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Vous avez sélectionné:
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Piano seul (169)
Orchestre d'harmonie (68)
Guitare (62)
Quatuor à cordes: 2 violons, … (45)
Flûte traversière et Piano (30)
Chorale SATB (30)
Violon (30)
Batterie (28)
Violon et Piano (27)
Ensemble de cuivres (26)
Flûte traversière (26)
Orgue (22)
Piano, Voix (21)
Solistes SATBB, Choeur SATB, 2… (19)
Clarinette (19)
Guitare notes et tablatures (18)
Saxophone (18)
Violoncelle (13)
Saxophone Alto (12)
Trombone (12)
Basse Electrique (11)
Divers (11)
Solistes STB (SB/TB/SATB), Cho… (10)
Piano, Voix et Guitare (10)
Formation musicale - Solfège (10)
Trompette (10)
Orchestre (9)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percuss… (9)
Saxophone Tenor (8)
Ensemble à vent (8)
SATB, 4 Parties Mixtes, 2 Viol… (8)
1 Piano, 4 mains (8)
Quintette à Vent: flûte, Hau… (8)
Choeur SSATB, 2 Hautbois, 2 Vi… (8)
3 Violons, Instruments à Cord… (7)
Piano Facile (7)
Contre Basse (7)
Flûte Traversière, Violon, I… (7)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB, Fl… (7)
Fanfare (7)
Violoncelle, Piano (7)
Clarinette et Piano (7)
Piano Trio: piano, violon, vio… (6)
Instruments en Do (6)
Tous Les Instruments (6)
Ensemble Jazz (6)
Banjo (6)
Chorale (6)
Instruments en Sib (5)
Instruments à Vent en Si et (… (5)
Bass Clef Instruments (5)
Ensemble De Flûte à bec (5)
2 Violons (duo) (5)
Tuba (5)
Voix seule (5)
Ensemble à Cordes et Piano (4)
Quatuor à cordes : 4 altos (4)
Violon, Piano, Guitare Basse e… (4)
Clavier (4)
Flûte à Bec (4)
Opéra (4)
Voix duo, Piano (4)
Voix et Orchestre (4)
Flûte à bec Alto (4)
Violon, Guitare (duo) (4)
2 Altos (duo) (4)
2 Flûtes traversières (duo) (4)
Trompette, Piano (4)
Quintette à cordes: 2 violons… (3)
2 Flûtes Traversières, Instr… (3)
Quatuor de Cuivres (3)
Ukulele (3)
Viole de Gambe (3)
Alto, Piano (3)
Voix et Orff-Instruments (3)
Basson (3)
Accordéon (3)
Voix et Instruments (3)
Orchestre à Cordes (3)
Ensemble (3)
Partition de Poche (3)
Harpe (3)
Percussion (3)
Voix Soprano, Piano (3)
CD (3)
2 Guitares (duo) (3)
Chorale 3 parties (3)
Violon, Violoncelle (duo) (2)
3 Flûtes Traversières (3 Vio… (2)
Contrebasse, Piano (duo) (2)
Guitare Fingerpicking (2)
Cornet A Pistons (2)
Quintette à Vent (2)
1 ou 2 Guitares (2)
Concert Band/Harmonie (2)
Violon, Orgue (2)
Trombone et Piano (2)
Ensemble A Vent (2)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Orff-In… (2)
Instruments Sib, Mib et Do (2)
3 Saxophones (trio) (2)
Clarinette, Orchestre (2)
Xylophone ou Marimba ou Vibrap… (2)
2 Clarinettes (duo) (2)
Voix haute, Piano (2)
Quatuor de Saxophones: 4 saxop… (2)
Chant et Basse Continue (2)
Conducteur (2)
Piano et Clavier (2)
Concert Band / Harmonie (2)
Flûte à bec Soprano (2)
Saxophone, Clarinette (duo) (2)
Alto seul (2)
Orchestre, Violon (2)
Ensemble De Flûtes A Bec (SAB… (2)
Guitare Electrique (2)
Set de Cordes (2)
1 ou 2 Clarinettes en Sib (2)
Cor (2)
Trompette en Sib (2)
Ensemble de Cuivres et Percuss… (2)
Hautbois, Piano (duo) (2)
Flûte et Guitare (2)
1 Ou 2 Accordéon(s) (2)
Flûte à Bec, Piano (2)
Cor et Piano (2)
3 Flûtes à Bec SAB/STB (1)
Orchestre et Quatuor à Cordes… (1)
Instrumentation Flexible (1)
Violoncelle, Basse et Accompag… (1)
Baryton et Quatuor à Cordes (1)
2 Pianos, 4 mains (1)
Big band (1)
Voix et Piano Réduction (1)
DVD concert (1)
Saxophone en Mib et Piano (1)
2-6 Flûtes à Bec [Aa/St/Stt/… (1)
2 Barytons, SATB, Orgue Acc (D… (1)
Banjo (5 Cordes) (1)
Alto (Viole) (1)
Quatuor A Cordes + Contrebasse… (1)
Alto, Violon 3 et Ensemble (1)
Marimba (1)
Saxophone Baryton et Piano (1)
Saxophone Alto ou Ténor (1)
Clarinette Basse (1)
Voix basse, Piano (1)
Voix duo (1)
Voix Baryton (1)
Livre et CD (1)
Fiddle ou Violon (1)
Harmonica (1)
1 ou 2 Flûtes à Bec (1)
Flûte à bec Soprano, Basse c… (1)
Cor en Fa Solo et Orchestre à… (1)
SATB et Orchestre (1)
Oeuvres Théâtrales/Oratorios… (1)
Ensemble de Clarinettes (1)
Chœur Mixte [SATB] avec Percu… (1)
3 Accordéons (1)
Clavecin (1)
Choeur Mixte et Instrument Div… (1)
Ensemble à instrumentation va… (1)
Violon, Basse continue (1)
2 Flûtes à Bec (SS ou SA) et… (1)
Chœur d'Hommes et Flûte à B… (1)
Solistes SATB, Choeur SATB/SAT… (1)
Carillon (1)
Flûte traversière, Basse con… (1)
Album Various Instruments Gr. … (1)
Vibraphone (1)
1-4 Voix avec et sans Accompag… (1)
Banjo Ténor (1)
Guitare (Flatpick) Et Plectre (1)
Voix Haute et Orgue (1)
Hautbois et Cor Anglais (1)
Aucune valeur (1)
Parties Pour Voix Et Orff-Inst… (1)
Flûte Ou Hautbois (1)
Trio à cordes (1)
Ensemble de Violoncelles (1)
Ukulélé Soprano (1)
Trompette et Guitare (1)
Ensemble à Cordes (1)
Choeur Mixte SATB a Cappella (1)
Clarinette Basse Solo (1)
Hohe Stimme und Klavier (1)
Choeur A 2 Parties Et Orgue (1)
3 Clarinettes (trio) (1)
Piccolo (1)
2 Flûtes traversières, Piano… (1)
Guitare et Accompagnement Pian… (1)
Instruments en Mib (1)
Saxophone en Sib et Piano (1)
Mandoline (1)
Ensemble d'Altos (1)
Choeur SSATB et Basse Continue… (1)
Banjo (5 Cordes) Et Plectre (1)
Ensembles Divers (1)
Violon, Cordes Et Basse Contin… (1)
Voix Tenor, Piano (1)
Dulcimer (1)
SATB div. Et Percussion (1)
Caisse Claire (1)
Voix, Flûtes à Bec et Percus… (1)
Guitare Tablatures Flatpick et… (1)
Cor et Orchestre à Vent (1)
Violoncelle , Guitare (duo) (1)
Instruments en Clé de Fa (1)
Conducteur De Poche (1)
2 Flûtes A Bec Soprano Et Gui… (1)
Ensemble De Voix (1)
Quintette de Cuivres (1)
Saxophone Tenor et Piano (1)
Ensemble Divers Et Piano (1)
Ensemble Flexible 4 Parties (1)
Chant, Flûte, Harpe, Alto et … (1)
Chorale SSAA (1)
Choeur Mixte (Complet en Parti… (1)
Voix d'Enfants, Piano (1)
Quatuor de Clarinettes: 4 clar… (1)
Luth (1)
Eveil Musical (1)
Instruments Sib, Mib, Do et Ba… (1)
Violoncelle (Ou Basson) Et Pia… (1)
Mallet (1)
Une ou Plusieurs Flûtes à be… (1)
Flûte à Bec et Piano (1)
Voix Mixtes a Cappella (1)
Piano Quatuor: piano, violon, … (1)
Saxophone Alto et Piano (1)
Flûte Traversière et Violon (1)
Saxophone Soprano (1)
Instruments à Vent (1)
Soprano Et Saxophone Soprano (1)
Banjo Tenor (1)
Solo SMsTB, SATB et Orchestre (1)
3 Flûtes à bec (trio) (1)
Accompagnement Piano (1)
2 Violoncelles (duo) (1)
Accordéon et Piano (1)
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10 partitions
Music for Children Vol. 4 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Music for Children Vol. 4 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Minor: Bordun. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his lif...
Minor: Bordun. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his life to the development of a philosophy of Music for Children, based on his belief that music is the natural outcome of speech, rhythm and movement. His ideas and pioneering work have had a major influence on music and dance education throughout the world and today that work continues under the guidance of leading teachers and educators in many countries. The five basic German volumes of 'Music for Children' by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman were published between 1950 and 1954. Edition have since been published in Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ghana, Great Britain (including a special Welsh edition), Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin-America, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA. In 1952 the first edition in translation appeared, an English language adaptation by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter for their Canadian and American students. A few years later, Margaret Murray independently developed a version (1957-1966), essentially to fulfil the needs of United Kingdom teachers. Inevitably the considerable growth of Orff-Schulwerk in the United States led to the publication of the American Edition (1977) to satisfy the requirements of a different educational system and national heritage. Orff-Schulwerk: Music for Children has proved itself to be a stimulating source of material for music teaching. Carl Orff's fundamental educational ideas have revitalized music education in nursery schools, at all levels of primary and secondary education and in special music schools, based on the concepts that: - music, dance and language are inter-related and animated through rhythm. - when children discover, invent, improvise and compose, their experience of music is intensified. These creative activities are complementary to those of interpreting and listening to music. - all who take part are encouraged to contribute, not only vocally but also instrumentally. - the Orff approach to music education is many sided; it is concerned with practical music-making, it provides fundamental experiences and it lays the foundation for a comprehensive musical training. - movement games and activities for body awareness in space, time and flow, lead to movement improvisation and dance forms. - music and dance have been notated in many different ways in history. Various ways of writing down sounds and music, as well as playing from and interpreting different kinds of sources are being explored. Today, countless teachers and institutions are using these ideas. More and more teachers look for ways of invovling their students in active music making. In particular, they seek to challenge their pupils' creativity by the use of music, dance and speech - as media of human expression - as a foundation of all education. A prerequisite for work in Orff-Schulwerk is the artistic and pedagogical training of teachers. The Orff Institute was founded in 1961 as a Department of the 'Mozarteum', in Salzburg, Austria. Training offered includes a four-year diploma course, a two-year post-graduate course, and a one-year-course in English. At the opening of the Orff Institute in Salzburg in 1963, Carl Orff ended his speech with a quotation from Schiller: 'I have done my part, now do yours.' That challenge has been taken up by teachers worldwide. Hall/Walter Edition Based on Volumes 1, 2 and 4 of the original German Edition 'musik für Kinder', english adaption with additional material by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter./ Recueil / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
16.41 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Musik Fur Kinder 4 (ORFF CARL)
Musik Fur Kinder 4 (ORFF CARL)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many co...
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many countries and there are editions in numerous languages, with a comprehensive range of supplementary material. Those teachers using the various English editions will find here a rich and exciting source of traditional folk songs, dance melodies and original material from other countries, which will enlarge and enrich the activites and experiences of their pupils./ Recueil / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
34.50 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Musik Fur Kinder 2 (ORFF CARL)
Musik Fur Kinder 2 (ORFF CARL)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many co...
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many countries and there are editions in numerous languages, with a comprehensive range of supplementary material. Those teachers using the various English editions will find here a rich and exciting source of traditional folk songs, dance melodies and original material from other countries, which will enlarge and enrich the activites and experiences of their pupils./ Recueil / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
27.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Music for Children Vol. 5 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Music for Children Vol. 5 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Minor: Triads. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his lif...
Minor: Triads. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his life to the development of a philosophy of Music for Children, based on his belief that music is the natural outcome of speech, rhythm and movement. His ideas and pioneering work have had a major influence on music and dance education throughout the world and today that work continues under the guidance of leading teachers and educators in many countries. The five basic German volumes of 'Music for Children' by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman were published between 1950 and 1954. Edition have since been published in Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ghana, Great Britain (including a special Welsh edition), Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin-America, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA. In 1952 the first edition in translation appeared, an English language adaptation by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter for their Canadian and American students. A few years later, Margaret Murray independently developed a version (1957-1966), essentially to fulfil the needs of United Kingdom teachers. Inevitably the considerable growth of Orff-Schulwerk in the United States led to the publication of the American Edition (1977) to satisfy the requirements of a different educational system and national heritage. Orff-Schulwerk: Music for Children has proved itself to be a stimulating source of material for music teaching. Carl Orff's fundamental educational ideas have revitalized music education in nursery schools, at all levels of primary and secondary education and in special music schools, based on the concepts that: - music, dance and language are inter-related and animated through rhythm. - when children discover, invent, improvise and compose, their experience of music is intensified. These creative activities are complementary to those of interpreting and listening to music. - all who take part are encouraged to contribute, not only vocally but also instrumentally. - the Orff approach to music education is many sided; it is concerned with practical music-making, it provides fundamental experiences and it lays the foundation for a comprehensive musical training. - movement games and activities for body awareness in space, time and flow, lead to movement improvisation and dance forms. - music and dance have been notated in many different ways in history. Various ways of writing down sounds and music, as well as playing from and interpreting different kinds of sources are being explored. Today, countless teachers and institutions are using these ideas. More and more teachers look for ways of invovling their students in active music making. In particular, they seek to challenge their pupils' creativity by the use of music, dance and speech - as media of human expression - as a foundation of all education. A prerequisite for work in Orff-Schulwerk is the artistic and pedagogical training of teachers. The Orff Institute was founded in 1961 as a Department of the 'Mozarteum', in Salzburg, Austria. Training offered includes a four-year diploma course, a two-year post-graduate course, and a one-year-course in English. At the opening of the Orff Institute in Salzburg in 1963, Carl Orff ended his speech with a quotation from Schiller: 'I have done my part, now do yours.' That challenge has been taken up by teachers worldwide. Hall/Walter Edition Based on Volumes 1, 2 and 4 of the original German Edition 'musik für Kinder', english adaption with additional material by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter./ Recueil / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
17.60 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Schulwerk Vol. 1 (Ted.) (Orff/Keetman) (ORFF CARL)
Schulwerk Vol. 1 (Ted.) (Orff/Keetman) (ORFF CARL)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many co...
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many countries and there are editions in numerous languages, with a comprehensive range of supplementary material. Those teachers using the various English editions will find here a rich and exciting source of traditional folk songs, dance melodies and original material from other countries, which will enlarge and enrich the activites and experiences of their pupils./ Etude / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
27.90 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Music for Children Vol. 2 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Music for Children Vol. 2 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Major - Bordun. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his li...
Major - Bordun. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his life to the development of a philosophy of Music for Children, based on his belief that music is the natural outcome of speech, rhythm and movement. His ideas and pioneering work have had a major influence on music and dance education throughout the world and today that work continues under the guidance of leading teachers and educators in many countries. The five basic German volumes of 'Music for Children' by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman were published between 1950 and 1954. Edition have since been published in Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ghana, Great Britain (including a special Welsh edition), Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin-America, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA. In 1952 the first edition in translation appeared, an English language adaptation by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter for their Canadian and American students. A few years later, Margaret Murray independently developed a version (1957-1966), essentially to fulfil the needs of United Kingdom teachers. Inevitably the considerable growth of Orff-Schulwerk in the United States led to the publication of the American Edition (1977) to satisfy the requirements of a different educational system and national heritage. Orff-Schulwerk: Music for Children has proved itself to be a stimulating source of material for music teaching. Carl Orff's fundamental educational ideas have revitalized music education in nursery schools, at all levels of primary and secondary education and in special music schools, based on the concepts that: - music, dance and language are inter-related and animated through rhythm. - when children discover, invent, improvise and compose, their experience of music is intensified. These creative activities are complementary to those of interpreting and listening to music. - all who take part are encouraged to contribute, not only vocally but also instrumentally. - the Orff approach to music education is many sided; it is concerned with practical music-making, it provides fundamental experiences and it lays the foundation for a comprehensive musical training. - movement games and activities for body awareness in space, time and flow, lead to movement improvisation and dance forms. - music and dance have been notated in many different ways in history. Various ways of writing down sounds and music, as well as playing from and interpreting different kinds of sources are being explored. Today, countless teachers and institutions are using these ideas. More and more teachers look for ways of invovling their students in active music making. In particular, they seek to challenge their pupils' creativity by the use of music, dance and speech - as media of human expression - as a foundation of all education. A prerequisite for work in Orff-Schulwerk is the artistic and pedagogical training of teachers. The Orff Institute was founded in 1961 as a Department of the 'Mozarteum', in Salzburg, Austria. Training offered includes a four-year diploma course, a two-year post-graduate course, and a one-year-course in English. At the opening of the Orff Institute in Salzburg in 1963, Carl Orff ended his speech with a quotation from Schiller: 'I have done my part, now do yours.' That challenge has been taken up by teachers worldwide. Hall/Walter Edition Based on Volumes 1, 2 and 4 of the original German Edition 'musik für Kinder', english adaption with additional material by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter./ Recueil / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
13.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Music for Children Vol. 3 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Music for Children Vol. 3 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Major - Triads. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his li...
Major - Triads. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his life to the development of a philosophy of Music for Children, based on his belief that music is the natural outcome of speech, rhythm and movement. His ideas and pioneering work have had a major influence on music and dance education throughout the world and today that work continues under the guidance of leading teachers and educators in many countries. The five basic German volumes of 'Music for Children' by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman were published between 1950 and 1954. Edition have since been published in Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ghana, Great Britain (including a special Welsh edition), Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin-America, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA. In 1952 the first edition in translation appeared, an English language adaptation by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter for their Canadian and American students. A few years later, Margaret Murray independently developed a version (1957-1966), essentially to fulfil the needs of United Kingdom teachers. Inevitably the considerable growth of Orff-Schulwerk in the United States led to the publication of the American Edition (1977) to satisfy the requirements of a different educational system and national heritage. Orff-Schulwerk: Music for Children has proved itself to be a stimulating source of material for music teaching. Carl Orff's fundamental educational ideas have revitalized music education in nursery schools, at all levels of primary and secondary education and in special music schools, based on the concepts that: - music, dance and language are inter-related and animated through rhythm. - when children discover, invent, improvise and compose, their experience of music is intensified. These creative activities are complementary to those of interpreting and listening to music. - all who take part are encouraged to contribute, not only vocally but also instrumentally. - the Orff approach to music education is many sided; it is concerned with practical music-making, it provides fundamental experiences and it lays the foundation for a comprehensive musical training. - movement games and activities for body awareness in space, time and flow, lead to movement improvisation and dance forms. - music and dance have been notated in many different ways in history. Various ways of writing down sounds and music, as well as playing from and interpreting different kinds of sources are being explored. Today, countless teachers and institutions are using these ideas. More and more teachers look for ways of invovling their students in active music making. In particular, they seek to challenge their pupils' creativity by the use of music, dance and speech - as media of human expression - as a foundation of all education. A prerequisite for work in Orff-Schulwerk is the artistic and pedagogical training of teachers. The Orff Institute was founded in 1961 as a Department of the 'Mozarteum', in Salzburg, Austria. Training offered includes a four-year diploma course, a two-year post-graduate course, and a one-year-course in English. At the opening of the Orff Institute in Salzburg in 1963, Carl Orff ended his speech with a quotation from Schiller: 'I have done my part, now do yours.' That challenge has been taken up by teachers worldwide. Hall/Walter Edition Based on Volumes 1, 2 and 4 of the original German Edition 'musik für Kinder', english adaption with additional material by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter./ Recueil / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
13.40 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
Articles Similaires
Argraffiad Cymraeg Vol. 1 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Argraffiad Cymraeg Vol. 1 (ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD)
Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Pentatonig. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his life t...
Pentatonig. Par ORFF CARL / KEETMAN GUNILD. Carl Orff devoted much of his life to the development of a philosophy of Music for Children, based on his belief that music is the natural outcome of speech, rhythm and movement. His ideas and pioneering work have had a major influence on music and dance education throughout the world and today that work continues under the guidance of leading teachers and educators in many countries. The five basic German volumes of 'Music for Children' by Carl Orff and Gunild Keetman were published between 1950 and 1954. Edition have since been published in Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Estonia, France, Ghana, Great Britain (including a special Welsh edition), Greece, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin-America, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA. In 1952 the first edition in translation appeared, an English language adaptation by Doreen Hall and Arnold Walter for their Canadian and American students. A few years later, Margaret Murray independently developed a version (1957-1966), essentially to fulfil the needs of United Kingdom teachers. Inevitably the considerable growth of Orff-Schulwerk in the United States led to the publication of the American Edition (1977) to satisfy the requirements of a different educational system and national heritage. Orff-Schulwerk: Music for Children has proved itself to be a stimulating source of material for music teaching. Carl Orff's fundamental educational ideas have revitalized music education in nursery schools, at all levels of primary and secondary education and in special music schools, based on the concepts that: - music, dance and language are inter-related and animated through rhythm. - when children discover, invent, improvise and compose, their experience of music is intensified. These creative activities are complementary to those of interpreting and listening to music. - all who take part are encouraged to contribute, not only vocally but also instrumentally. - the Orff approach to music education is many sided; it is concerned with practical music-making, it provides fundamental experiences and it lays the foundation for a comprehensive musical training. - movement games and activities for body awareness in space, time and flow, lead to movement improvisation and dance forms. - music and dance have been notated in many different ways in history. Various ways of writing down sounds and music, as well as playing from and interpreting different kinds of sources are being explored. Today, countless teachers and institutions are using these ideas. More and more teachers look for ways of invovling their students in active music making. In particular, they seek to challenge their pupils' creativity by the use of music, dance and speech - as media of human expression - as a foundation of all education. A prerequisite for work in Orff-Schulwerk is the artistic and pedagogical training of teachers. The Orff Institute was founded in 1961 as a Department of the 'Mozarteum', in Salzburg, Austria. Training offered includes a four-year diploma course, a two-year post-graduate course, and a one-year-course in English. At the opening of the Orff Institute in Salzburg in 1963, Carl Orff ended his speech with a quotation from Schiller: 'I have done my part, now do yours.' That challenge has been taken up by teachers worldwide. Welsh Edition This volume closely follows the English Volume 1, substituting Welsh for English wherever words are used in speech or song. It should be used in conjunction with the English version, since only the sung and spoken parts are provided./ Répertoire / Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
15.20 EUR - vendu par LMI-partitions
2-5 jours - En Stock Fournisseur
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Voix, Flûte à Bec et Percussion
Par ORFF CARL. Orff-Schulwerk has been translated and adapted for use in many co...
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