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《尋》古箏與管弦樂 Searching - for Cheng and Orchestra
《尋》古箏與管弦樂 Searching - for Cheng and Orchestra #Contemporary #Ma Shui Long é¦¬æ°´é¾ #《尋》古ç #SpringAutumnmusic #SheetMusicPlus
Small Ensemble - Digital Download SKU: A0.961992 Composed by Ma Shui Long 馬水龍. Contemporary. Score and parts. 33 pages. SpringAutumnmusic #47109. Published by SpringAutumnmusic (A0.961992). 《尋》古箏與管弦樂   在傳統樂器系列中,箏、琴、琵琶…等,其起源發展均有上千年以上悠久的歷史與豐富的彈奏技法,如吟、猱、按、放、走吟、壓吟、飛吟、點頓等等各具獨特的表現風格與韻味,為西方樂器所不能及,作曲者多年來意圖從這些不同特性的傳統樂器中,以不同的形式與美學思維,探尋另一層面的音樂意涵。本曲應古箏演奏家黃好吟委託之作品,先以獨奏曲型態呈現,完成於2005年4月中旬,並由黃好吟於「亞洲作曲家聯盟第25屆會議」在泰國曼谷全球首演。之後作曲者再以古箏與管弦樂合奏方式,尋求東、西方樂器不同的音色特質,在主、從兩者交錯中,融合與對話。 ※古箏與管弦樂初稿完成於2006年10月間、美國波士頓Acton寓所。2007年12月中旬由指揮家邱君強指揮國立台灣交響樂團及古箏演奏家黃好吟分別於台中國立台灣交響樂團演奏廳、高雄市文化中心至德堂及台北國家音樂廳舉行世界首演。 Searching - for Cheng and Orchestra The history of some Chinese traditional musical instruments, such as Cheng, Qin, Pipa, etc., has seen their performing techniques evolved over a thousand years. Many of them have developed their unique stylistic expression and zest with sorts of articulation, which are not to be completed by those of many Western instruments. The composer has long been delving into the characteristics of these traditional instruments, attempting to ferret out further musical meanings from different formal and aesthetic angles. Searching for Cheng and Orchestra, commissioned by the Cheng player Hao-Yin Huang, was originally a solo Cheng piece. It was completed in mid-April, 2005, and was premiered in the same year at the 25th meeting of the Asia Composers’ League held in Bangkok, Thailand. The composer later expanded it into an ensemble piece for Cheng and orchestra, trying to integrate different timbral characters of the Eastern and Western instruments within their dominant-subordinate interactions and dialogues in the piece.