presented separately, incorporates samples from this acoustic version into a sculptural environment of seven pyramidal structures that respond sonically to the viewer. W06652|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73531 Y 31.95 73531 P73531 PANUFNIK, ROXANNA C 9790577020976 61 8000 0.00 Sonnets without Words A 9790577020976 EP73531 HORN PANUFNIK PHOTOPRINTS PIANO ROXANNA SHAKESPEARE SONNETS W03578 WILLIAM WITHOUT WORDS English Score & Instrumental Parts 232 x 303 mm Horn and piano 28 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Roxanna Panufnik's Sonnets without Words is a contemporary piece for Horn in F and piano. Written for horn player Ben Goldscheider, Panufnik has reimagined the lyrical vocal lines from three of her previous settings of Shakespeare's sonnets (Mine eye, Music to hear and Sweet Love Remember'd for voice and piano) into a purely instrumental work. Score and horn part. - Contemporary work for Horn in F and piano
- Settings of Sheakespeare's Sonnets 8, 24 & 29 in instrumental form
W03578|C|Y W06737|LY|N 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73571 Y 15.95 73571 P73571 MCNEFF, STEPHEN C 9790577021317 20 8000 0.00 Trig for Solo Cello A 9790577021317 (SOLO) CELLO EP73571 MCNEFF PHOTOPRINTS SOLO STEPHEN TRIG W03150 English 00:07:0 Instrumental Score 232 x 303 mm Solo Violoncello 8 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Stephen McNeff's Trig is a short 7-minute contemporary work for solo cello, written to celebrate the bicentennial of the Royal Academy of Music in 2022 and in memorium cellist Mike Edwards 1948-2010. Trig was premiered by Henry Hargreaves on 19 March 2021, livestreamed from the Royal Academy of Music. - Contemporary piece for solo cello
- Written for the Royal Academy of Music's bicentennial
W03150|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP14528 Y 34.95 14528 P14528 SAUNDERS, REBECCA C 9790014136796 3 8000 0.00 to an utterance - study A 9790014136796 (SOLO) AN EP14528 PHOTOPRINTS PIANO REBECCA SAUNDERS STUDY TO UTTERANCE W04191 English Instrumental Score 420 x 297 mm Piano Solo 16 DETNT NEW PR43 21/04/2021 P 303006 to an utterance - study was commissioned by Klangforum Wien for the premiere commercial audio recording on a portrait CD in 2020 and first performed by Joonas Ahonen at the Berlin Philharmonie on 4th September 2020 at the Musikfest Berlin. W04191|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP71880 Y 75.00 71880 P71880 PANUFNIK, ROXANNA C 9790577008332 82 8000 0.00 Spirit Moves for Brass Quintet A 9790577008332 BRASS ENSEMBLE EP71880 MOVES PANUFNIK PHOTOPRINTS QUINTET ROXANNA SPIRIT W03578 English 00:15:0 Score & Instrumental Parts 232 x 303 mm Trumpet 1 in B flat (doubling Piccolo Trumpet), Trumpet 2 in B flat (doubling Flugel Horn), Horn in F, Trombone, Tuba 84 NEW PR43 UKTNT 21/04/2021 P 303006 Roxanna Panufnik's Spirit Moves, for brass quintet, was commissioned by the Fine Arts Brass Ensemble. This 15-minute piece is scored for two trumpets in Bb (one doubling piccolo trumpet and the other doubling flugel horn), horn in F, trombone and tuba. This brass quintet is so called because the outer movements are highly spirited and the central one is spiritual. This product consists of score and parts. W03578|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73585 Y 4.00 73585 P73585 369282 WILLIAMS, RODERICK C 9790577021591 1 151 8000 0.00 Eriskay Love Lilt A 9790577021591 (SECULAR) CHORAL EP73585 ERISKAY HALSTAN-USA LILT LOVE RODERICK TRADITIONAL W05152 WILLIAMS WORKS English 00:03:0 190 x 272 mm SATB (divisi) and piano 16 NEW PR30 UKTNT 20/05/2021 P 377788 A gently flowing 3-minute arrangement by Roderick Williams for SATB (with divisi) with piano accompaniment that captures the beauty of this famous traditional Hebridean love song. The song text uses both old dialect and English, each verse ending with the words, 'Sad am I without thee'. - Commissioned by The Sixteen choir and recorded on their 2021 album 'Goodnight Beloved'
- Roderick Williams is a composer/arranger and also a world-renowned baritone
- The arrangement is described by Williams as 'having a little nod to Ravel and Grieg'
W05152|C|Y W04819|LY|N 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ 9780193556782 Y 23.50 X556782 357665 9780193556782 MISC C 1 432 8030 0.00 Oxford Solo Songs: Christmas 14 songs with piano PAPER 14 9780193556782 A-B CAROLS CHRISTMAS MISC MISCELLANEOUS OXFORD PIANO SOLO SONGS SONGS: VOICE WITH AB 00:00:0 High voice & piano High voice book + downloadable backing tracks 311x232 72 NEW NONE 29/07/2021 P 355580 9780193556782 - Young: A babe is born
- Rutter: Angels' Carol
- McDowall: Before the paling of the stars
- Rutter: Candlelight Carol
- Rutter: I sing of a maiden
- Chilcott: Mid-winter
- Todd: My Lord has Come
- Bullard: Scots Nativity
- Quartel: Snow Angel
- Todd: Softly
- Chilcott: Sweet was the song
- Chilcott: The Shepherd's Carol
- Quartel: This endris night
- McGlade: What child is this?
for high voice and piano This beautiful collection of 14 songs for high voice offers Christmas settings by some of Oxford's best-loved composers. Suitable for solo singers and unison choirs alike, each song is presented with piano accompaniment, and high-quality, downloadable backing tracks are included on a companion website. With a wonderful selection of pieces, including favourites such as Bob Chilcott's 'The Shepherd's Carol' and John Rutter's 'Candlelight Carol', this is the perfect collection for use in carol services and Christmas concerts or for enjoying at home. Also available in a volume for low voice and piano. - 14 songs for solo high voice
- Well-loved composers, including John Rutter and Bob Chilcott
- Wide selection of sacred and secular Christmas texts
- Accessible accompaniments
- Includes backing tracks downloadable from a Companion Website
- Available in volumes for high and low solo voice
MISC|AU|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193559066 Y 4.25 X559066 357665 9780193559066 YOUNG C 1 444 8030 0.00 O splendour of God's glory bright PAPER 9780193559066 BRIGHT CHORAL GLORY GOD'S MIXED OF OXFORD SACRED SPLENDOUR TOBY VOICES W06576 YOUNG C 00:03:30 SATB & organ Vocal score 254x178 SATB 20 NONE P 355580 9780193559066 for SATB and organ This energetic setting of words by St Ambrose of Milan is a real showstopper. With pop-influences and a sparkling organ part, Young effortlessly fuses modern and traditional sound worlds, while changes in key and metre build up to an invigorating finish. Perfect for accomplished choirs looking for something different. W06576|C|Y 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193554399 Y 2.60 X554399 357665 9780193554399 LASSUS, ORLANDO DE C 1 445 8030 0.00 Oculus non vidit PAPER 9780193554399 CHORAL DE KEANE LASSUS MARK NON OCULUS ORLANDO OXFORD SACRED UPPER VIDIT VOICES W02750 B 00:01:30 SA unaccompanied Vocal score 254x178 Upper Voices - 3 parts or more 4 NONE 10/06/2021 P 355580 9780193554399 for SA unaccompanied This simple, charming two-part motet features long melismatic phrases that reflect the text (1 Corinthians 2: 9), such as the rising melodic line over three bars on the word 'ascended' (ascendit).
W02750|C|Y W06960|E|N 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ 9780193954298 Y 3.35 X954298 357665 9780193954298 TALLIS, THOMAS C 1 448 8030 0.00 Honor, virtus et potestas PAPER 9780193954298 CANTICLES DUNKLEY ET HONOR OXFORD POTESTAS SALLY SERVICES TALLIS THOMAS VIRTUS W04705 C 00:06:0 SAATB unaccompanied Vocal score MSER00020 SATB 12 NONE 28/05/2021 P 355580 9780193954298 for SAATB unaccompanied. This glorious musical depiction of the honour, strength, power and authority of the Holy Trinity by Thomas Tallis is the third issue in the CMS's series of great English Responds from the 16th century, edited by Sally Dunkley. Scored for SAATB, it can be performed either as a motet or as a full Responsory with plainsong alternating with polyphony. W04705|C|Y W01184|E|N 0.0000 Paperback _x000D_ EP73527 Y 6.95 73527 P73527 BEAMISH, SALLY C 9790577020891 50 8000 0.00 The Parting Glass A 9790577020891 (SOLO) BEAMISH CLARINET EP73527 GLASS PARTING PHOTOPRINTS SALLY W00306 English Score 232 x 303 mm Clarinet 4 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/12/2020 P 303006 Based on a traditional Scottish/Irish 'farewell' song, this short piece is one of six works written to express my love of Scotland. After living there for nearly half my life, and raising a family, I moved back to England in 2018, and remarried in 2019. Of course, there were many different emotions attached to the move south: especially the joy and excitement of new beginnings, and reconnection with friends from my youth. But this piece expresses the wrench I experienced after a last family meal in Glasgow, and the realisation of all I was about to leave behind. I have taken the melody of the original song, and expanded it, exploring the detail of its patterns, so that it becomes a timeless meditation. The six pieces in the 'farewell' series are for 6 violas, string quintet, string quartet, trio, violin and clarinet duo, and solo clarinet. The Parting Glass was composed in 2020 during the coronavirus lockdown, which intensified the feeling of separation from my Scottish family, as well as from other musicians. It was commissioned by Vittorio Ceccanti for the ContempoArtEnsemble. W00306|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73516 Y 6.95 73516 P73516 BEAMISH, SALLY C 9790577020747 20 8000 0.00 Maple A 9790577020747 (SOLO) BEAMISH CELLO EP73516 MAPLE PHOTOPRINTS SALLY W00306 English 00:06:0 Score 232 x 303 mm Contemporary cello solo 8 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/12/2020 P 303006 Seed; Spinning Seed; Roots, shoots; Leaves ; Flowers; Tree ; Autumn ; Cello Maple arose from a commission to write a work for solo cello, to be performed alongside readings from artist John Newling's collection of letters entitled 'Dear Nature'; a poetic manifestation of our relationship with the natural world. The piece is in eight short sections, to be interspersed with readings of groups of the poems. It may also be performed as a single movement. It begins with a seed - the seed of a maple tree, as it hangs on the mature tree, ready to drop. The seeds are like propellers, sometimes travelling more than a mile before landing on the ground. Maple follows the growth of the tree to maturity - which in reality would take at least a hundred years. 'Roots, shoots' grows downwards and upwards from a pedal note, and the dance-like 'Flowers' is followed by the stately 'Tree', and then the warm, cascading 'Autumn'. Maple is very often the wood of choice for the back of a stringed instrument, and the last section uses open strings to explore the full resonance of the cello. The piece starts with a 'seed' of only five notes, which grows into different configurations. It is intended to be played in an improvisatory style. Maple was co-commissioned by Brighton Festival, Ars et Terra Festival with SACEM and Ditchling Arts and Crafts Museum, to be performed by Margarita Balanas as part of the Brighton Festival's 'Dear Nature' project. W00306|C|Y 0.0000 Sheet Music _x000D_ EP73508 Y 39.95 73508 P73508 DILLON, JAMES C 9790577020648 3 8000 0.00 echo the angelus A 9790577020648 (SOLO) ANGELUS DILLON ECHO EP73508 JAMES PHOTOPRINTS PIANO W01097 English 00:25:0 Score 232 x 303 mm Piano Solo 44 NEW PR43 UKTNT 12/01/2021 P 303006 First performed by Noriko Kawai for Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival, in a broadcast from the Radio Theatre, BBC Broadcasting House, November 2020. Full of beautifully crafted, delicate tintinnabulations - Richard Morrison, The Times This product is Printed on Demand and may take several weeks to fulfill. Please order from your favorite retailer. $90.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Complete Conservatory Method for Tuba Tuba Carl Fischer
Arban. Composed by Jean- Baptiste Arban. Edited by Michael Roylance. Perfect. ...(+)
Arban. Composed by Jean-
Baptiste Arban. Edited by
Michael Roylance. Perfect.
Book. Carl Fischer #O5553.
Published by Carl Fischer
$32.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Symphony No. 6 [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Band SKU: PR.16500104F Three Places in the East. Composed by Dan W...(+)
Band SKU: PR.16500104F Three Places in the East. Composed by Dan Welcher. Full score. Theodore Presser Company #165-00104F. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.16500104F). ISBN 9781491132159. UPC: 680160681082. Ever since the success of my series of wind ensemble works Places in the West, I've been wanting to write a companion piece for national parks on the other side of the north American continent. The earlier work, consisting of GLACIER, THE YELLOWSTONE FIRES, ARCHES, and ZION, spanned some twenty years of my composing life, and since the pieces called for differing groups of instruments, and were in slightly different styles from each other, I never considered them to be connected except in their subject matter. In their depiction of both the scenery and the human history within these wondrous places, they had a common goal: awaking the listener to the fragile beauty that is in them; and calling attention to the ever more crucial need for preservation and protection of these wild places, unique in all the world. With this new work, commissioned by a consortium of college and conservatory wind ensembles led by the University of Georgia, I decided to build upon that same model---but to solidify the process. The result, consisting of three movements (each named for a different national park in the eastern US), is a bona-fide symphony. While the three pieces could be performed separately, they share a musical theme---and also a common style and instrumentation. It is a true symphony, in that the first movement is long and expository, the second is a rather tightly structured scherzo-with-trio, and the finale is a true culmination of the whole. The first movement, Everglades, was the original inspiration for the entire symphony. Conceived over the course of two trips to that astonishing place (which the native Americans called River of Grass, the subtitle of this movement), this movement not only conveys a sense of the humid, lush, and even frightening scenery there---but also an overview of the entire settling-of- Florida experience. It contains not one, but two native American chants, and also presents a view of the staggering influence of modern man on this fragile part of the world. Beginning with a slow unfolding marked Heavy, humid, the music soon presents a gentle, lyrical theme in the solo alto saxophone. This theme, which goes through three expansive phrases with breaks in between, will appear in all three movements of the symphony. After the mood has been established, the music opens up to a rich, warm setting of a Cherokee morning song, with the simple happiness that this part of Florida must have had prior to the nineteenth century. This music, enveloping and comforting, gradually gives way to a more frenetic, driven section representative of the intrusion of the white man. Since Florida was populated and developed largely due to the introduction of a train system, there's a suggestion of the mechanized iron horse driving straight into the heartland. At that point, the native Americans become considerably less gentle, and a second chant seems to stand in the way of the intruder; a kind of warning song. The second part of this movement shows us the great swampy center of the peninsula, with its wildlife both in and out of the water. A new theme appears, sad but noble, suggesting that this land is precious and must be protected by all the people who inhabit it. At length, the morning song reappears in all its splendor, until the sunset---with one last iteration of the warning song in the solo piccolo. Functioning as a scherzo, the second movement, Great Smoky Mountains, describes not just that huge park itself, but one brave soul's attempt to climb a mountain there. It begins with three iterations of the UR-theme (which began the first movement as well), but this time as up-tempo brass fanfares in octaves. Each time it begins again, the theme is a little slower and less confident than the previous time---almost as though the hiker were becoming aware of the daunting mountain before him. But then, a steady, quick-pulsed ostinato appears, in a constantly shifting meter system of 2/4- 3/4 in alteration, and the hike has begun. Over this, a slower new melody appears, as the trek up the mountain progresses. It's a big mountain, and the ascent seems to take quite awhile, with little breaks in the hiker's stride, until at length he simply must stop and rest. An oboe solo, over several free cadenza-like measures, allows us (and our friend the hiker) to catch our breath, and also to view in the distance the rocky peak before us. The goal is somehow even more daunting than at first, being closer and thus more frighteningly steep. When we do push off again, it's at a slower pace, and with more careful attention to our footholds as we trek over broken rocks. Tantalizing little views of the valley at every switchback make our determination even stronger. Finally, we burst through a stand of pines and----we're at the summit! The immensity of the view is overwhelming, and ultimately humbling. A brief coda, while we sit dazed on the rocks, ends the movement in a feeling of triumph. The final movement, Acadia, is also about a trip. In the summer of 2014, I took a sailing trip with a dear friend from North Haven, Maine, to the southern coast of Mt. Desert Island in Acadia National Park. The experience left me both exuberant and exhausted, with an appreciation for the ocean that I hadn't had previously. The approach to Acadia National Park by water, too, was thrilling: like the difference between climbing a mountain on foot with riding up on a ski-lift, I felt I'd earned the right to be there. The music for this movement is entirely based on the opening UR-theme. There's a sense of the water and the mysterious, quiet deep from the very beginning, with seagulls and bell buoys setting the scene. As we leave the harbor, the theme (in a canon between solo euphonium and tuba) almost seems as if large subaquatic animals are observing our departure. There are three themes (call them A, B and C) in this seafaring journey---but they are all based on the UR theme, in its original form with octaves displaced, in an upside-down form, and in a backwards version as well. (The ocean, while appearing to be unchanging, is always changing.) We move out into the main channel (A), passing several islands (B), until we reach the long draw that parallels the coastline called Eggemoggin Reach, and a sudden burst of new speed (C). Things suddenly stop, as if the wind had died, and we have a vision: is that really Mt. Desert Island we can see off the port bow, vaguely in the distance? A chorale of saxophones seems to suggest that. We push off anew as the chorale ends, and go through all three themes again---but in different instrumentations, and different keys. At the final tack-turn, there it is, for real: Mt. Desert Island, big as life. We've made it. As we pull into the harbor, where we'll secure the boat for the night, there's a feeling of achievement. Our whale and dolphin friends return, and we end our journey with gratitude and celebration. I am profoundly grateful to Jaclyn Hartenberger, Professor of Conducting at the University of Georgia, for leading the consortium which provided the commissioning of this work. $90.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Acadia [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clar...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, Contrabassoon, Double Bass, English Horn, Euphonium, Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1 and more. SKU: PR.16500103F Mvt. 3 from Symphony No. 6 (Three Places in the East). Composed by Dan Welcher. Full score. 60 pages. Theodore Presser Company #165-00103F. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.16500103F). ISBN 9781491131763. UPC: 680160680290. Ever since the success of my series of wind ensemble works Places in the West, I've been wanting to write a companion piece for national parks on the other side of the north American continent. The earlier work, consisting of GLACIER, THE YELLOWSTONE FIRES, ARCHES, and ZION, spanned some twenty years of my composing life, and since the pieces called for differing groups of instruments, and were in slightly different styles from each other, I never considered them to be connected except in their subject matter. In their depiction of both the scenery and the human history within these wondrous places, they had a common goal: awaking the listener to the fragile beauty that is in them; and calling attention to the ever more crucial need for preservation and protection of these wild places, unique in all the world. With this new work, commissioned by a consortium of college and conservatory wind ensembles led by the University of Georgia, I decided to build upon that same model---but to solidify the process. The result, consisting of three movements (each named for a different national park in the eastern US), is a bona-fide symphony. While the three pieces could be performed separately, they share a musical theme---and also a common style and instrumentation. It is a true symphony, in that the first movement is long and expository, the second is a rather tightly structured scherzo-with-trio, and the finale is a true culmination of the whole. The first movement, Everglades, was the original inspiration for the entire symphony. Conceived over the course of two trips to that astonishing place (which the native Americans called River of Grass, the subtitle of this movement), this movement not only conveys a sense of the humid, lush, and even frightening scenery there---but also an overview of the entire settling-of- Florida experience. It contains not one, but two native American chants, and also presents a view of the staggering influence of modern man on this fragile part of the world. Beginning with a slow unfolding marked Heavy, humid, the music soon presents a gentle, lyrical theme in the solo alto saxophone. This theme, which goes through three expansive phrases with breaks in between, will appear in all three movements of the symphony. After the mood has been established, the music opens up to a rich, warm setting of a Cherokee morning song, with the simple happiness that this part of Florida must have had prior to the nineteenth century. This music, enveloping and comforting, gradually gives way to a more frenetic, driven section representative of the intrusion of the white man. Since Florida was populated and developed largely due to the introduction of a train system, there's a suggestion of the mechanized iron horse driving straight into the heartland. At that point, the native Americans become considerably less gentle, and a second chant seems to stand in the way of the intruder; a kind of warning song. The second part of this movement shows us the great swampy center of the peninsula, with its wildlife both in and out of the water. A new theme appears, sad but noble, suggesting that this land is precious and must be protected by all the people who inhabit it. At length, the morning song reappears in all its splendor, until the sunset---with one last iteration of the warning song in the solo piccolo. Functioning as a scherzo, the second movement, Great Smoky Mountains, describes not just that huge park itself, but one brave soul's attempt to climb a mountain there. It begins with three iterations of the UR-theme (which began the first movement as well), but this time as up-tempo brass fanfares in octaves. Each time it begins again, the theme is a little slower and less confident than the previous time---almost as though the hiker were becoming aware of the daunting mountain before him. But then, a steady, quick-pulsed ostinato appears, in a constantly shifting meter system of 2/4- 3/4 in alteration, and the hike has begun. Over this, a slower new melody appears, as the trek up the mountain progresses. It's a big mountain, and the ascent seems to take quite awhile, with little breaks in the hiker's stride, until at length he simply must stop and rest. An oboe solo, over several free cadenza-like measures, allows us (and our friend the hiker) to catch our breath, and also to view in the distance the rocky peak before us. The goal is somehow even more daunting than at first, being closer and thus more frighteningly steep. When we do push off again, it's at a slower pace, and with more careful attention to our footholds as we trek over broken rocks. Tantalizing little views of the valley at every switchback make our determination even stronger. Finally, we burst through a stand of pines and----we're at the summit! The immensity of the view is overwhelming, and ultimately humbling. A brief coda, while we sit dazed on the rocks, ends the movement in a feeling of triumph. The final movement, Acadia, is also about a trip. In the summer of 2014, I took a sailing trip with a dear friend from North Haven, Maine, to the southern coast of Mt. Desert Island in Acadia National Park. The experience left me both exuberant and exhausted, with an appreciation for the ocean that I hadn't had previously. The approach to Acadia National Park by water, too, was thrilling: like the difference between climbing a mountain on foot with riding up on a ski-lift, I felt I'd earned the right to be there. The music for this movement is entirely based on the opening UR-theme. There's a sense of the water and the mysterious, quiet deep from the very beginning, with seagulls and bell buoys setting the scene. As we leave the harbor, the theme (in a canon between solo euphonium and tuba) almost seems as if large subaquatic animals are observing our departure. There are three themes (call them A, B and C) in this seafaring journey---but they are all based on the UR theme, in its original form with octaves displaced, in an upside-down form, and in a backwards version as well. (The ocean, while appearing to be unchanging, is always changing.) We move out into the main channel (A), passing several islands (B), until we reach the long draw that parallels the coastline called Eggemoggin Reach, and a sudden burst of new speed (C). Things suddenly stop, as if the wind had died, and we have a vision: is that really Mt. Desert Island we can see off the port bow, vaguely in the distance? A chorale of saxophones seems to suggest that. We push off anew as the chorale ends, and go through all three themes again---but in different instrumentations, and different keys. At the final tack-turn, there it is, for real: Mt. Desert Island, big as life. We've made it. As we pull into the harbor, where we'll secure the boat for the night, there's a feeling of achievement. Our whale and dolphin friends return, and we end our journey with gratitude and celebration. I am profoundly grateful to Jaclyn Hartenberger, Professor of Conducting at the University of Georgia, for leading the consortium which provided the commissioning of this work. $39.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Great Smoky Mountains [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clar...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, Contrabassoon, Double Bass, English Horn, Euphonium, Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1 and more. SKU: PR.16500102F Mvt. 2 from Symphony No. 6 (Three Places in the East). Composed by Dan Welcher. Full score. 52 pages. Theodore Presser Company #165-00102F. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.16500102F). ISBN 9781491131749. UPC: 680160680276. Ever since the success of my series of wind ensemble works Places in the West, I've been wanting to write a companion piece for national parks on the other side of the north American continent. The earlier work, consisting of GLACIER, THE YELLOWSTONE FIRES, ARCHES, and ZION, spanned some twenty years of my composing life, and since the pieces called for differing groups of instruments, and were in slightly different styles from each other, I never considered them to be connected except in their subject matter. In their depiction of both the scenery and the human history within these wondrous places, they had a common goal: awaking the listener to the fragile beauty that is in them; and calling attention to the ever more crucial need for preservation and protection of these wild places, unique in all the world. With this new work, commissioned by a consortium of college and conservatory wind ensembles led by the University of Georgia, I decided to build upon that same model---but to solidify the process. The result, consisting of three movements (each named for a different national park in the eastern US), is a bona-fide symphony. While the three pieces could be performed separately, they share a musical theme---and also a common style and instrumentation. It is a true symphony, in that the first movement is long and expository, the second is a rather tightly structured scherzo-with-trio, and the finale is a true culmination of the whole. The first movement, Everglades, was the original inspiration for the entire symphony. Conceived over the course of two trips to that astonishing place (which the native Americans called River of Grass, the subtitle of this movement), this movement not only conveys a sense of the humid, lush, and even frightening scenery there---but also an overview of the entire settling-of- Florida experience. It contains not one, but two native American chants, and also presents a view of the staggering influence of modern man on this fragile part of the world. Beginning with a slow unfolding marked Heavy, humid, the music soon presents a gentle, lyrical theme in the solo alto saxophone. This theme, which goes through three expansive phrases with breaks in between, will appear in all three movements of the symphony. After the mood has been established, the music opens up to a rich, warm setting of a Cherokee morning song, with the simple happiness that this part of Florida must have had prior to the nineteenth century. This music, enveloping and comforting, gradually gives way to a more frenetic, driven section representative of the intrusion of the white man. Since Florida was populated and developed largely due to the introduction of a train system, there's a suggestion of the mechanized iron horse driving straight into the heartland. At that point, the native Americans become considerably less gentle, and a second chant seems to stand in the way of the intruder; a kind of warning song. The second part of this movement shows us the great swampy center of the peninsula, with its wildlife both in and out of the water. A new theme appears, sad but noble, suggesting that this land is precious and must be protected by all the people who inhabit it. At length, the morning song reappears in all its splendor, until the sunset---with one last iteration of the warning song in the solo piccolo. Functioning as a scherzo, the second movement, Great Smoky Mountains, describes not just that huge park itself, but one brave soul's attempt to climb a mountain there. It begins with three iterations of the UR-theme (which began the first movement as well), but this time as up-tempo brass fanfares in octaves. Each time it begins again, the theme is a little slower and less confident than the previous time---almost as though the hiker were becoming aware of the daunting mountain before him. But then, a steady, quick-pulsed ostinato appears, in a constantly shifting meter system of 2/4- 3/4 in alteration, and the hike has begun. Over this, a slower new melody appears, as the trek up the mountain progresses. It's a big mountain, and the ascent seems to take quite awhile, with little breaks in the hiker's stride, until at length he simply must stop and rest. An oboe solo, over several free cadenza-like measures, allows us (and our friend the hiker) to catch our breath, and also to view in the distance the rocky peak before us. The goal is somehow even more daunting than at first, being closer and thus more frighteningly steep. When we do push off again, it's at a slower pace, and with more careful attention to our footholds as we trek over broken rocks. Tantalizing little views of the valley at every switchback make our determination even stronger. Finally, we burst through a stand of pines and----we're at the summit! The immensity of the view is overwhelming, and ultimately humbling. A brief coda, while we sit dazed on the rocks, ends the movement in a feeling of triumph. The final movement, Acadia, is also about a trip. In the summer of 2014, I took a sailing trip with a dear friend from North Haven, Maine, to the southern coast of Mt. Desert Island in Acadia National Park. The experience left me both exuberant and exhausted, with an appreciation for the ocean that I hadn't had previously. The approach to Acadia National Park by water, too, was thrilling: like the difference between climbing a mountain on foot with riding up on a ski-lift, I felt I'd earned the right to be there. The music for this movement is entirely based on the opening UR-theme. There's a sense of the water and the mysterious, quiet deep from the very beginning, with seagulls and bell buoys setting the scene. As we leave the harbor, the theme (in a canon between solo euphonium and tuba) almost seems as if large subaquatic animals are observing our departure. There are three themes (call them A, B and C) in this seafaring journey---but they are all based on the UR theme, in its original form with octaves displaced, in an upside-down form, and in a backwards version as well. (The ocean, while appearing to be unchanging, is always changing.) We move out into the main channel (A), passing several islands (B), until we reach the long draw that parallels the coastline called Eggemoggin Reach, and a sudden burst of new speed (C). Things suddenly stop, as if the wind had died, and we have a vision: is that really Mt. Desert Island we can see off the port bow, vaguely in the distance? A chorale of saxophones seems to suggest that. We push off anew as the chorale ends, and go through all three themes again---but in different instrumentations, and different keys. At the final tack-turn, there it is, for real: Mt. Desert Island, big as life. We've made it. As we pull into the harbor, where we'll secure the boat for the night, there's a feeling of achievement. Our whale and dolphin friends return, and we end our journey with gratitude and celebration. I am profoundly grateful to Jaclyn Hartenberger, Professor of Conducting at the University of Georgia, for leading the consortium which provided the commissioning of this work. $36.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Everglades (River of Grass) [Score] Theodore Presser Co.
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clar...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, Contrabassoon, Double Bass, English Horn, Euphonium, Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Percussion 1 and more. SKU: PR.16500101F Mvt. 1 from Symphony No. 6 (Three Places in the East). Composed by Dan Welcher. Full score. 52 pages. Theodore Presser Company #165-00101F. Published by Theodore Presser Company (PR.16500101F). ISBN 9781491131725. UPC: 680160680252. Ever since the success of my series of wind ensemble works Places in the West, I've been wanting to write a companion piece for national parks on the other side of the north American continent. The earlier work, consisting of GLACIER, THE YELLOWSTONE FIRES, ARCHES, and ZION, spanned some twenty years of my composing life, and since the pieces called for differing groups of instruments, and were in slightly different styles from each other, I never considered them to be connected except in their subject matter. In their depiction of both the scenery and the human history within these wondrous places, they had a common goal: awaking the listener to the fragile beauty that is in them; and calling attention to the ever more crucial need for preservation and protection of these wild places, unique in all the world. With this new work, commissioned by a consortium of college and conservatory wind ensembles led by the University of Georgia, I decided to build upon that same model---but to solidify the process. The result, consisting of three movements (each named for a different national park in the eastern US), is a bona-fide symphony. While the three pieces could be performed separately, they share a musical theme---and also a common style and instrumentation. It is a true symphony, in that the first movement is long and expository, the second is a rather tightly structured scherzo-with-trio, and the finale is a true culmination of the whole. The first movement, Everglades, was the original inspiration for the entire symphony. Conceived over the course of two trips to that astonishing place (which the native Americans called River of Grass, the subtitle of this movement), this movement not only conveys a sense of the humid, lush, and even frightening scenery there---but also an overview of the entire settling-of- Florida experience. It contains not one, but two native American chants, and also presents a view of the staggering influence of modern man on this fragile part of the world. Beginning with a slow unfolding marked Heavy, humid, the music soon presents a gentle, lyrical theme in the solo alto saxophone. This theme, which goes through three expansive phrases with breaks in between, will appear in all three movements of the symphony. After the mood has been established, the music opens up to a rich, warm setting of a Cherokee morning song, with the simple happiness that this part of Florida must have had prior to the nineteenth century. This music, enveloping and comforting, gradually gives way to a more frenetic, driven section representative of the intrusion of the white man. Since Florida was populated and developed largely due to the introduction of a train system, there's a suggestion of the mechanized iron horse driving straight into the heartland. At that point, the native Americans become considerably less gentle, and a second chant seems to stand in the way of the intruder; a kind of warning song. The second part of this movement shows us the great swampy center of the peninsula, with its wildlife both in and out of the water. A new theme appears, sad but noble, suggesting that this land is precious and must be protected by all the people who inhabit it. At length, the morning song reappears in all its splendor, until the sunset---with one last iteration of the warning song in the solo piccolo. Functioning as a scherzo, the second movement, Great Smoky Mountains, describes not just that huge park itself, but one brave soul's attempt to climb a mountain there. It begins with three iterations of the UR-theme (which began the first movement as well), but this time as up-tempo brass fanfares in octaves. Each time it begins again, the theme is a little slower and less confident than the previous time---almost as though the hiker were becoming aware of the daunting mountain before him. But then, a steady, quick-pulsed ostinato appears, in a constantly shifting meter system of 2/4- 3/4 in alteration, and the hike has begun. Over this, a slower new melody appears, as the trek up the mountain progresses. It's a big mountain, and the ascent seems to take quite awhile, with little breaks in the hiker's stride, until at length he simply must stop and rest. An oboe solo, over several free cadenza-like measures, allows us (and our friend the hiker) to catch our breath, and also to view in the distance the rocky peak before us. The goal is somehow even more daunting than at first, being closer and thus more frighteningly steep. When we do push off again, it's at a slower pace, and with more careful attention to our footholds as we trek over broken rocks. Tantalizing little views of the valley at every switchback make our determination even stronger. Finally, we burst through a stand of pines and----we're at the summit! The immensity of the view is overwhelming, and ultimately humbling. A brief coda, while we sit dazed on the rocks, ends the movement in a feeling of triumph. The final movement, Acadia, is also about a trip. In the summer of 2014, I took a sailing trip with a dear friend from North Haven, Maine, to the southern coast of Mt. Desert Island in Acadia National Park. The experience left me both exuberant and exhausted, with an appreciation for the ocean that I hadn't had previously. The approach to Acadia National Park by water, too, was thrilling: like the difference between climbing a mountain on foot with riding up on a ski-lift, I felt I'd earned the right to be there. The music for this movement is entirely based on the opening UR-theme. There's a sense of the water and the mysterious, quiet deep from the very beginning, with seagulls and bell buoys setting the scene. As we leave the harbor, the theme (in a canon between solo euphonium and tuba) almost seems as if large subaquatic animals are observing our departure. There are three themes (call them A, B and C) in this seafaring journey---but they are all based on the UR theme, in its original form with octaves displaced, in an upside-down form, and in a backwards version as well. (The ocean, while appearing to be unchanging, is always changing.) We move out into the main channel (A), passing several islands (B), until we reach the long draw that parallels the coastline called Eggemoggin Reach, and a sudden burst of new speed (C). Things suddenly stop, as if the wind had died, and we have a vision: is that really Mt. Desert Island we can see off the port bow, vaguely in the distance? A chorale of saxophones seems to suggest that. We push off anew as the chorale ends, and go through all three themes again---but in different instrumentations, and different keys. At the final tack-turn, there it is, for real: Mt. Desert Island, big as life. We've made it. As we pull into the harbor, where we'll secure the boat for the night, there's a feeling of achievement. Our whale and dolphin friends return, and we end our journey with gratitude and celebration. I am profoundly grateful to Jaclyn Hartenberger, Professor of Conducting at the University of Georgia, for leading the consortium which provided the commissioning of this work. $36.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Concerto In C For Piano And Symphonic Wind Orch. Concert band [Score] Beriato Music
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8095417 Composed by Leroy Ande...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8095417 Composed by Leroy Anderson. Arranged by Jörg Murschinski. Score Only. Composed 2008. Beriato Music #BMP8095417. Published by Beriato Music (BT.BMP8095417). A lot is known about the American composer Leroy Anderson. This son of Swedish immigrants played the piano, organ, accordion, trombone, tuba and double bass. He spoke several languages fluently and graduated from Harvard with first-class honours.While on military service, the army also commissioned him to write a manual on Icelandic grammar.He already started writing musical arrangements as a student, and from his 30th year arranged and composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Such melodiesas Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride and Bugler�s Holiday made him world famous. His best-known work, Blue Tango, reached number one in the US charts in 1952, and it sold more than a million copies. In 1975, a year after hisdeath, he was given a star at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Most of his works last no longer than three minutes, about the maximum length of a single at that time. One work that lasts longer is his 1953 Piano Concerto in C for piano and orchestra.The first performance was in Chicago, conducted by the composer and with Eugene List at the piano. However, after three performances he was no longer happy with the work and withdrew it. He always intended to revise it, but never got round to it. Itwas only in 1989 that the Anderson family decided to republish the work.This three-part composition is on the one hand characterised by a careless elegance, but on the other one can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, and evenBeethoven and Mozart, as well as the Viennese classics.Anderson used the sonata form for the first movement. It ends with a cadenza that carries us on into the second part (in e minor). The third part is a typically cheerful American folk dance in2/4 time, a so-called Hoe Down, with a lilting, lyrical passage as its middle section. At the end comes a solo passage followed by a rapid close.In this piano concerto, Anderson combines a rigidly classical form of composition with simple andappealing themes and elements from light music. So this work is a perfect synthesis of light music and what is called serious music, in the same way as Gershwin�s Rhapsody in Blue. A work that can be played equally well in a concerthall, at an open-air concert or even a pop concert.
Over de Amerikaanse componist Leroy Anderson is veel bekend. Deze zoon van Zweedse immigranten speelde piano, orgel, accordeon, trombone, tuba en contrabas. Hij sprak vloeiend verschillende talen en studeerde met grote onderscheidingaf aan Harvard en schreef tijdens zijn legerdienst in opdracht van het leger een handboek grammatica Ijslands.Al in zijn studententijd begon hij met het maken van arrangementen, en vanaf zijn 30ste arrangeerde en componeerde hijvoor het Boston Pops Orchestra. Melodieën zoals Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride en Bugler's Holiday maakte hem wereldberoemd. Zijn bekendste werk Blue Tango stond in 1952 op nummer één in de VS Charts, ener werden meer dan een miljoen exemplaren van verkocht. Een jaar na zijn dood in 1975 kreeg hij een ster op de Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Zijn meeste werken duren niet langer dan drie minuten, ongeveer de maximumduur van een singletoen. Een werk dat wel langer duurt, is het pianoconcerto in C voor piano en orkest uit 1953. Het werd in Chicago gecreëerd onder zijn leiding met Eugene List aan de piano. Na drie uitvoeringen echter, was hij niet meer tevredenover zijn werk en trok dit terug. Hij had zijn leven lang de intentie het te herwerken doch kwam er niet meer toe. Pas in 1989 besliste de Anderson Familie zijn pianoconcerto toch opnieuw uit te geven.Dit driedelige werk wordtenerzijds getypeerd door een zorgeloze elegantie, maar anderzijds zijn invloeden van Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gerschwin en zelfs Beethoven en Mozart alsook de Weense klassiekers te horen.Voor de eerste beweging, past Anderson de sonatevormtoe. Op het einde volgt een cadenza die ons in het tweede deel (in mi klein) voert. Het derde deel is een typische Amerikaanse, vrolijke volksdans in 2/4, een zogenaamde Hoe Down met als middengedeelte een zangerige, lyrische
Über den amerikanischen Komponisten Leroy Anderson lässt sich vieles berichten: Der Sohn schwedischer Immigranten spielte Klavier, Orgel, Akkordeon, Posaune, Tuba und Kontrabass, sprach neun Sprachen fließend, absolvierte mit einemMagna-cum-laude-Abschluss die Harvard Universität und verfasste während seiner Militärzeit im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die amerikanische Armee eine Grammatik des Isländischen. Schon während seiner Studentenzeit begann er zu arrangieren, ab Mitte der30er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts arrangierte und komponierte er für das Boston Pops Orchestra. Aus seiner Feder stammen so bekannte Werke der leichten Muse wie Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride oder Bugler�s Holiday. Sein wohlbekanntestes Stück, Blue Tango, wurde als erste Instrumentalkomposition über eine Million Mal verkauft und belegte im Jahr 1952 Platz 1 der US-Charts. Für seine Verdienste um die Schallplattenindustrie erhielt er ein Jahr nach seinem Tod einenStern auf dem Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Charakteristisch für seine Werke ist die Dauer: die meisten sind rund drei Minuten lang � mehr passte nicht auf den damals gebräuchlichen Tonträger, eine Singleschallplatte. Nur wenige seinerKompositionen sprengen diesen Zeitrahmen. Dazu gehört sein Konzert C-Dur für Klavier und Orchester. Er komponierte es 1953, die Uraufführung fand unter seiner Leitung und mit Eugene List am Klavier im selben Jahr in Chicago statt. Da Anderson mit demWerk aber nicht zufrieden war, zog er es im Sommer 1954, nach nur drei Aufführungen, wieder ein. Er hatte zeitlebens die Absicht, es zu überarbeiten, allein, es kam nicht mehr dazu. Erst 1989 entschied sich die Anderson-Familie dazu, dasKlavierkonzert wieder zu veröffentlichen.Das dreisätzige Werk zeigt die Unbeschwertheit und Eleganz, die Andersons sämtliche Kompositionen auszeichnen. Dennoch findet man darin auch Anklänge an Komponisten wie Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, undeben Beethoven und Mozart, sowie die Wiener Klassiker. Der erste Satz folgt der Sonatenhauptsatzform. An seinem Ende steht eine Klavierkadenz, die direkt in den langsamen zweiten Satz (in e-Moll) überleitet. Der dritte Satz schließlich ist einwaschechter Hoe Down, ein fröhlicher amerikanischer Volkstanz im 2/4-Takt, in dessen Zentrum aber eine lyrisch-gesangliche Passage steht. Eine weitere Solo-Kadenz führt das Werk in einen spritzigen Schlussabschnitt.In seinem Klavierkonzertvereinigt Anderson einen klassisch-traditionellen Form- und Kompositionsstil mit Elementen der Unterhaltungsmusik und eingängigen Melodien, die schon immer sein Markenzeichen waren. Daher bildet dieses Werk eine perfekte Synthese von ernster undleichter Musik. Es passt � wie beispielsweise auch George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue � gleichermaßen in einen vornehmen Konzertsaal, wie auch zur zwanglos-lockeren Atmosphäre einer sommerlichen Open-Air-Veranstaltung oder einesPops-Konzertes.
Nous savons beaucoup de choses sur le compositeur américain Leroy Anderson. Ce fils dimmigrants suédois jouait du piano, de lorgue, de laccordéon, du trombone, du tuba et de la contrebasse. Il parlait couramment plusieurs langues et était diplômé avec grande distinction de Harvard. Pendant son service militaire, il écrivit un manuel de grammaire islandaise commandé par larmée.Étudiant, il avait déj commencé faire des arrangements et dès l ge de 30 ans, il arrangeait et composait pour le Boston Pops Orchestra. Des mélodies telles que Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride et Buglers Holiday lui valurent une renommée mondiale. Son uvre phare, Blue Tango, fut numéro un descharts américains en 1952 et se vendit plus dun million dexemplaires. Un an après sa mort en 1975, il eut droit son étoile sur le Walk of Fame Hollywood.La plupart de ses uvres nexcèdent pas trois minutes, soit peu près la durée maximale dun single lépoque. Son concerto en ut pour piano et orchestre de 1953 est quant lui plus long. Il fut créé Chicago sous sa direction avec Eugene List au piano. Après trois exécutions, Anderson nétait toutefois plus satisfait de son travail et le retira. Toute sa vie, il eut lintention de le remanier mais ne le fit pas. Ce nest quen 1989 que la famille Anderson décida de tout de m?me rééditer son concerto pour piano.Cette uvre en trois parties se caractérise par son élégance nonchalante mais aussi par linfluence de Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin et m?me de Beethoven et Mozart, ainsi que des classiques viennois.Pour le premier mouvement, Anderson opte pour une sonate. la fin, une cadence nous conduit la deuxième partie (en mi mineur). La troisième partie est une danse populaire joyeuse et typiquement américaine en 2/4, une Hoe Down avec un passage lyrique et mélodieux en son milieu. la fin, un solo est suivi par une clôture rapide.Dans son concerto pour piano, Anderson unit une composition pure et classique des thèmes beaux et simples, sans oublier des éléments de la musique légère. Cette uvre. $38.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Concerto In C For Piano And Symphonic Wind Orch. Concert band [Score and Parts] Beriato Music
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8091417 Composed by Leroy Ande...(+)
Concert Band/Harmonie and Piano SKU: BT.BMP8091417 Composed by Leroy Anderson. Arranged by Jörg Murschinski. Set (Score & Parts). Composed 2008. Beriato Music #BMP8091417. Published by Beriato Music (BT.BMP8091417). A lot is known about the American composer Leroy Anderson. This son of Swedish immigrants played the piano, organ, accordion, trombone, tuba and double bass. He spoke several languages fluently and graduated from Harvard with first-class honours.While on military service, the army also commissioned him to write a manual on Icelandic grammar.He already started writing musical arrangements as a student, and from his 30th year arranged and composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra. Such melodiesas Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride and Bugler�s Holiday made him world famous. His best-known work, Blue Tango, reached number one in the US charts in 1952, and it sold more than a million copies. In 1975, a year after hisdeath, he was given a star at the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Most of his works last no longer than three minutes, about the maximum length of a single at that time. One work that lasts longer is his 1953 Piano Concerto in C for piano and orchestra.The first performance was in Chicago, conducted by the composer and with Eugene List at the piano. However, after three performances he was no longer happy with the work and withdrew it. He always intended to revise it, but never got round to it. Itwas only in 1989 that the Anderson family decided to republish the work.This three-part composition is on the one hand characterised by a careless elegance, but on the other one can hear the influence of Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, and evenBeethoven and Mozart, as well as the Viennese classics.Anderson used the sonata form for the first movement. It ends with a cadenza that carries us on into the second part (in e minor). The third part is a typically cheerful American folk dance in2/4 time, a so-called Hoe Down, with a lilting, lyrical passage as its middle section. At the end comes a solo passage followed by a rapid close.In this piano concerto, Anderson combines a rigidly classical form of composition with simple andappealing themes and elements from light music. So this work is a perfect synthesis of light music and what is called serious music, in the same way as Gershwin�s Rhapsody in Blue. A work that can be played equally well in a concerthall, at an open-air concert or even a pop concert.
Over de Amerikaanse componist Leroy Anderson is veel bekend. Deze zoon van Zweedse immigranten speelde piano, orgel, accordeon, trombone, tuba en contrabas. Hij sprak vloeiend verschillende talen en studeerde met grote onderscheidingaf aan Harvard en schreef tijdens zijn legerdienst in opdracht van het leger een handboek grammatica Ijslands.Al in zijn studententijd begon hij met het maken van arrangementen, en vanaf zijn 30ste arrangeerde en componeerde hijvoor het Boston Pops Orchestra. Melodieën zoals Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride en Bugler's Holiday maakte hem wereldberoemd. Zijn bekendste werk Blue Tango stond in 1952 op nummer één in de VS Charts, ener werden meer dan een miljoen exemplaren van verkocht. Een jaar na zijn dood in 1975 kreeg hij een ster op de Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Zijn meeste werken duren niet langer dan drie minuten, ongeveer de maximumduur van een singletoen. Een werk dat wel langer duurt, is het pianoconcerto in C voor piano en orkest uit 1953. Het werd in Chicago gecreëerd onder zijn leiding met Eugene List aan de piano. Na drie uitvoeringen echter, was hij niet meer tevredenover zijn werk en trok dit terug. Hij had zijn leven lang de intentie het te herwerken doch kwam er niet meer toe. Pas in 1989 besliste de Anderson Familie zijn pianoconcerto toch opnieuw uit te geven.Dit driedelige werk wordtenerzijds getypeerd door een zorgeloze elegantie, maar anderzijds zijn invloeden van Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gerschwin en zelfs Beethoven en Mozart alsook de Weense klassiekers te horen.Voor de eerste beweging, past Anderson de sonatevormtoe. Op het einde volgt een cadenza die ons in het tweede deel (in mi klein) voert. Het derde deel is een typische Amerikaanse, vrolijke volksdans in 2/4, een zogenaamde Hoe Down met als middengedeelte een zangerige, lyrische
Über den amerikanischen Komponisten Leroy Anderson lässt sich vieles berichten: Der Sohn schwedischer Immigranten spielte Klavier, Orgel, Akkordeon, Posaune, Tuba und Kontrabass, sprach neun Sprachen fließend, absolvierte mit einemMagna-cum-laude-Abschluss die Harvard Universität und verfasste während seiner Militärzeit im Zweiten Weltkrieg für die amerikanische Armee eine Grammatik des Isländischen. Schon während seiner Studentenzeit begann er zu arrangieren, ab Mitte der30er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts arrangierte und komponierte er für das Boston Pops Orchestra. Aus seiner Feder stammen so bekannte Werke der leichten Muse wie Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride oder Bugler�s Holiday. Sein wohlbekanntestes Stück, Blue Tango, wurde als erste Instrumentalkomposition über eine Million Mal verkauft und belegte im Jahr 1952 Platz 1 der US-Charts. Für seine Verdienste um die Schallplattenindustrie erhielt er ein Jahr nach seinem Tod einenStern auf dem Walk of Fame in Hollywood.Charakteristisch für seine Werke ist die Dauer: die meisten sind rund drei Minuten lang � mehr passte nicht auf den damals gebräuchlichen Tonträger, eine Singleschallplatte. Nur wenige seinerKompositionen sprengen diesen Zeitrahmen. Dazu gehört sein Konzert C-Dur für Klavier und Orchester. Er komponierte es 1953, die Uraufführung fand unter seiner Leitung und mit Eugene List am Klavier im selben Jahr in Chicago statt. Da Anderson mit demWerk aber nicht zufrieden war, zog er es im Sommer 1954, nach nur drei Aufführungen, wieder ein. Er hatte zeitlebens die Absicht, es zu überarbeiten, allein, es kam nicht mehr dazu. Erst 1989 entschied sich die Anderson-Familie dazu, dasKlavierkonzert wieder zu veröffentlichen.Das dreisätzige Werk zeigt die Unbeschwertheit und Eleganz, die Andersons sämtliche Kompositionen auszeichnen. Dennoch findet man darin auch Anklänge an Komponisten wie Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin, undeben Beethoven und Mozart, sowie die Wiener Klassiker. Der erste Satz folgt der Sonatenhauptsatzform. An seinem Ende steht eine Klavierkadenz, die direkt in den langsamen zweiten Satz (in e-Moll) überleitet. Der dritte Satz schließlich ist einwaschechter Hoe Down, ein fröhlicher amerikanischer Volkstanz im 2/4-Takt, in dessen Zentrum aber eine lyrisch-gesangliche Passage steht. Eine weitere Solo-Kadenz führt das Werk in einen spritzigen Schlussabschnitt.In seinem Klavierkonzertvereinigt Anderson einen klassisch-traditionellen Form- und Kompositionsstil mit Elementen der Unterhaltungsmusik und eingängigen Melodien, die schon immer sein Markenzeichen waren. Daher bildet dieses Werk eine perfekte Synthese von ernster undleichter Musik. Es passt � wie beispielsweise auch George Gershwins Rhapsody in Blue � gleichermaßen in einen vornehmen Konzertsaal, wie auch zur zwanglos-lockeren Atmosphäre einer sommerlichen Open-Air-Veranstaltung oder einesPops-Konzertes.
Nous savons beaucoup de choses sur le compositeur américain Leroy Anderson. Ce fils dimmigrants suédois jouait du piano, de lorgue, de laccordéon, du trombone, du tuba et de la contrebasse. Il parlait couramment plusieurs langues et était diplômé avec grande distinction de Harvard. Pendant son service militaire, il écrivit un manuel de grammaire islandaise commandé par larmée.Étudiant, il avait déj commencé faire des arrangements et dès l ge de 30 ans, il arrangeait et composait pour le Boston Pops Orchestra. Des mélodies telles que Serenata, The Typewriter, Sleigh Ride et Buglers Holiday lui valurent une renommée mondiale. Son uvre phare, Blue Tango, fut numéro un descharts américains en 1952 et se vendit plus dun million dexemplaires. Un an après sa mort en 1975, il eut droit son étoile sur le Walk of Fame Hollywood.La plupart de ses uvres nexcèdent pas trois minutes, soit peu près la durée maximale dun single lépoque. Son concerto en ut pour piano et orchestre de 1953 est quant lui plus long. Il fut créé Chicago sous sa direction avec Eugene List au piano. Après trois exécutions, Anderson nétait toutefois plus satisfait de son travail et le retira. Toute sa vie, il eut lintention de le remanier mais ne le fit pas. Ce nest quen 1989 que la famille Anderson décida de tout de m?me rééditer son concerto pour piano.Cette uvre en trois parties se caractérise par son élégance nonchalante mais aussi par linfluence de Rachmaninoff, Copland, Gershwin et m?me de Beethoven et Mozart, ainsi que des classiques viennois.Pour le premier mouvement, Anderson opte pour une sonate. la fin, une cadence nous conduit la deuxième partie (en mi mineur). La troisième partie est une danse populaire joyeuse et typiquement américaine en 2/4, une Hoe Down avec un passage lyrique et mélodieux en son milieu. la fin, un solo est suivi par une clôture rapide.Dans son concerto pour piano, Anderson unit une composition pure et classique des thèmes beaux et simples, sans oublier des éléments de la musique légère. Cette uvre. $361.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Ben Hur Chariot Race March Brass Quintet: 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba Imagine Music
Composed by Edward Taylor Paull. Arranged by Judith Katz. Published by Imagine M...(+)
Composed by Edward Taylor Paull. Arranged by Judith Katz. Published by Imagine Music (IG.CMS164).
$12.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Compatible Trios for Winds (Tuba) Tuba Carl Fischer
(32 Trios That Can Be Played by Any Combination of Wind Instruments). By Larry C...(+)
(32 Trios That Can Be Played by Any Combination of Wind Instruments). By Larry Clark. Arranged by Larry Clark. For Tuba. Compatible Trios for Winds. Part book. 48 pages. Published by Carl Fischer
$12.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 52 Selected Hymns for the Solo Performer Tuba Kenneth D. Friedrich
Composed by Various. Arranged by Kenneth D. Friedrich. For tuba solo. Level 2 to...(+)
Composed by Various. Arranged by Kenneth D. Friedrich. For tuba solo. Level 2 to 4. Published by Kenneth D. Friedrich
$25.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 4 to 6 weeks | | |
| Olosabut (1885) Carl Fischer
Chamber Music Tuba, Piano SKU: CF.W2693 The World's Oldest Tuba Solo(+)
Chamber Music Tuba, Piano SKU: CF.W2693 The World's Oldest Tuba Solo. Composed by William Pettee. Edited by Curtis Peacock. Sws. Set of Score and Parts. 8+2 pages. Carl Fischer Music #W2693. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.W2693). ISBN 9781491158586. UPC: 680160917198. 9 x 12 inches. While unknown today, composer William Pettee (1839a1891) was clearly a remarkable musician and composer evidenced by the fact that he wrote funeral music for Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant. This funeral music survives to this day in a piano reduction format and is the basis of some of my most current arranging projects. This new edition of Olosabut was the culmination of years of research into the era commonly called The Golden Age of Bands, a period spanning 1880a1920. This project initially began when I played the solo part for Olosabut with a reading band when I was a guest artist at the Northwest Brass Festival in Seattle in 2010. For this new edition, I created a score with modern transpositions. Prior to this, there has been no score for this music. There is often no score for American band music from this era. I also adjusted the dynamics and articulations to allow the soloist to be heard and composed a handful of new musical lines to correct the problems stemming from inconsistent number of measures in the original edition. Finally, I created a reduction for tuba and piano as well as a new edition for solo tuba and orchestra. Olosabut (atuba soloa spelled backwards) from 1885 is possibly the oldest American tuba solo to survive to the twenty-first century. I have done extensive research in this area, and while there may be some earlier pieces with small obbligato solos for tuba, and perhaps even earlier full-fledged tuba solos, I believe this is the earliest music with a serious solo tuba part throughout that survives to this day. In the Tuba Source Book, several early solos are listed from the 1880s. In my research, I have attempted to obtain all of the music listed in the Tuba Source Book from the 1880s or earlier though the Library of Congress and various historic libraries in America. Most of this music for solo tuba and band is incomplete or entirely unavailable today though. The earliest of these is Southwellas Quickstep (Fun for Basses) from 1881. This is described as a novelty march for tuba section, however. A notable omission from the Tuba Source Book, though, is William Petteeas Olosabut, which is clearly marked 1885 on the original published sheet music. This piece is not listed in the Tuba Source Book. However, a different piece by Pettee called Osceola is listed from 1889. While unknown today, composer William Pettee (1839-1891) was clearly a remarkable musician and composer evidenced by the fact that he wrote funeral music for Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant. This funeral music survives to this day in a piano reduction format and is the basis of some of my most current arranging projects. This new edition of Olosabut was the culmination of years of research into the era commonly called The Golden Age of Bands, a period spanning 1880-1920. This project initially began when I played the solo part for Olosabut with a reading band when I was a guest artist at the Northwest Brass Festival in Seattle in 2010. For this new edition, I created a score with modern transpositions. Prior to this, there has been no score for this music. There is often no score for American band music from this era. I also adjusted the dynamics and articulations to allow the soloist to be heard and composed a handful of new musical lines to correct the problems stemming from inconsistent number of measures in the original edition. Finally, I created a reduction for tuba and piano as well as a new edition for solo tuba and orchestra. Olosabut (tuba solo spelled backwards) from 1885 is possibly the oldest American tuba solo to survive to the twenty-first century. I have done extensive research in this area, and while there may be some earlier pieces with small obbligato solos for tuba, and perhaps even earlier full-fledged tuba solos, I believe this is the earliest music with a serious solo tuba part throughout that survives to this day. In the Tuba Source Book, several early solos are listed from the 1880s. In my research, I have attempted to obtain all of the music listed in the Tuba Source Book from the 1880s or earlier though the Library of Congress and various historic libraries in America. Most of this music for solo tuba and band is incomplete or entirely unavailable today though. The earliest of these is Southwell's Quickstep (Fun for Basses) from 1881. This is described as a novelty march for tuba section, however. A notable omission from the Tuba Source Book, though, is William Pettee's Olosabut, which is clearly marked 1885 on the original published sheet music. This piece is not listed in the Tuba Source Book. However, a different piece by Pettee called Osceola is listed from 1889. While unknown today, composer William Pettee (1839–1891) was clearly a remarkable musician and composer evidenced by the fact that he wrote funeral music for Abraham Lincoln and General Ulysses S. Grant. This funeral music survives to this day in a piano reduction format and is the basis of some of my most current arranging projects. This new edition of Olosabut was the culmination of years of research into the era commonly called The Golden Age of Bands, a period spanning 1880–1920. This project initially began when I played the solo part for Olosabut with a reading band when I was a guest artist at the Northwest Brass Festival in Seattle in 2010. For this new edition, I created a score with modern transpositions. Prior to this, there has been no score for this music. There is often no score for American band music from this era. I also adjusted the dynamics and articulations to allow the soloist to be heard and composed a handful of new musical lines to correct the problems stemming from inconsistent number of measures in the original edition. Finally, I created a reduction for tuba and piano as well as a new edition for solo tuba and orchestra.Olosabut (“tuba solo†spelled backwards) from 1885 is possibly the oldest American tuba solo to survive to the twenty-first century. I have done extensive research in this area, and while there may be some earlier pieces with small obbligato solos for tuba, and perhaps even earlier full-fledged tuba solos, I believe this is the earliest music with a serious solo tuba part throughout that survives to this day. In the Tuba Source Book, several early solos are listed from the 1880s. In my research, I have attempted to obtain all of the music listed in the Tuba Source Book from the 1880s or earlier though the Library of Congress and various historic libraries in America. Most of this music for solo tuba and band is incomplete or entirely unavailable today though. The earliest of these is Southwell’s Quickstep (Fun for Basses) from 1881. This is described as a novelty march for tuba section, however. A notable omission from the Tuba Source Book, though, is William Pettee’s Olosabut, which is clearly marked 1885 on the original published sheet music. This piece is not listed in the Tuba Source Book. However, a different piece by Pettee called Osceola is listed from 1889. $14.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Blue Horizons - Intermediate Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clar...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, English Horn, Flute 1, Flute 2, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3, Horn 4, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Piccolo, Trumpet 1, Trumpet 2, Trumpet 3, alto Saxophone 1 and more. - Grade 5 SKU: CF.SPS85 Composed by Jeremy Martin. Folio. Sps. Set of Score and Parts. 4+28+28+14+14+4+14+14+7+24+28+28+8+4+8+8+14+8+9+12+12+8+8+8+8+12+12+9+12+8+16+4+3+2+6+6+6+7+44 pages. Duration 7 minutes, 8 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #SPS85. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.SPS85). ISBN 9781491156421. UPC: 680160914968. 9 x 12 inches. Blue Horizons is a spirited tribute to the musical heritage of the United States Air Force. The main theme is a variation of the U.S. Air Force Song (Off We Go), with a secondary theme based on A Toast to the Host (the bridge of The Air Force Song). Throughout the work, fragments of other Air Force-related songs appear: Lord, Guard and Guide (the Air Force Hymn), Air Force Blue, and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. The original request for this work was a daunting task: I was asked to create an Air Force companion piece to Robert Jager's Esprit de Corps that would mirror the style and spirit of that landmark work. The goal was to use elements of our various Air Force tunes in the same way that Jager incorporated The Marine's Hymn into his work - that is, to weave a musical tapestry of the Air Force's musical heritage without ever becoming a mere arrangement of the original material. As a former student of Robert Jager at Tennessee Technological University, I discussed my plans for the piece with him, shared my progress along the way, and sought his guidance as I had done so many times in the past. He was delighted that I managed to incorporate a few Jager-isms into the music, including one direct quote from Esprit de Corps. Although Blue Horizons was conceived as a dedication to the Air Force's musical legacy, it is also a personal homage to my teacher and friend, Robert Jager. Performance Notes * If only two flutists are available, omit the piccolo part and have them play Flute 1 and 2; in this case, Flute 1 should switch over to piccolo (still playing from the Flute 1 part) at m. 81 and back to regular flute at m. 114. If only covering the Flute 1 and 2 parts, Flute 2 should ignore indications to switch to piccolo and just play the entire work on regular flute. * Oboe 1 and 2 parts should be covered before adding the English Horn part. * The clarinet in Eb part should not be covered unless there are a sufficient number of players on the clarinet in Bb parts. * The trumpet cues in mm. 77-80 are only necessary if the horns need assistance finishing their soli phrase with enough strength to be heard. If you can hear them without extra support, leave the trumpets out. * From mm. 89-95, be sure the wind players with static eighth notes do not cover up the players with moving lines. * There is a strong tendency to rush m. 121. * During the oboe solo from mm. 157-168, ensure that the suspension/resolution lines in the bassoon and clarinet parts are heard; emphasize the importance of growing into the suspension with a slight crescendo. * In the scherzo section that begins at m. 217, be sure that each player knows how his/her part fits into the overall sound. I recommend isolating different textural items so the players can hear those parts on their own. (The bass line from mm. 243-260, for example, or the moving inner-voice line from mm. 251-260.) * In this same scherzo section, care should be taken to not play too loud and save a little strength for the climax fanfare at m. 279. * If you have an abundance of tubas, I would recommend having one or two of them play up an octave from mm. 243-271 if the lower part seems too heavy. Blue Horizons is a spirited tribute to the musical heritage of the United States Air Force. The main theme is a variation of the U.S. Air Force Song (Off We Go), with a secondary theme based on A Toast to the Host (the bridge of The Air Force Song). Throughout the work, fragments of other Air Force-related songs appear: Lord, Guard and Guide (the Air Force Hymn), Air Force Blue, and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines.The original request for this work was a daunting task: I was asked to create an Air Force “companion piece†to Robert Jager’s Esprit de Corps that would mirror the style and spirit of that landmark work. The goal was to use elements of our various Air Force tunes in the same way that Jager incorporated The Marine’s Hymn into his work – that is, to weave amusical tapestry of the Air Force’s musical heritage without ever becoming a mere arrangement of the original material. As a former student of Robert Jager at Tennessee Technological University, I discussed my plans for the piece with him, shared my progress along the way, and sought his guidance as I had done so many times in the past. He was delighted that I managed to incorporate a few “Jager-isms†into the music, including one direct quote from Esprit de Corps. Although Blue Horizons was conceived asa dedication to the Air Force’s musical legacy, it is also a personal homage to my teacher and friend, Robert Jager.Performance Notes• If only two flutists are available, omit the piccolo part and have them play Flute 1 and 2; in this case, Flute 1 should switch over to piccolo (still playing from the Flute 1 part) at m. 81 and back to regular flute at m. 114. If only covering the Flute 1 and 2 parts, Flute 2 should ignore indications to switch to piccolo and just play the entire work on regular flute.• Oboe 1 and 2 parts should be covered before adding the English Horn part.• The clarinet in Eb part should not be covered unless there are a sufficient number of players on the clarinet in Bb parts.• The trumpet cues in mm. 77-80 are only necessary if the horns need assistance finishing their soli phrase with enough strength to be heard. If you can hear them without extra support, leave the trumpets out.• From mm. 89-95, be sure the wind players with static eighth notes do not cover up the players with moving lines.• There is a strong tendency to rush m. 121.• During the oboe solo from mm. 157-168, ensure that the suspension/resolution lines in the bassoon and clarinet parts are heard; emphasize the importance of growing into the suspension with a slight crescendo.• In the scherzo section that begins at m. 217, be sure that each player knows how his/her part fits into the overall sound. I recommend isolating different textural items so the players can hear those parts on their own. (The bass line from mm. 243-260, for example, or the moving inner-voice linefrom mm. 251-260.)• In this same scherzo section, care should be taken to not play too loud and save a little strength for the climax fanfare at m. 279.• If you have an abundance of tubas, I would recommend having one or two of them play up an octave from mm. 243-271 if the lower part seems too heavy. $150.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Blue Horizons [Score] - Intermediate Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Chimes, Clarinet, Clarinet ...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bassoon 1, Bassoon 2, Chimes, Clarinet, Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, Clarinet 3, Contrabass Clarinet, Crash Cymbals, English Horn, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute 1, Flute 2, Glockenspiel, Harp, Horn 1, Horn 2, Horn 3 and more. - Grade 5 SKU: CF.SPS85F Composed by Jeremy Martin. Sws. Sps. Full score. 44 pages. Duration 7 minutes, 8 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #SPS85F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.SPS85F). ISBN 9781491156438. UPC: 680160914975. 9 x 12 inches. Blue Horizons is a spirited tribute to the musical heritage of the United States Air Force. The main theme is a variation of the U.S. Air Force Song (Off We Go), with a secondary theme based on A Toast to the Host (the bridge of The Air Force Song). Throughout the work, fragments of other Air Force-related songs appear: Lord, Guard and Guide (the Air Force Hymn), Air Force Blue, and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines. The original request for this work was a daunting task: I was asked to create an Air Force companion piece to Robert Jager's Esprit de Corps that would mirror the style and spirit of that landmark work. The goal was to use elements of our various Air Force tunes in the same way that Jager incorporated The Marine's Hymn into his work - that is, to weave a musical tapestry of the Air Force's musical heritage without ever becoming a mere arrangement of the original material. As a former student of Robert Jager at Tennessee Technological University, I discussed my plans for the piece with him, shared my progress along the way, and sought his guidance as I had done so many times in the past. He was delighted that I managed to incorporate a few Jager-isms into the music, including one direct quote from Esprit de Corps. Although Blue Horizons was conceived as a dedication to the Air Force's musical legacy, it is also a personal homage to my teacher and friend, Robert Jager. Performance Notes * If only two flutists are available, omit the piccolo part and have them play Flute 1 and 2; in this case, Flute 1 should switch over to piccolo (still playing from the Flute 1 part) at m. 81 and back to regular flute at m. 114. If only covering the Flute 1 and 2 parts, Flute 2 should ignore indications to switch to piccolo and just play the entire work on regular flute. * Oboe 1 and 2 parts should be covered before adding the English Horn part. * The clarinet in Eb part should not be covered unless there are a sufficient number of players on the clarinet in Bb parts. * The trumpet cues in mm. 77-80 are only necessary if the horns need assistance finishing their soli phrase with enough strength to be heard. If you can hear them without extra support, leave the trumpets out. * From mm. 89-95, be sure the wind players with static eighth notes do not cover up the players with moving lines. * There is a strong tendency to rush m. 121. * During the oboe solo from mm. 157-168, ensure that the suspension/resolution lines in the bassoon and clarinet parts are heard; emphasize the importance of growing into the suspension with a slight crescendo. * In the scherzo section that begins at m. 217, be sure that each player knows how his/her part fits into the overall sound. I recommend isolating different textural items so the players can hear those parts on their own. (The bass line from mm. 243-260, for example, or the moving inner-voice line from mm. 251-260.) * In this same scherzo section, care should be taken to not play too loud and save a little strength for the climax fanfare at m. 279. * If you have an abundance of tubas, I would recommend having one or two of them play up an octave from mm. 243-271 if the lower part seems too heavy. Blue Horizons is a spirited tribute to the musical heritage of the United States Air Force. The main theme is a variation of the U.S. Air Force Song (Off We Go), with a secondary theme based on A Toast to the Host (the bridge of The Air Force Song). Throughout the work, fragments of other Air Force-related songs appear: Lord, Guard and Guide (the Air Force Hymn), Air Force Blue, and Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines.The original request for this work was a daunting task: I was asked to create an Air Force “companion piece†to Robert Jager’s Esprit de Corps that would mirror the style and spirit of that landmark work. The goal was to use elements of our various Air Force tunes in the same way that Jager incorporated The Marine’s Hymn into his work – that is, to weave amusical tapestry of the Air Force’s musical heritage without ever becoming a mere arrangement of the original material. As a former student of Robert Jager at Tennessee Technological University, I discussed my plans for the piece with him, shared my progress along the way, and sought his guidance as I had done so many times in the past. He was delighted that I managed to incorporate a few “Jager-isms†into the music, including one direct quote from Esprit de Corps. Although Blue Horizons was conceived asa dedication to the Air Force’s musical legacy, it is also a personal homage to my teacher and friend, Robert Jager.Performance Notes• If only two flutists are available, omit the piccolo part and have them play Flute 1 and 2; in this case, Flute 1 should switch over to piccolo (still playing from the Flute 1 part) at m. 81 and back to regular flute at m. 114. If only covering the Flute 1 and 2 parts, Flute 2 should ignore indications to switch to piccolo and just play the entire work on regular flute.• Oboe 1 and 2 parts should be covered before adding the English Horn part.• The clarinet in Eb part should not be covered unless there are a sufficient number of players on the clarinet in Bb parts.• The trumpet cues in mm. 77-80 are only necessary if the horns need assistance finishing their soli phrase with enough strength to be heard. If you can hear them without extra support, leave the trumpets out.• From mm. 89-95, be sure the wind players with static eighth notes do not cover up the players with moving lines.• There is a strong tendency to rush m. 121.• During the oboe solo from mm. 157-168, ensure that the suspension/resolution lines in the bassoon and clarinet parts are heard; emphasize the importance of growing into the suspension with a slight crescendo.• In the scherzo section that begins at m. 217, be sure that each player knows how his/her part fits into the overall sound. I recommend isolating different textural items so the players can hear those parts on their own. (The bass line from mm. 243-260, for example, or the moving inner-voice linefrom mm. 251-260.)• In this same scherzo section, care should be taken to not play too loud and save a little strength for the climax fanfare at m. 279.• If you have an abundance of tubas, I would recommend having one or two of them play up an octave from mm. 243-271 if the lower part seems too heavy. $18.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Compatible Duets for Winds 2 Tubas (duet) Carl Fischer
(31 Duets That Can Be Played by Any Combination of Wind Instruments). By Larry C...(+)
(31 Duets That Can Be Played by Any Combination of Wind Instruments). By Larry Clark. For Tuba. 48 pages. Published by Carl Fischer
$12.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| First 50 Songs You Should Play on Tuba Tuba Hal Leonard
A Must-Have Collection of Well-Known Songs, Including Several Tuba Features. ...(+)
A Must-Have Collection of
Well-Known Songs, Including
Several Tuba Features.
Composed by Various.
Instrumental Folio.
Classical, Pop, Standards.
Softcover. 64 pages.
Published by Hal Leonard
$14.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 101 Hit Songs Tuba Hal Leonard
For Tuba. By Various. Instrumental Folio. Pop. Softcover. 160 pages. Duration ...(+)
For Tuba. By Various.
Instrumental Folio. Pop.
Softcover. 160 pages. Duration
175 seconds. Published by Hal
$17.99 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols Tuba and Piano [Sheet music + CD] - Intermediate Anglo Music
Tuba and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.AMP-438-400 Arranged by Philip Spar...(+)
Tuba and Piano - intermediate SKU: BT.AMP-438-400 Arranged by Philip Sparke. Anglo Music Play-Along Series. Book with CD. Composed 2015. 40 pages. Anglo Music Press #AMP 438-400. Published by Anglo Music Press (BT.AMP-438-400). ISBN 9789043148696. English-German-French-Dutch. Part of the Anglo Music Play-Along Series, Philip Sparke’s 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols is aimed at the young instrumentalist who can play about an octave and a half and follows on from Sparke’s 15 Easy ChristmasCarols. Specifically tailored to suit the individual instrument, this book introduces the developing player to the world’s most popular Christmas tunes by selecting simple yet attractive melodies that fit their limited range. The book willprovide invaluable additional material to complement any teaching method and includes both piano accompaniment and a demo/play-along CD.
Philip Sparkes 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols sind Teil der Reihe Anglo Music Play-Along und richten sich an junge Instrumentalisten, die einen Tonumfang von ungefähr eineinhalb Oktaven beherrschen. Die Ausgabe schließt sich anSparkes 15 Easy Christmas Carols an. Für diesen Band wurden einfache und zugleich ansprechende Melodien ausgewählt, die genau auf das jeweilige Instrument zugeschnitten sind, sich für dessen begrenzten Tonumfang eignen, und den soSchüler an die weltweit beliebtesten Weihnachtslieder heranführen. 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols bietet damit wertvolles Ergänzungsmaterial, das zu jeder Instrumentalschulepasst und sowohl eine Klavierbegleitung als auch einePlay-Along-CD enthält.
Faisant partie de l’Anglo Music Play-Along Series, les 15 Intermediate Christmas Carols(15 chants de Noël de niveau intermédiaire) de Philip Sparke visent les instrumentistes qui arrivent jouer environ une octave etdemi. Adapté pour convenir chaque instrument spécifique, ce recueil introduit le musicien de niveau moyen aux chants de Noël les plus populaires en sélectionnant les mélodies simples les plus intéressantes qui correspondent leur registre limité.Ce livre fournit du matériel supplémentaire indispensable qui complète n’importe quelle méthode pédagogique et inclut un accompagnement pour piano ainsi qu’une version sur CD avec démos. $22.95 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Dodge City Brass Quintet: 2 trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba Eighth Note Publications
By Jeff Smallman. Arranged by David Marlatt. For Brass Quintet. Brass Ensemble -...(+)
By Jeff Smallman. Arranged by David Marlatt. For Brass Quintet. Brass Ensemble - Quintet. Eighth Note Publications. Contemporary. Duration 00:03:50. Published by Eighth Note Publications
$15.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| 25 Christmas Carol Favorites for Tuba Quartet 4 Tubas [Score and Parts] Cherry Classics
Arranged by David Mathie. For Tuba Quartet. Christmas Carols Traditional. Modera...(+)
Arranged by David Mathie. For Tuba Quartet. Christmas Carols Traditional. Moderately advanced. Score and parts. Published by Cherry Classics
$25.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
| Secret Mission - Beginner Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bells, Clarinet, Cowbell, Crash Cymbals, Euphoniu...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bells, Clarinet, Cowbell, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute, Horn, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Wood Block and more. - Grade 1 SKU: CF.BPS132 Composed by Jason Taurins. Folio. Bps. Set of Score and Parts. 8+2+8+2+5+2+2+8+3+3+3+2+3+1+1+2+4+12 pages. Duration 1 minute, 41 seconds. Carl Fischer Music #BPS132. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.BPS132). ISBN 9781491158463. UPC: 680160917068. 9 x 12 inches. Secret Mission is a cinematic depiction of a spy on a mission to defeat a nefarious villain. This was inspired by my love for several spies and superheroes from movies and television series, both serious and humorous. With exciting parts for all players, I hope your imagination is sparked by this accessible and melodic piece. In the opening, the spy receives his mission in grand fashion, as the title sequence rolls across the screen. After a dramatic pause (m. 10), the spy is on the chase! The melody at m. 11 depicts the spy doing reconnaissance on his enemy. The villain reveals his evil plan, and soon, the hero and the villain face off in an epic battle! Who do you think wins? Is it a serious thriller or a hilarious cartoon? Decide for your own as you see the end credits scroll! Itas an epic journey sure to spark your imagination. For smaller ensembles, the power chords in the low brass can be divided such that trombones take the top note, and euphonium the bottom, or divide it as is appropriate for your ensemble. At m. 9, and as it recurs, the students should choose a note that is comfortably in their playing range that they can play beautifully. They should, however, strive to choose a different note than their neighbor, and can change the note as this technique recurs. The melody at measure 11 should sound soft, light, and sneaky! Do not let the students get too loud at m. 17. If anything, this section should be slightly softer. The woodblock and cowbell add a touch of urgency (like the ticking of a clock) and humor (I got a fevah!). Make sure the countermelody at m. 25 can be heard clearly. At m. 33, dynamic contrast is very important. If needed, a crash cymbal from a drum set can be used, and both cymbals can be struck by a drumstick. In either case, suspended cymbal should be played with a drumstick (unless rolling: then, use a pair of yarn mallets). I sincerely hope you and your students enjoy the cinematic journey, and thank you for choosing my music!. Secret Mission is a cinematic depiction of a spy on a mission to defeat a nefarious villain. This was inspired by my love for several spies and superheroes from movies and television series, both serious and humorous. With exciting parts for all players, I hope your imagination is sparked by this accessible and melodic piece. In the opening, the spy receives his mission in grand fashion, as the title sequence rolls across the screen. After a dramatic pause (m. 10), the spy is on the chase! The melody at m. 11 depicts the spy doing reconnaissance on his enemy. The villain reveals his evil plan, and soon, the hero and the villain face off in an epic battle! Who do you think wins? Is it a serious thriller or a hilarious cartoon? Decide for your own as you see the end credits scroll! It's an epic journey sure to spark your imagination. For smaller ensembles, the power chords in the low brass can be divided such that trombones take the top note, and euphonium the bottom, or divide it as is appropriate for your ensemble. At m. 9, and as it recurs, the students should choose a note that is comfortably in their playing range that they can play beautifully. They should, however, strive to choose a different note than their neighbor, and can change the note as this technique recurs. The melody at measure 11 should sound soft, light, and sneaky! Do not let the students get too loud at m. 17. If anything, this section should be slightly softer. The woodblock and cowbell add a touch of urgency (like the ticking of a clock) and humor (I got a fevah!). Make sure the countermelody at m. 25 can be heard clearly. At m. 33, dynamic contrast is very important. If needed, a crash cymbal from a drum set can be used, and both cymbals can be struck by a drumstick. In either case, suspended cymbal should be played with a drumstick (unless rolling: then, use a pair of yarn mallets). I sincerely hope you and your students enjoy the cinematic journey, and thank you for choosing my music!. Secret Mission is a cinematic depiction of a spy on a mission to defeat a nefarious villain. This was inspired by my love for several spies and superheroes from movies and television series, both serious and humorous. With exciting parts for all players, I hope your imagination is sparked by this accessible and melodic piece. In the opening, the spy receives his mission in grand fashion, as the title sequence rolls across the screen. After a dramatic pause (m. 10), the spy is on the chase! The melody at m. 11 depicts the spy doing reconnaissance on his enemy. The villain reveals his evil plan, and soon, the hero and the villain face off in an epic battle! Who do you think wins? Is it a serious thriller or a hilarious cartoon? Decide for your own as you see the end credits scroll! It’s an epic journey sure to spark your imagination.For smaller ensembles, the power chords in the low brass can be divided such that trombones take the top note, and euphonium the bottom, or divide it as is appropriate for your ensemble. At m. 9, and as it recurs, the students should choose a note that is comfortably in their playing range that they can play beautifully. They should, however, strive to choose a different note than their neighbor, and can change the note as this technique recurs. The melody at measure 11 should sound soft, light, and sneaky! Do not let the students get too loud at m. 17. If anything, this section should be slightly softer. The woodblock and cowbell add a touch of urgency (like the ticking of a clock) and humor (I got a fevah!). Make sure the countermelody at m. 25 can be heard clearly. At m. 33, dynamic contrast is very important. If needed, a crash cymbal from a drum set can be used, and both cymbals can be struck by a drumstick. In either case, suspended cymbal should be played with a drumstick (unless rolling: then, use a pair of yarn mallets). I sincerely hope you and your students enjoy the cinematic journey, and thank you for choosing my music! $53.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock | | |
| Secret Mission [Score] - Beginner Carl Fischer
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bells, Clarinet, Cowbell, Crash Cymbals, Euphoniu...(+)
Band Bass Clarinet, Bass Drum, Bells, Clarinet, Cowbell, Crash Cymbals, Euphonium, Euphonium T.C., Flute, Horn, Mallet Percussion, Oboe, Percussion 1, Percussion 2, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Timpani, Trombone, Trumpet, Tuba, Wood Block and more. - Grade 1 SKU: CF.BPS132F Composed by Jason Taurins. Sws. Bps. Full score. 12 pages. Carl Fischer Music #BPS132F. Published by Carl Fischer Music (CF.BPS132F). ISBN 9781491158470. UPC: 680160917075. 9 x 12 inches. Secret Mission is a cinematic depiction of a spy on a mission to defeat a nefarious villain. This was inspired by my love for several spies and superheroes from movies and television series, both serious and humorous. With exciting parts for all players, I hope your imagination is sparked by this accessible and melodic piece. In the opening, the spy receives his mission in grand fashion, as the title sequence rolls across the screen. After a dramatic pause (m. 10), the spy is on the chase! The melody at m. 11 depicts the spy doing reconnaissance on his enemy. The villain reveals his evil plan, and soon, the hero and the villain face off in an epic battle! Who do you think wins? Is it a serious thriller or a hilarious cartoon? Decide for your own as you see the end credits scroll! Itas an epic journey sure to spark your imagination. For smaller ensembles, the power chords in the low brass can be divided such that trombones take the top note, and euphonium the bottom, or divide it as is appropriate for your ensemble. At m. 9, and as it recurs, the students should choose a note that is comfortably in their playing range that they can play beautifully. They should, however, strive to choose a different note than their neighbor, and can change the note as this technique recurs. The melody at measure 11 should sound soft, light, and sneaky! Do not let the students get too loud at m. 17. If anything, this section should be slightly softer. The woodblock and cowbell add a touch of urgency (like the ticking of a clock) and humor (I got a fevah!). Make sure the countermelody at m. 25 can be heard clearly. At m. 33, dynamic contrast is very important. If needed, a crash cymbal from a drum set can be used, and both cymbals can be struck by a drumstick. In either case, suspended cymbal should be played with a drumstick (unless rolling: then, use a pair of yarn mallets). I sincerely hope you and your students enjoy the cinematic journey, and thank you for choosing my music!. Secret Mission is a cinematic depiction of a spy on a mission to defeat a nefarious villain. This was inspired by my love for several spies and superheroes from movies and television series, both serious and humorous. With exciting parts for all players, I hope your imagination is sparked by this accessible and melodic piece. In the opening, the spy receives his mission in grand fashion, as the title sequence rolls across the screen. After a dramatic pause (m. 10), the spy is on the chase! The melody at m. 11 depicts the spy doing reconnaissance on his enemy. The villain reveals his evil plan, and soon, the hero and the villain face off in an epic battle! Who do you think wins? Is it a serious thriller or a hilarious cartoon? Decide for your own as you see the end credits scroll! It's an epic journey sure to spark your imagination. For smaller ensembles, the power chords in the low brass can be divided such that trombones take the top note, and euphonium the bottom, or divide it as is appropriate for your ensemble. At m. 9, and as it recurs, the students should choose a note that is comfortably in their playing range that they can play beautifully. They should, however, strive to choose a different note than their neighbor, and can change the note as this technique recurs. The melody at measure 11 should sound soft, light, and sneaky! Do not let the students get too loud at m. 17. If anything, this section should be slightly softer. The woodblock and cowbell add a touch of urgency (like the ticking of a clock) and humor (I got a fevah!). Make sure the countermelody at m. 25 can be heard clearly. At m. 33, dynamic contrast is very important. If needed, a crash cymbal from a drum set can be used, and both cymbals can be struck by a drumstick. In either case, suspended cymbal should be played with a drumstick (unless rolling: then, use a pair of yarn mallets). I sincerely hope you and your students enjoy the cinematic journey, and thank you for choosing my music!. Secret Mission is a cinematic depiction of a spy on a mission to defeat a nefarious villain. This was inspired by my love for several spies and superheroes from movies and television series, both serious and humorous. With exciting parts for all players, I hope your imagination is sparked by this accessible and melodic piece. In the opening, the spy receives his mission in grand fashion, as the title sequence rolls across the screen. After a dramatic pause (m. 10), the spy is on the chase! The melody at m. 11 depicts the spy doing reconnaissance on his enemy. The villain reveals his evil plan, and soon, the hero and the villain face off in an epic battle! Who do you think wins? Is it a serious thriller or a hilarious cartoon? Decide for your own as you see the end credits scroll! It’s an epic journey sure to spark your imagination.For smaller ensembles, the power chords in the low brass can be divided such that trombones take the top note, and euphonium the bottom, or divide it as is appropriate for your ensemble. At m. 9, and as it recurs, the students should choose a note that is comfortably in their playing range that they can play beautifully. They should, however, strive to choose a different note than their neighbor, and can change the note as this technique recurs. The melody at measure 11 should sound soft, light, and sneaky! Do not let the students get too loud at m. 17. If anything, this section should be slightly softer. The woodblock and cowbell add a touch of urgency (like the ticking of a clock) and humor (I got a fevah!). Make sure the countermelody at m. 25 can be heard clearly. At m. 33, dynamic contrast is very important. If needed, a crash cymbal from a drum set can be used, and both cymbals can be struck by a drumstick. In either case, suspended cymbal should be played with a drumstick (unless rolling: then, use a pair of yarn mallets). I sincerely hope you and your students enjoy the cinematic journey, and thank you for choosing my music! $7.00 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Mark Williams : Fantasy on Yankee Doodle Concert band [Score and Parts] - Intermediate Alfred Publishing
By Mark Williams. Concert Band. Concert Band; SmartMusic. Alfred Concert Band. P...(+)
By Mark Williams. Concert Band. Concert Band; SmartMusic. Alfred Concert Band. Patriotic. Grade 4. Conductor Score and Parts. 296 pages. Published by Alfred Music Publishing
$90.00 $85.5 (5% off) See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 1 to 2 weeks | | |
| Concerto for Tuba with Piano accompaniment Tuba and Piano - Advanced Cherry Classics
Tuba and Piano - advanced SKU: CY.CC2517 Composed by Johann B Wanhal. Arr...(+)
Tuba and Piano - advanced SKU: CY.CC2517 Composed by Johann B Wanhal. Arranged by Janet Yarbrough. Classical. Solo part and piano score. Published by Cherry Classics (CY.CC2517). Johann Wanhal (Vanhal) was an important classical composer from Bohemian/Czech heritage (1739-1813). His main living was as an organist and choirmaster, however Wanhal's musical output as a composer includes over a dozen concerti, many symphonies, chamber music, operas and much sacred music including 58 masses. Wanhal is rumored to have played chamber music with Mozart, Haydn and Dittersdorf, with Wanhal on the cello. In the 1770's Wanhal met the contrabassist Johannes Matthias Sperger and wrote a double bass concerto for him. The Concerto is in the key of E-Flat (original key of D for the double bass) in three movements and has been expertly arranged for Tuba and Piano by Ms. Janet Yarbrough of Duke University. This work is available for solo Tuba with Wind Ensemble. $27.50 - See more - Buy onlinePre-shipment lead time: 2 to 3 weeks | | |
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