Brand: Noise LabDescription from Thomann : - Noise Lab Prime Mover; Eurorack module; extensively equipped CEM3340-based analog VCO; octave switch and manual controls for coarse and fine tuning; adjustable portamento; FM input with attenuator (linear/exponential selectable); waveform outputs for sawtooth, triangle, square and sine, each with a switchable wave shaper; common wave shaper control for all waveforms with CV input and attenuator; hard and soft sync inputs; sub oscillator output (-1 octave or -2 octaves selectable); pitch CV input (1V/oct.) and CV Thru output; power consumption: 57mA (+12V) / 52mA (-12V); width: 16 HP; depth: 26mm
Modular Synthesizers pour SYNTHESIZER KEYBOARD |