James M. Black (1856 - 1938) États-Unis Black startÂed his muÂsicÂal caÂreer with John HowÂard of New York and DanÂiel TownÂer of the Moody BiÂble InÂstiÂtute. He moved to WilÂliamsÂport, PennÂsylÂvanÂia, around 1881, and was an acÂtive memÂber of the Pine Street MethÂodÂist EpisÂcoÂpal Church from 1904 unÂtil his death, servÂing as a song leadÂer and SunÂday school teachÂer. Black alÂso found time to edÂit a dozÂen GosÂpel song books, write alÂmost 1,500 songs, and serve on the comÂmisÂsion for the 1905 MethÂodÂist hymÂnal. (Hide extended text)...(Read all)