Op.6 Etude no.2 Allegro
Op.6 Etude no.2 Allegro
Alastair Lewis

Trumpet solo

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Alastair Lewis
Lewis, Alastair (1974 - )

Trumpet solo



Publisher Lewis, Alastair
Copyright Copyright © Alastair Lewis
Added by alastair-lewis, 23 Aug 2011
Donate to Lewis, Alastair
This piece has a somewhat unusual time signature of 9/8. It has a quick tempo of Allegro. The music is in the key of G major and the total duration is 2 minutes. This music was written as a self-accompanied work, as such the underlying harmonic structure is built into the melody. Some other distinctive features include an abundance of chromatic notes, changes in tempo such as rubato and accelerando, and dramatic fermata.

The trumpet has the highest register in the brass family of musica...
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Written on 2011-09-02 by alastair-lewis
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