Canción de cuna argentina
Traditional - Canción de cuna argentina
Guitar solo (with tabs)
ViewPDF : Atahualpa Yupanqui - Canción De Cuna Argentina - Solo Guitar (3 pages - 367.28 Ko)235x
MP3 : Atahualpa Yupanqui - Canción De Cuna Argentina (Concierto en Córdoba, Argentina) 61x 351x
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Instrumentation :

Guitar solo (with tabs)

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Key :D major
Arranger :
Yupanqui, Atahualpa (1908 - 1992)
Publisher :
Rubarth, Lutz
Copyright :Public Domain
Added by lrubarth, 10 Nov 2021

I recently transcribed this cute lullaby and tried to find some information about the mysterious origin of this song because I was curious to know the original title, hear different versions recorded by other interpreters, and learn something about the lyrics. Atahualpa Yupanqui recorded this song 1984 for the label Microfon and it was released on the album “La Pampa De Antes”, that's for sure! The title “Canción De Cuna Argentina” indicates that it's a lullaby from Argentine and the official list of studio recordings tells us that it's a traditional piece, but I couldn't find any reliable information about the original title or the lyrics. So I asked a few Argentinian friends if they recognized the melody, but nobody seemed to have a clue.
As my research continued, I finally found a quite popular lullaby that sounds very similar to the first part of Yupanqui's recording and it's called “Arrorró mi niño”. The word “Arrorró” is supposed to come from the guanche, an extinct language that was spoken by the native people of the Canary Islands. As far as I understand, the guanche word “arrawraw” meens “child” or “baby” and the word “arrorró” is used as a name for lullabies from the Canary Islands. I listened to different recordings of the song “Arrorró mi niño, arrorró mi sol, arrorró pedazo de mi corazón... Este niño lindo ya quiere dormir háganle la cuna de rosa y jazmín.” and I got the impression that Don Atahualpa may have been inspired by this song. Maybe the resemblance is just a coincidence, but still it is posible that he created an instrumental solo guitar version of its theme adding some variations and a few new parts of his own to it and simply called it a traditional “Argentinian Lullaby” because he didn't want to call it his own composition, and preferred to make it appear as a song of anonymous origin, but that's all just speculation! However, the Argentinian guitarist and former director of the magazine “Mundo Guitarristico” Gustavo Aponte pointed out that Yupanqui was not only a composer and artist but also a compiler (“recopilador”) and arranger of folkloristic music, who may have heard a mother singing a modified version of the "Arrorró" or maybe even a completely different lullaby to her baby somewhere on one of his multiple journeys, and later on he might have harmonized the melody from his memory without even knowing the singers name or the lullaby's title. I'm really happy and thankful to Gustavo that he also showed me a rare live recording of the “Canción De Cuna Argentina” from a concert in Córdoba (Argentine, exact location and date unknown). Before Yupanqui starts playing he talks about folkloristic music and how it is passed on “...from generation to generation, from house to house, from night to night, from cradle to cradle, from mothers to their children...” by oral tradition like anonymous songs, and he ends saying that “la canción de cuna” is a folkloristic document. I would have loved to hear what Atahualpa Yupanqui's son Roberto “Kolla” Chavero, president of the “Fundación Atahualpa Yupanqui” (FAY), would have to say about the background of this song, so I wrote a message to the FAY, but they never replied. If you have any information about the origin or recognize the melody and know the original title, please leave a comment.
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