I'm Pandu Dewa Nata. I'm from Indonesia. I've been learning music intensively since I was in first grade of junior high school. I learn music specifically piano, for which I've been studying more than 6 years. My musical background is of course classic. Beside that,I also learn popular music. I'm also a freelance music arranger and composer. In my performance, compositions and/or arrangement I combine the touch of classic and popular music. The result is quite overwhelming. My biggest musical influence come from French Pianist, Richard Clayderman. He gives so many influence for me. My favorite composers are Frederick Chopin, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johan Strauss, Johann Sebastian Bach, Johaness Brahms, Antonio Vivaldi, Franz Liszt, and Frank Schubert. I also have my favorite composer and arranger in Indonesia, he is Addie MS. He's the leader of Indonesian biggest and famous orchestra Twillight Orchestra. (Hide extended text)...(Read all)