Piano Solo - Intermediate -
Digital Download
Composed by Juan María
Solare. Contemporary
Classical, Post-Romantic,
Neo-Classical, Repertoire,
Funeral. Score. 8 pages.
Published by Juan Maria
SolareSolitudeis Oneself: Three piano pieces:
1 NeverUnderestimate the Difficulties of Simple Things
2 Too MuchBut Still Not Enough
3 Waitingfor Perfection is Waiting Forever
Tranquil, relaxing, "chill",minimalist, expressive music for solo piano.
You can "use" this music formeditation, study, learning, sleeping, relax or praying.
The phrase wherethe title (Solitude is Oneself)comes from belongs to Javier Adúriz (1948-2011), Argentine poet, one ofmy best teachers and friends (the original Spanish reads "La soledad es uno mismo").
Don'tsee any negative aspects in Solitude. In Spanish there is only one word forSolitude and Loneliness (namely "Soledad"). Loneliness is a state ofisolation, without dialog, feeling abandoned and without external points ofreference. But I conceive Solitude as a highely creative state, in which one isfaced to what one actually wants to achieve, with one's thoughts, with one'sself.
NeverUnderestimate the Difficulties of Simple Things. Lots of times I have seenthis in several persons - and in myself: when something is simple, easy anduncomplicated, we tend to underestimate it too much and its hidden difficultiesend up tackling us. We leave to the last moment a text that seems easy tolearn, and we do not assimilate it as we could. Or a chess game that is(really) won, but we feel over-confident, we play with superficiality, we makeslight mistakes one after the other and loose control of the situation.
Thistitle can be understood as self-referent: this particular piano piece seems tobe simple... until you try to perform it really well and record it.
About the ArtWork / Cover Art of Solitudeis Oneself:
It shows a human face (concretely the composer's)faced simmetrically to its silhouette, in black. This illustration alludes tothe title: Solitude is Oneself. Is oneself (the person) facing his ownsolitude, his internal misterious being. A real human facing his own shadow. Itis not a negative shadow: is the shadow of which Shamanism speaks, the ownshadow from where one draws strength.
The music is dedicated to Mr. Cadmiel Pérez from República Dominicana.
Solitude isOneself was recorded by the composer and released as single on Friday 17August 2018 on Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Qobuz, Tidal, Amazon mp3 and nearly all streaming platforms you canimagine.
In Spotify is here:
In Bandcamp is here:
If you readSpanish you can find more about this music here: